Review of Tumidiclava Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) from Xingjiang, China, with description of two new species and taxonomic notes on other Holarctic taxa Author Aishan, Zhulidezi Author Triapitsyn, Serguei V. Author Hu, Hong-Ying text Zootaxa 2015 3949 3 393 407 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3949.3.5 4426b990-142e-41c8-a4d1-e022a9b70557 1175-5326 245817 336861A4-7548-4578-86C1-E3FCEE5904C0 Tumidiclava pulchrinotum Girault, 1911 ( Figs 27–32 ) Tumidiclava pulchrinotum Girault 1911 : 8 –9. Tumidiclava pulchrinotum Girault : Peck 1963 : 77 (catalog); Doutt &Viggiani 1968 : 549 (list); Pinto 2006 : 111 (distribution). Type material examined. Holotype female ( Fig. 31 ) [National Museum of Natural History, Washington, District of Columbia , USA ( USNM ) on slide ( Fig. 32 ) labeled: 1. “ Tumidiclava pulchrinotum Girault. Type ♀. Type No. 13390 [red]”; 2. “ Tumidiclava [an unknown word crossed out in black ink] pulchrinotum [an unknown word crossed out in black ink] Girault ♀ Type Sep. 9th – 1909 xylol – balsam Illinois [in blue ink]". The holotype is located at the lower edge of the coverslip and is semi-circled with India ink; it is mounted under the same coverslip with an Anaphes sp. ( Hymenoptera : Mymaridae ). The holotype is complete and mounted semilaterally, but is in poor condition, especially all the wings are not clearly visible. Other material examined. USA . ILLINOIS: Champaign Co., Urbana, 3.ix.1983 , J.T. & D.E. Huber [2♀, UCRC ]. Cook Co., Chicago, Clayton Smith Forest Preserve, 31.vii.1989 , J.D. Pinto [1♀, UCRC ]. Kane Co., 1 mi . S of Algonquin on Fox River, , H. Andersen [1♀, UCRC ]. Washington Co., Du Bois, 4.ix.1983 , J.T. & D.E. Huber [2♀, 2♂ , UCRC ]. MISSOURI: Wayne Co., Williamsville, 16.vii-8.viii.1988 , J.T. Baker [1♀, UCRC ]. PENNSYLVANIA: Bradford Co., Wilawana, , R.H. Crandall [1♀, UCRC ]. Diagnosis. FEMALE (based on holotype and non-type specimens from USA ). Body color generally opaque black to yellowish, eyes and ocelli dark garnet. Antenna ( Fig 28 ): apical segment of club the longest and with 3 PLS, terminal process longer than second claval segment. Fore wing ( Fig. 29 ) with a light brown area behind apex of submarginal vein and base of marginal vein. Ovipositor long and slightly exserted, arising from end of third gastral sternite. MALE (based on non-type specimens from Illinois, USA ). Body length about 0.6 mm . Antenna ( Fig. 27 ) short, with club 3-segmented, scape length/ pedicel length = 1.22, scape 2.75× as long as wide; pedicel 2.00× as long as wide; two small anelli subequal, the second anellus appressed to club, 2.67× as long as wide, and at least 3 PLS, all claval segments almost of equal length. Genitalia ( Fig. 30 ) with apodemes half of aedeagal length. FIGURES 27–32. Tumidiclava pulchrinotum Girault (Urbana, Illinois, USA): 27, ♂ antenna; 28, ♀ antenna; 29, ♀ fore wing; 30, ♂ genitalia; 31, holotype ♀ slide; 32, holotype ♀ slide. Distribution. USA ( Girault 1911 ) and Uruguay ( De Santis 1979 ). Lin (1994) also listed it from Australia , without providing any reference(s). The non-North American country records need verification. According to Pinto (2006) , this species is broadly distributed in North America . Hosts. Unknown. Comments. This species was described from the holotype from Centralia, Illinois, USA (as “ Type ”), one paratype female from Urbana, Illinois (as a “Cotype”), and one non-type female from Centralia.