Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy Camponotus subgenus Mayria (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) using qualitative and quantitative morphology Author Rakotonirina, Jean Claude Author Fisher, Brian L. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-06-20 4438 1 1 58 journal article 29854 10.11646/zootaxa.4438.1.1 3338d9d4-c5fa-4f77-89fb-901b1e028237 1175-5326 1294121 55BEB1B1-DA14-4CC4-92EB-1EA98AD6277C Camponotus manabo Rakotonirina & Fisher sp. n. ( Figures 5A , 29 , 37 ) Holotype worker. Madagascar : Province Toamasina , Bevolota 17.1 km N Andasibe , -18.77071, 48.43164, 995 m , ex rotten log, montane rainforest, 12 Dec 2007 (B.L. Fisher et al. ) collection code: BLF19324, specimen code: CASENT0135055 (CASC). Paratype . 1 worker with same data as holotype but with specimen code: CASENT0135056 ( CASC ). Diagnosis. Median portion of clypeus with a longitudinal carina; in lateral view, mesosoma short and high; body entirely dark brown to black without any white spots, dorsum of mesosoma covered with 15 to 20 long erect hairs and scattered short pubescence; anteromedian margin of clypeus broadly convex; dorsal margin of petiolar node convex. Description. Minor worker. In full-face view, head elongate, lateral margin straight and diverging posteriorly, rounding to the slightly medially excised posterior margin. Anterior clypeal margin broadly convex; median carina short and located in its posterior quarter. Eyes not breaking lateral outlines of head; their posterior margins located far behind the mid-length of the head (PoOc/CL: 0.27±0.01; 0.25–0.28). Mandible triangular, apical margin with six sharp teeth. Antennal scape long, roughly its distal half extending beyond posterior cephalic border. In lateral view, dorsal outline of mesosoma a continuous convexity; propodeal dorsum rounding to declivity surface; propodeal dorsum roughly twice as long as the declivity is high; propodeal spiracle slit-like. Petiolar node higher than long, its dorsal margin convex. Dorsum of mesosoma covered with whitish, elongate, erect hairs of the same height as propodeal declivity and sparse short pubescence. Body color entirely black and appendages reddish-black. Major worker. Differing from minor worker in the following characters: enlarged head with noticeably concave posterior margin; robust mesosoma, with distinct metanotum, propodeal dorsum twice as long as height of declivity; petiolar node tapering dorsally. Discussion. Camponotus manabo can be distinguished from the other species in the Mayria group by the presence of median longitudinal carina on its clypeus, the short and high mesosoma, and the existence of numerous erect hairs and a small quantity of short pubescence on the dorsum of the mesosoma. The qualitative, morphology-based study of C. matsilo is in agreement with the multivariate morphometric technique and both methods support the taxonomic delimitation for this species. The validity of the species, which is supported by the grouping obtained from NC-clustering and partitioning methods, is confirmed by LDA with an identification success of 100%. Distribution and biology. Endemic to Madagascar , C. manabo is geographically recorded from the eastern rainforests and montane rainforests of Madagascar . Its distribution ranges from Ambanizana in the north to the Corridor Forestier Analamay-Mantadia, Ambatoharanana in the center through the Vevembe Forest and down to Ivohibe Forest in the south. Worker specimens have been found foraging mostly on the ground and in leaf litter, and nest sites are in rotten logs. Additional material examined. Province Fianarantsoa : Forêt de Vevembe, 66.6 km 293° Farafangana, 600 m , -22.791, 47.18183, rainforest, transition to montane forest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ); Province Toamasina : Réserve Spéciale Ambatovaky, Sandrangato river, 360 m , -16.81753, 49.29498, rainforest, ( CASC ); Réserve Spéciale Ambatovaky, Sandrangato river, 480 m , -16.80561, 49.29507, rainforest, ( CASC ); 5.3 km SSE Ambanizana, Andranobe, 425 m , -15.67133, 49.97395, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher) ( CASC ); 6.9 km NE Ambanizana, Ambohitsitondroina, 825 m , -15.58506, 50.00952, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher) ( CASC ); Bevolota 17.1 km N Andasibe, 995 m , -18.77071, 48.43164, montane rainforest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ); Corridor Forestier Analamay-Mantadia, Ambatoharanana, 1058 m , -18.79956, 48.4028, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ); Corridor Forestier Analamay-Mantadia, Ambohibolakely, 918 m , -18.77898, 48.36375, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ); F.C. Andriantantely, 530 m , -18.695, 48.81333, rainforest, (H.J. Ratsirarson) ( CASC ); Forêt Ambatovy, 14.3 km 57° Moramanga, 1075 m , -18.85083, 48.32, montane rainforest, (Malagasy ant team) ( CASC ); Montagne d'Akirindro 7.6 km 341° NNW Ambinanitelo, 600 m , -15.28833, 49.54833, rainforest, (Fisher, Griswold et al. ) ( CASC ); PARC NATIONAL Mantadia, 895 m , -18.79167, 48.42667, rainforest, (H.J. Ratsirarson) ( CASC ); Réserve Naturelle Betampona, 34.08 km 332° Toamasina , 525 m , -17.91977, 49.20039, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher) ( CASC ); Sahafina forest 11.4 km W Brickaville, 140 m , -18.81445, 48.96205, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ); Station Forestière Analamazaotra, Analamazaotra 1.3 km S Andasibe, 980 m , -18.38466, 48.41271, montane rainforest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ); Province Toliara : Forêt Ivohibe 55.0 km N Tolagnaro, 200 m , - 24.569, 47.204, rainforest, (B.L. Fisher et al. ) ( CASC ).