3567 Author Cruz Da Silva, Estevam L. Author Carico, James E. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-11-29 3567 1 64 journal article 1175­5334 80BD7F09-06D8-4C00-84AC-FB487E676FF1 Thaumasia heterogyna Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936 Figs 2 , 9 , 21 , 68–79 Thaumasia heterogyna Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936: 15 , plate IV, fig. 26, female holotype from Barro Colorado Island , Panama [ 08°59’N , 79°33’W ], 30.I-09.II.1928 , A. M. Chickering (MCZ 91345) (examined). Thaumasia argyrotypa Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936: 16 , plate IV, figs. 24, 25, female holotype from Barro Colorado Island , Panama [ 08°59’N , 79°33’W ], 30.I-09.II.1928 , A. M. Chickering (MCZ 91344) (examined). New Synonymy Newly established junior synonyms of Thaumasia heterogyna . Examination of the types of Thaumasia heterogyna and Thaumasia argyrotypa revealed that they belong to the same species, based on the shape of the female genitalia. Since Thaumasia argyrotypa was described in subsequent pages to Thaumasia heterogyna , it is synonymized with the later. Both males and females were frequently found together in many scientific collections and also collected together in the field. Diagnosis. The females of T. heterogyna resemble those of T. caxiuana sp. nov. in the general shape of the middle field of the epigynum ( Fig. 92 ), but can be distinguished by the shallower lateral excavations in the middle field of epigynum ( Figs. 68, 69 ), by the short head of spermathecae ( Figs 72, 73 ) The males resemble those of T. scoparia ( Fig. 145 ) and T. velox ( Fig. 57 ) in the short median apophysis ( Fig. 77 ), but can be distinguished by the acute and triangular tip of the median apophysis ( Figs 76, 77 ) and by the flattened and folded tip of the ectal branch of RTA ( Fig. 79 ). Description. Female ( Holotype , Barro Colorado Island, Panama , MCZ 91345). Total length 13.30. Carapace 7.98 long, 5.98 wide, light brown, with dark brown bristles laterally; fovea marked. Clypeus light brown, 0.62 high. Anterior eye row straight, 1.14 wide; posterior recurved, 2.01 wide. Eye diameters, interdistances, and median ocular quadrangle: AME 0.21, ALE 0.14, PME 0.27, PLE 0.15; AME-AME 0.18, AME-ALE 0.16, PME- PME 0.40, PME-PLE 0.46, OQA 0.58, OQP 0.96, OQH 0.65. Chelicerae light brown, bristly. Sternum yellow, bristly; 2.66 long, 2.92 wide. Labium light brown, lighter distally, 0.93 long, 0.66 wide. Legs light brown, unmarked; with tufts of setae on the coxae of leg I; relative length: IV-II-I-III, I—femur 8.64/ patella-tibia 10.77/ metatarsus 7.04/ tarsus 3.05/ total 29.50; II—8.91/ 10.64/ 7.18/ 2.52/ 29.25; III—7.98/ 9.44/ 6.25/ 2.79/ 26.46; IV—9.84/ 11.57/ 8.24/ 3.99/ 33.64. Ventral pairs of macrosetae on tibiae: I-4; II-4; III-3; IV-3. Superior tarsal claw with eight teeth and inferior with one tooth ( Fig. 75 ). Abdomen 7.98 long, grayish-green, with two lateral bands of white bristles. Venter gray with two median whitish bands and scattered setae. Female epigynum with middle field laterally less deeply excavated ( Figs 68, 69 ) and with a conspicuous and rounded hood ( Fig. 68 ). Head of spermathecae short ( Figs 72, 73 ) and ( Figs 71, 72 ). Male ( Rio Grande do Sul , Brazil , MCTP 8839). Total length 13.96. Carapace 7.58 long, 7.04 wide, colour as in female ( Fig. 9 ). Clypeus as in female, 0.65 high. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, 1.41 wide ( Fig. 21 ); posterior recurved, 2.15 wide. Eye diameters, interdistances, and median ocular quadrangle: AME 0.27, ALE 0.15, PME 0.37, PLE 0.18; AME-AME 0.12, AME-ALE 0.16, PME-PME 0.40, PME-PLE 0.21, OQA 0.68, OQP 1.05, OQH 0.85. Chelicerae reddish-brown, with long lateral bristles ( Fig. 21 ). Sternum as in female, with scattered setae; 2.66 long, 3.59 wide. Labium light brown, 1.33 long, 0.93 wide. Legs as in female, relative length: IV-I-II-III, I—femur 11.97/ patella-tibia 13.96/ metatarsus 9.28/ tarsus 3.94/ total 39.15; II—11.17/ 14.23/ 9.31/ 3.99/ 38.70; III—9.04/ 11.57/ 7.44/ 3.32/ 31.37; IV—11.70/ 13.83/ 9.97/ 4.12/ 39.62. Ventral pairs of macrosetae on tibiae: I-5; II-5; III-4; IV-3. Abdomen 7.44 long, light brown. Venter light brown, with scattered setae. Male palpus with a short median apophysis ( Figs. 76, 77 ); subtegulum elongated ( Fig. 76 ). Ental branch of RTA with an elongated tip and ectal branch of RTA short and with a thin apex ( Figs 78, 79 ). Other material examined . PANAMA , Colon : Canal Zone Barro Colorado Island [ 08°59’N , 79°33’W ], 5 ♀ , no date, A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91173) , 1 ♀ , 14-18.I.1958 , A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91224) , 5 ♀ , no date, A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91174) , 1 ♀ , 15.VII.1950 , A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91197) , 2 ♀ , no date, A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91175) , 1 ♂ , 21.VII.1954 , A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91187) , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , VIII.1983 , P. Sierwald ( USNM ) ; Madden Dam , 1 ♀ , 02.I.1958 , A. M. Chickering ( MCZ 91216) ; Santa Rosa [ 09°11’00.36”N , 79°39’21.08”W ], 1 ♀ , IX.1945 , C. D. Michener ( MCZ 91188) ; Santa Lúcia [ 08°25’N , 80°32’W ], 1 ♂ , 14.II.1879 , unknown collector ( MCZ 91177) . COLOMBIA , Meta : Puerto Lleras , Lomalinda [ 03°18’N , 73°22’W ], 1 ♀ , no date, B. T . Carroll ( USNM ) . VENEZUELA , Amazonas : Rio Bário [ 02°48’N , 65°07’W ], 1 ♀ , 07-09. V .1984 , J. Cracraft ( AMNH ) . BOLIVIA , Beni : San Borja , Estacion Ecológica Beni [ 14°22’S , 65°06’W ], 1 ♀ , 06-08.IX.1987 , W. E. Steiner ( USNM ) . BRAZIL , Amazonas : Coari , Cacoal-Solimões [ 04°05’S , 63°09’W ], 1 ♀ , 01.IX-08.XI.2003 , Venticinque & Rego ( EX- INPA 2719 ) ; Novo Airão-Moura , Parque Nacional do Jaú , Igapó do Rio Jaú [ 02°37’S , 60°57’W ], 1 ♀ , 30. VI .2000 , E. M. Venticinque ( IBSP 39941 ) ; Acre : Rio Purú [ 09°51’S , 69°21’W ], 1 ♂ , 15-18.IX.1973 , B. Paterson ( MCZ 91416) ; Mato Grosso do Sul : Bataguassu , Rio Pardo [ 21°42’44.54”S , 52°25’41.02”W ], 1 ♀ , 22- 25. V .2001 , D. F. Candiani & C. Y. Fukami ( IBSP 39460 ) ; Corumbá [ 19°00’S , 57°40’W ], 1 ♀ , 2004, J. Raizer ( IBSP 133974 ) ; Mato Grosso : Vale do São Domingos , Pontes de Lacerda , Usina Hidrelétrica de Guaporé [ 15°17’S , 59°05’W ], 1 ♀ , X.1999 , Equipe Resgate ( IBSP 41641 ) , 1 ♂ , 3 ♀ , X.1999 , Equipe Resgate ( IBSP 41565 ) , 5 ♀ , X.1999 , Equipe Resgate ( IBSP 41528 ) , 1 ♂ , 10 ♀ , X.1999 , Equipe Resgate ( IBSP 40368 ) , 3 ♂ , 5 ♀ , X.1999 , Equipe Resgate ( IBSP 41428 ) ; Distrito Federal : Planaltina [ 15°37’S , 47°40’W ], 6 ♂ , 6 ♀ , no date, R . B. Pereira ( DZUB 5163 ) ; Sobradinho [ 15°38’S , 47°49’W ], 2 ♂ , 2 ♀ , 22.X.2005 , unknown collector ( DZUB 3979 ) ; Tocantins : Miracema , Usina Hidrelétrica Luís Eduardo Magalhães [ 10°02’S , 48°21’W ], 1 ♀ , 11-21.X.2001 , R . Bertani & W. I. Toledo ( IBSP 31517 ) , 1 ♀ , 05.I.2002 , D. M. Cândido & M. Costa ( IBSP 40439 ) ; Goiás : Caldas Novas [ 17°45’S , 48°38’W ], 1 ♀ , 18.III.2005 , D. Diniz ( DZUB 1576 ) ; Minas Gerais : Martinho Campos [ 19°19’S , 45°15’W ], 1 ♀ , 23.X.2003 , A. J Santos ( IBSP 42912 ) ; Lavras [ 21°15’S , 45°00’W ], 1 ♀ , 30.I.1979 , W. Don Fronk ( MCZ 91202) ; Bahia : Mucuri , Fazenda Anfíbia [ 18°03’S , 39°33’W ], 2 ♀ , 20.VIII.1979 , Unknown collector ( UBTU 3383 ) ; Santa Rita de Cássia [ 10°50’S , 44°28’W ], 1 ♀ , 27.IV.2001 , R . Bertani & E. K. Kashimata ( IBSP 39494 ) ; São Paulo : Presidente Epitácio [ 21°47’S , 52°09’W ], 1 ♀ , 20-25.III.2001 , J. P. Guadanucci & R . Bertani ( IBSP 38591 ) ; Primavera / Rosana , Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta [ 20°33’S , 48°35’W ], 3 ♀ , XI- XII.1998 , Equipe IBSP ( IBSP 28656 ) ; Espírito Santo : Guaçuí , São José do Calçado [ 20°46’S , 41°41’W ], 1 ♂ , 30.XI.2002 , B. C. A. Elias ( IBSP 56107 ) ; Rio Grande do Sul : Capela de Santana [ 29°43’S , 51°20’W ], 3 ♂ , 3 ♀ , 26.XII.2009 , E. L. C. Silva ( MCTP 8840 , 8841 , 8842 ) , 6 ♂ , 5 ♀ , 30.XII.2011 , E. L. C. Silva ( MCTP 33347 , 33348 , 33349 ) . Distribution. Panama , Colombia , Venezuela , Bolivia , Brazil ( Fig. 2 ).