The bees of the genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Author Vivallo, Felipe text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-03-19 618 1 47 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2020.618 eb3e0d4d-e623-4c58-ab31-9833367933bd 3722950 FB1B58E6-7E40-4C16-9DFF-2EA5D43BC0B3 Centris caesalpiniae Cockerell, 1897 Centris caesalpiniae Cockerell, 1897a: 394–395 . Type data This species was described based on one male and three females from Las Cruces, New Mexico , United States . According to the original description, Cockerell collected the type series on May 18, 1897 , on Caesalpinia falcaria Fischer (Caesalpiniaceae) . Two females were found at ZMB and ANSP bearing an original label of Cockerell that agrees with the data and the flower record cited by Cockerell. A female labeled “cotype” and a male labeled “Type” by Cockerell were found at NMNH and AMNH , respectively, but they don’t have the date of collecting or the floral host. All these four specimens must compose the original type series studied by Cockerell. Although Cockerell (1897a) did not mention in the original description which specimen is the holotype , it can be inferred from the label of the male housed at AMNH . This interpretation is supported by the Articles 73.1.2 and of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature ( ICZN 1999). The male holotype is haused at AMNH and has the following data label: Las Cruces NM [printed]\ C. caesalpiniae Type [handwritten]\ AMNH _IZC 00323433 [data matrix code] [printed]. Female paratype haused at ZMB has the following data label: Las Cruces NM [printed]\ on Caesalpinia falcaria May 18. (Ckll) [handwritten]\ caesalpiniae cotype [handwritten]\ Centris caesalpiniae Cockll [handwritten] 1910 Friese det. [printed]\ [orange label] Typus [printed]\ Coll. Friese [printed]. Female paratype haused at ANSP has the following data label: Las Cruces NM [printed]\ on Caesalpinia falcaria May 18. (Ckll) [handwritten]\ C. caesalpiniae cotype. [handwritten]\ [red label] Type [printed]\ 1980 Loan to USNM from Acad. of Nat. Sciences at Philadelphia [printed]. Female paratype haused at NMNH has the following data label: Las Cruces NM [printed]\ C. caesalpiniae cotype. [handwritten]\ [red label] Co- [handwritten] Type No. [printed] 3149 [handwritten] U.S. N.M. [printed]. Type locality United States : New Mexico State : Las Cruces.