Review of Tumidiclava Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) from Xingjiang, China, with description of two new species and taxonomic notes on other Holarctic taxa Author Aishan, Zhulidezi Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Author Hu, Hong-Ying text Zootaxa 2015 3949 3 393 407 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.3.5 4426b990-142e-41c8-a4d1-e022a9b70557 1175-5326 245817 336861A4-7548-4578-86C1-E3FCEE5904C0 Tumidiclava minuscula Nowicki, 1940 ( Figs 24–26 ) Tumidiclava ( Orthoneurella ) minuscula Nowicki 1940 : 655 –657. Tumidiclava minuscula Nowicki : Doutt & Viggiani 1968 : 549 (list); Yousuf et al. 1998 : 7 (mentioned); Fursov 2007: 985 (key, brief diagnosis, distribution). Orthoneurella minuscola [sic] Nowicki: Viggiani 2011 : 104 (list, misspelled). Type material examined. Lectotype of Tumidiclava ( Orthoneurella ) minuscula Nowicki [ DEZA ] here designated to avoid the existing ambiguity about the type status of the specimens standing under this name in the S. Novicky main collection of Trichogrammatidae . The lectotype is the fifth microslide from the top on the same pin with 6 other microslides, in the completely dried water-soluble mounting medium, and is labeled: "Le Rouret AM VI. VII.35 Orthoneurella minuscula cotype". The lectotype needs to be remounted in Canada balsam; its condition is rather poor at this point although it appears to be more or less complete. It fits the original description of Nowicki (1940) . Paralectotypes [ DEZA ]: 5 specimens on the same pin with the lectotype , as follows: 1 female (the top microslide), labeled: "Le Rouret A.M. VI-VII.35 ♀ Tumidiclava minuscula "; an empty microslide, from which the specimen is lost (the second microslide from the top), labeled: ”Le Rouret A.M. VI-VII.35 ♀ Tumidiclava minuscula "; 1 male (the third microslide from the top), same label except for the male symbol; 1 female (the fourth microslide from the top), labeled: ”Le Rouret A.M. VI. VII.35 Tumidiclava minuscula cotype ♀"; 1 male (the sixth microslide from the top), labeled: ”Le Rouret A.M. VI. VII.35 Tumidiclava minuscula cotype ♂"; 1 male (the seventh microslide from the top), labeled: ”Le Rouret A.M. VI. VII.35 Orthoneurella minuscula cotype ♂". Other material examined. ITALY . LAZIO , Roma Prov., Castelporziano Presidential Estate, Ponte Guidoni, 41°45.415’N 12°23.851’E , 80 m , 11– , M. Bologna, J. Munro, A. Owen, J.D. Pinto [3♀, UCRC ]. SICILY, 10 km NW of Geraci Siculo, 1992 , J.D. Pinto [1♀, UCRC ]. KYRGYZSTAN . TALAS , Kara Buura Ravine ( 20 km S of Kyzyl-Adyr), 42°26’23’’N 71°3316’’E, 1300 m , , C.H. Dietrich [1♀, UCRC ] Diagnosis. FEMALE (based on specimens from Italy ). Body brown, except head yellow, ocelli dark, and eyes red, legs yellow. Antenna ( Fig. 24 ): club slightly longer than wide, basal segment the shortest, apical segment the longest and with 4 PLS, terminal process as long as second claval segment. Fore wing ( Fig. 25 ) with a brown area behind apex of submarginal vein and base of marginal veins; disc densely setae, setae irregularly arranged. Ovipositor ( Fig. 26 ) long and slightly exerted, arising from fourth gastral sternite. MALE. See Nowicki (1940) . Distribution. France ( Nowicki 1940 ), Hungary ( Erdös 1956 ), Italy (new record), Kyrgyzstan (new record), and Slovakia ( Kalina 1989 ). Hosts. Unknown. Comments. This species was described originally from a short series of syntypes of both sexes (although in the legend to the illustration of the pair of wings Nowicki (1940) mentioned a male “ Type ”) from Le Rouret (Alpes-Maritimes, France , the collection locality of the lectotype and the paralectotypes listed above) and also Hyères (near Toulon, Var, France ); one female from the latter locality has not been found. Examination of the type specimens and also the good original description leaves no doubt about the correct identification of the examined non-type specimens from Italy and Kyrgyzstan .