A taxonomic review of Thiotricha Meyrick, 1886 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae, Thiotrichinae) from China, with descriptions of 84 new species Author Lee, Ga-Eun 0000-0002-5774-5850 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China gaeunlee 486 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5774 - 5850 & Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Jeju National University, Jeju 63243, Korea Corresponding author: lihouhun @ nankai. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 8953 - 3422 gaeunlee486@gmail.com Author Li, Houhun 0000-0002-5774-5850 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China gaeunlee 486 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5774 - 5850 & College of Life and Geographic Sciences, Kashi University, Kashi 844000, China; Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Ecology of Pamirs Plateau, Kashi 844000, China gaeunlee486@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2024 2024-05-15 5449 1 1 222 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5449.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5449.1.1 1175-5334 11233121 CAC513A2-D2B4-4E6E-BAB6-CCE6E054680F Thiotricha cochlearis sp. nov. ( Figs 10E , 24P , 34F , 52A ) Type material. Holotype , CHINA, Hainan Province , Wuzhishan City , Shuiman Town , Tea Garden ( 18.88°N , 109.67°E ), 690 m , 5.xi.2016 , leg. Xia Bai , Shuonan Qian and Wanding Qi , genitalia slide no. LGE16363 . Paratypes . CHINA : Hainan Province : 1 ♀ , Jianfengling ( 18.73°N , 108.91°E ), 940 m , 4.vi.2007 , leg. Zhiwei Zhang and Weichun Li ; 1 ♂ , Diaoluoshan Nature Reserves ( 18.43°N , 109.52°E ), 922 m , 24.v.2015 , leg. Peixin Cong , Wei Guan and Sha Hu , genitalia slide no. LGE16030 ; 1 ♀ , Limushan Nature Reserves ( 19.17°N , 109.73°E ), 632 m , 7.i.2016 , leg. Kaijian Teng , Xia Bai and Mengting Chen , genitalia slide no. LGE16351 ; 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ , Wuzhishan Nature Reserves ( 18.90°N , 109.67°E ), 738 m , 27, 29.vii.2016 , leg. Xia Bai , Shuonan Qian and Wanding Qi , genitalia slide nos. LGE 16265m , LGE 16348m ; 1 ♀ , Shuiman Town ( 18.88°N , 109.67°E ), 766 m , Wuzhishan City , 31.vii.2016 , leg. Xia Bai , Shuonan Qian and Wanding Qi , genitalia slide no. LGE16348 . Diagnosis. The new species is characterized by the light ochre forewing scattered with carmine-pink scales and marked with white patches and dark brown streaks. The head, thorax and tegula are sometimes spotted or tinged with carmine-pink. Such coloration and forewing markings are very similar to those of T. albimaculata , but the carmine-pink fringe scales on termen are more extended to the apex in T. cochlearis . Also, the mid tibia of T. cochlearis has two streaks whereas latter species have one. The male genitalia are diagnosed by the serrate inner margin of valva, the spoon-shaped anellus lobe and the short juxtal process near valval base. The female genitalia are easily differentiated from other species by the trapezoidal signum. Description. Adult ( Fig. 10E ). Wingspan 8.0–10.0 mm. Head cream to light ochre, sometimes tinged with carmine-pink posteriorly, frons white. Labial palpus light ochre, strongly mixed with white on inner surface of segments II and III, segment III black-tipped. Antenna with scape light ochre except dorsal surface white; flagellum mixed light ochre and brown, dorsal surface white in basal 1/2, male cilia slightly longer than diameter. Thorax cream to light ochre, often irregularly spotted with carmine-pink. Tegula mixed cream and light ochre, inner margin often carmine-pink. Forewing ground color light ochre, often scattered with carmine-pink; costa with basal 1/3 of anterior edge black, distal 1/4 or 1/5 dark brown; apical spot very small, sometimes elongate or indistinct; dorsum with a large, sometimes indistinct, semicircular patch in basal 1/3 and after middle of wing, respectively; other markings dark brown: a streak arising from base, shortly extended to costa, sometimes not reaching costa; a costal spot at basal 1/3; a broad, irregular band from near base of dorsum, longitudinally running over two white patches close to costa, curved downward after middle and reaching distal 1/4 of dorsum, interrupted by white scales near lower angle of discal cell, its posterior margin often bordered by carmine-pink scales; a somewhat indistinct, short streak from basal 2/5 of dorsum, confluent with former band at middle; two narrow streaks from distal 1/4 of wing, running to apical spot in parallel to costa, often bordered by carmine-pink scales anteriorly; fringe on distal 1/4 of costa brown with creamy base; carmine-pink fringe from termen to near apex, with a metallic terminal band; fringe on dorsum brown. Hindwing and fringe dark fuscous. Legs mixed white and light ochre; fore femur, tibia and tarsus black on outer surface; mid tibia with two black oblique streaks at basal 1/3 and 1/2, respectively, first streak sometimes reduced as a spot and mixed with carmine-pink; hind tibia with an oblique streak near apex; hind tarsus as in mid tarsus. Male sternum VIII ( Fig. 24P ). Approximately 1/6 length of abdomen, with lateral margins broadly concave, bifurcate from posterior 1/6; inner margin U-shaped between two tines, pointed at apex. Male genitalia ( Fig.34F ).Uncus tongue-shaped.Gnathos hook moderately long, simple.Tegumen approximately 3 times as long as uncus. Valva with ventral margin serrate and bulged between basal 1/3 and 2/3, distal 1/4 slightly broadened, rounded at apex. Anellus lobe approximately 1/5 length of valva, strongly curved inward; spoon-shaped, basal 1/2 very slender, oval in distal 1/2, bearing sparse setae along apical margin. Juxta with a short, pointed process near base of valva, broadly convex at base. Vinculum broadly convex. Saccus broad, not exceeding tegumen pedunculus, rounded at apex. Aedeagus with basal 1/3 dilated, gradually narrowed to distal 1/3, blunt at apex. Female genitalia ( Fig. 52A ). Papillae anales weakly sclerotized. Apophyses anteriores 3/5 of apophyses posteriores. Tergum VIII deeply concave medially. Sternum VIII broadly elongate anteriorly. Ostium bursae round, opening in anterior half of sternum VIII. Ductus bursae narrow, with a short colliculum near base; ductus seminalis arising from basal 1/3. Corpus bursae elliptical, as long or slightly shorter than ductus bursae; signum large and trapezoidal, situated at middle. Distribution. China ( Hainan ). Etymology. The species name is from Latin cochlearis (spoon-shaped), referring to the spoon-shaped anellus lobe. Remarks. This species is Thiotricha sp. 6 in Lee et al . (2021) for) for the phylogenetic study of Thiotrichinae , and the genetic sequences are available from GenBank.