Synopsis of the terrestrial Reptiles of Equatorial Guinea Author Sánchez-Vialas, Alberto Author Calvo-Revuelta, Marta 0000-0002-8628-1055 Author Riva, Ignacio De La 0000-0001-5064-4507 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-11-03 5202 1 1 197 journal article 182444 10.11646/zootaxa.5202.1.1 45ba25c1-47a9-4001-93d9-294815bf37e7 1175-5326 7285600 BF4831D2-D98B-4265-9138-03DB8607B826 Feylinia currori Gray, 1845 Figure 14A Feylinia currori Gray, 1845: 129 . Type locality: “ Angola ”. Distribution . Widely distributed in Central Africa. It extends from Sierra Leone to western Kenya at Kakamega forest. In Equatorial Guinea it has been recorded in Río Muni ( Brygoo & Roux-Estève 1983 ) at Cabo San Juan ( Boulenger 1905 ), Bata and Benito River ( Wagner & Schmitz 2006 ) and Monte Alén National Park ( Lasso et al. 2002 ) ( Map 15A ). Comments. The examined specimen (MNCN 23911), a juvenile, presents 22 scale rows at mid-body and the third supralabial contacting the eye. These traits correspond to those of F. currori . Brygoo & Roux-Estève (1983) reviewed this genus and Wagner & Schmitz (2006) updated the geographic distribution of F. currori . Lasso et al. (2002) reported a single specimen in a cultivated field of Monte Alén National Park. Specimens examined. One specimen. Gulf of Guinea , Equatorial Guinea , without specific locality, but likely from Cabo San Juan as part of the material examined by Boulenger (1905) (MNCN 23911).