A redescription of the genus Cyrebion Fairmaire, 1891, with notes on related taxa and distribution (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) Author Yang, Y. X. Author Yang, X. K. text Journal of Natural History 2010 2010-02-22 44 9 - 10 579 588 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930903383586 journal article 10.1080/00222930903383586 1464-5262 5207756 Cyrebion laticorne Fairmaire, 1891 ( Figures 1A,B , 2A ) Cyrebion laticorne Fairmaire, 1891 : ccvii. Female ( Figure 1A,B ) Body length from apex of clypeus to apices of elytra 12.8 mm , maximal breadth at elytra 4.2 mm . Head behind antennal sockets black, frons and ventral side brown, more or less darkened in middle of clypeus, mouthparts brown, maxillary palpi and apices of mandibles dark, antennae black, antennomeres I–III brown ventrally; pronotum brown, darkened on convex parts; scutellum and elytra black; legs black, posterior sides of femora dark brown; thoracic meso- and metasternites black; abdomen black, last abdominal segment brown. Body covered with black pubescence, mixed with brown pubescence on brown area. Head. Eyes weakly protruding, breadth across eyes distinctly narrower than anterior margin of pronotum, surface finely and densely punctuated, a pair of slightly distinct impressions behind antennal sockets; antennae extending to basal one-third of elytra, antennomere II twice as long as wide, antennomeres III–X strongly flattened and widened, slightly concave dorsally, antennomere VIII widest, antennomere XI slightly widened, tapered apically. Figure 1. Habitus of Cyrebion Fairmaire. (A, B) Cyrebion laticorne Fairmaire : (A) lectotype female, (B) female of Guangxi; (C, D) Cyrebion subrufolineatus (Wittmer) comb. nov. : (C) holotype male, (D) female of Sichuan, Luding; (E, F) Cyrebion gracilicornis sp. nov. : (E) holotype male, (F) paratype female of Shaanxi. Pronotum. About 1.8 times wider than long, disc distinctly convex in middle, densely and finely punctuated. Elytra. Widest at apical one-fifth, about 2.3 times longer than wide, five times longer than pronotum, breadth across humeri slightly wider than posterior margin of pronotum; disc densely and largely punctuated. Figure 2. Aedeagus and female sternite VIII of Cyrebion Fairmaire. (A) Cyrebion laticorne Fairmaire ; (B–E) Cyrebion subrufolineatus (Wittmer) comb. nov. , (F–I) Cyrebion gracilicornis sp. nov. : (A, E, I) female sternite VIII, ventral view; (B–D, F–H) aedeagus: (B, F) ventral view, (C, G) dorsal view, (D, H) lateral view. Scale bars 1 mm. Abdominal sternite VIII deeply and roundly emarginated in middle of apical margin, longitudinally convex on both sides, uniformly covered with short setae ( Figure 2A ). Male Unknown. Variation Body length 12.5–14.1 mm , breadth 3.8–4.9 mm . Type specimens examined Lectotype : female, China : Hubei , Changyang , “ Cyrebion laticorne Fairm. ” (manuscript label of Fairmaire) . Paralectotype : one female , Changyang (handwritten by Wittmer). (all in MNHN ) . Additional specimens examined. China : one female , Guangxi , Longsheng , Baiyan , 1150 m , 20 June 1963 , S.Y. Wang leg. ; one female , Guizhou , Fanjingshan , Huguosi , 1350 m , 3 August 2001 , Q. Z. Song leg. (all in IZAS ) . Distribution China ( Hubei , Guangxi , Guizhou ) . Remarks Wittmer (1972) suggested that this species may be a member of Lycocerus Gorham, 1889 , but according to the original manuscript instead of type specimens. In this study, the types were located and examined. Although this species has flattened antennae, it cannot belong to Lycocerus because of the strongly transverse pronotum. Instead, it seems similar to some species of Themus ( Haplothemus ) but is characterized by the posterior margin of the pronotum being strongly bordered and emarginated in the middle, also antennae are flattened and widened, which is not found in the latter.