Revision of the Peruvian tarantula Homoeomma peruvianum (Chamberlin, 1916): description of a new genus with eleven new species and insights to the evolution of montane tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae)
Radan Kaderka
Roztoky u Prahy, Czech Republic
Tim Lüddecke
Department of Bioresources, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Giessen, Germany; cLOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics TBG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Milan Řezáč
Crop Research Institute, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Veronika Řezáčová
Crop Research Institute, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Martin Hüsser
Rudolfstetten, Switzerland
Journal of Natural History
41 - 44
journal article
Urupelma atarraz
sp. n.
Figures 39–41
Tables 15
MUSM-ENT 0508428
) from
Villa Rica
Quebrada Atarraz
1598 m
April 2015
, Juan Grados col
Figure 38.
Urupelma ashaninka
sp. n.
, female spermathecae with fused seminal receptacles, terminating with two oval lobes, dorsally slightly concave.
. Female paratype (MUSM-ENT 0511139) from Peru, Junín, Puerto Ocopa. Spermathecae dissected from specimen in alcohol.
. Dorsal view.
. Ventral view.
. Female paratype (MUSM-ENT 0511140) from Peru, Junín, Puerto Ocopa. Spermathecae dissected from specimen in alcohol.
. Dorsal view.
. Ventral view.
. Female (MUSM-ENT 0513573) from Peru, Junín, Puerto Ocopa. Spermathecae dissected from exuvia.
. Free.
. Female (MUSM-ENT 0513573) from Peru, Junín, Puerto Ocopa. Spermathecae dissected from exuvia.
. Dorsal view.
. Ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photo by R. Kaderka.
The specific name refers to the
locality along the
Quebrada Atarraz River
in the
Figure 39.
Urupelma atarraz
sp. n.
, male holotype (MUSM-ENT 0508428) from Peru, Pasco, Villa Rica, Quebrada Atarraz, 1598 m a.s.l.
. Carapace, dorsal view.
. Sternum, labium, maxillae and coxae, ventral view.
. Abdomen, dorsal view.
. Ocular tubercle, dorsal view.
Labium and left maxilla, ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photo by R. Kaderka.
Table 15.
Urupelma atarraz
sp. n.
Male holotype (MUSM-ENT 0508428) from Quebrada Atarraz, Villa Rica, Pasco, Peru. Lengths of palpal and leg segments.
Femur |
Patella |
Tibia |
Metatarsus |
Tarsus |
Total |
Palp |
4.9 |
3.0 |
4.3 |
– |
1.8 |
14.0 |
Leg I |
7.9 |
4.6 |
6.9 |
5.5 |
4.7 |
29.6 |
Leg II |
7.1 |
4.0 |
5.5 |
5.1 |
4.4 |
26.1 |
Leg III |
6.5 |
3.2 |
4.6 |
6.0 |
4.0 |
24.3 |
Leg IV |
8.6 |
3.8 |
7.4 |
9.0 |
4.7 |
33.5 |
The males of
U. atarraz
sp. n.
differ from all congeners, except for
U. ashaninka
sp. n.
U. johannae
sp. n.
U. megantonianum
sp. n.
, in the presence of urticating setae of
IV (only
III setae are present in the other congeners).
The males of
U. atarraz
sp. n.
differ from all congeners in the presence of short and stout embolus with well-developed PI and developed R keel, PS keel is absent (
Figure 41
). Two unequal subapical apophyses are present on male tibia I, basally fused, both with long spine. Palpal tibia retrolaterally with a cluster of short spiniform setae, the retrolateral process indistinct. Males of
U. atarraz
sp. n.
differ from
U. veronicae
sp. n.
U. dianae
sp. n.
in having R keel developed and less developed TP in palpal bulb (weakly developed R keel and the presence of well-developed TP in palpal bulbs of
U. veronicae
sp. n.
U. dianae
sp. n.
). They differ from
U. ashaninka
sp. n.
in the extension of urticating setae patch, more extended in
U. atarraz
sp. nov
and less extended in
U. ashaninka
sp. n.
Figures 39C
). They also differ from
U. megantonianum
sp. n.
U. sanctimariae
sp. n.
in the absence of SA keel in the palpal bulb morphology.
Known only from the
locality (
Figure 76
MALE (MUSM-ENT 0508428): (
Figures 39–41
) Total length: 19.24, carapace length 9.47, width 7.69, chelicerae with 12 teeth on promargin. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior eye row recurved. Eye sizes and interdistances: (
Figure 39D
) AME 0.34 (circular), ALE 0.46 (oval), PME 0.31 (oval), PLE 0.36 (oval), AME-AME 0.15, AME-ALE 0.06, PME-PME 0.58, PME-PLE 0.10, ALE-PLE 0.10, AME-PME 0.07, OQ length 0.75, width 1.44. Ocular tubercle length 1.09, width 1.44, clypeus absent. Fovea transverse, slightly procurved, width 1.64, 6.00 from anterior edge of carapace. Labium length 1.23, width 1.88, anterior quarter with 24 cuspules, maxillae with 111–119 cuspules in basal half. Maxillae without spiniform setae. Sternum length 4.67, width 4.01, three pairs of sternal sigilla located near coxae III (length 0.35, 0.43 from edge of sternum), coxae II (length 0.25, 0.27 from edge of sternum) and coxae I (length 0.16, 0.21 from edge of sternum). Leg formula: IV> I> II> III. Incrassate leg segments: slightly incrassate femur III. Maxillary and trochanteral stridulatory bristles absent.
Scopulae: All tarsi 100% densely scopulate, metatarsi I 25%, metatarsi II 30%, metatarsi III 20%, metatarsi IV 10% scopulate. Tarsal scopulae I divided by a longitudinal line of setae, tarsal scopulae II–III divided by a narrow longitudinal band of setae, tarsal scopulae IV divided by a wide longitudinal band of setae. Dorsal face of all tarsi and cymbium with two irregular longitudinal rows of very short claviform trichobothria. Denticulation of paired tarsal claws on right leg (prolateral/retrolateral row): I 3/2, II 3/3, III 3/4, IV 2/3. Plumose setae on retrolateral face of femur IV absent.
Spination: femora I d 0-1-1, II d 0-1-2, III d 0-0-1, IV d 0-0-1 and femora of palps d 0-0-1; patellae I 0, II 0, III p 0-0-1, IV 0 and patellae of palps 0; tibiae I v 2-1-1 (apical), p 0-0-1, II v 3- 2-3 (apical), p 1-0-1, III v 2-1-3 (apical), p 2-0-2, r 1-0-1, IV v 3-2-2 (apical), p 1-0-1, r 0-0-1 and tibiae of palps p (0–1)-2-(0–1); metatarsi I v 1-1-2 (apical), p 0-1-0, II v 2-1-2 (apical), p 0-1-1, III v 3-2-3 (apical), p 1-1-1-1, r 0-1-2, IV v 3-2-4 (apical), p 1-1-1-1, r 0-1-1, tarsi I–IV and tarsi of palps 0.
Palpal organ as in
Figure 41
, embolus short and stout with three keels, triangular PI keel, transparent A keel and R keel, sperm pore is between PI and A keel. Tegulum with short basal apophysis. Retrolateral lobe of cymbium covered with short spiniform setae. Retrolateral face of palpal tibia with indistinct subapical protuberance covered with numerous spiniform setae (
Figure 40B
). Two unequal subapical apophyses are present on tibia I (
Figure 40A
): a longer retrolateral tibial apophysis with short apical spine, a shorter prolateral tibial apophysis with single, retrolateral spine reaching the apex. Metatarsus I not sigmoidly curved and without basal or median protuberance on retrolateral face. When flexed, metatarsus I contacts the retrolateral side of retrolateral tibial apophysis.
Figure 40.
Urupelma atarraz
sp. n.
, male holotype (MUSM-ENT 0508428) from Peru, Pasco, Villa Rica, Quebrada Atarraz, 1598 m a.s.l.
. Left tibia I, prolaterally ventral view.
. Left palpal tibia, retrolateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photo by R. Kaderka.
Figure 41.
Urupelma atarraz
sp. n.
, male holotype (MUSM-ENT 0508428) from Peru, Pasco, Villa Rica, Quebrada Atarraz, 1598 m a.s.l., morphology of right palpal bulb.
. Prolateral view.
. Retrolateral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. Photo by R. Kaderka.
Abdomen (
Figure 39C
): urticating setae of
III and IV, including setae of intermediate morphology, are located in a central patch. Size of the patch: length 5.80, width 5.40. PLS: length 3.44, basal segment 1.09, middle segment 0.91, apical segment 1.44, all digitiform. PMS: 0.81.
Colouration and covering setae: dorsal view: carapace and chelicerae brown, coxae, trochantera brown, femora black intermixed with long pale setae, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi brown. Patellae I, II and palpal patella with two equal longitudinal stripes without covering setae, patellae III, IV with two unequal diagonal stripes without covering setae. Abdomen brown, except for central dark brown patch. Ventral view: laqbium, maxillae, coxae, sternum and trochantera brown, legs brown, abdomen yellowish brown. Spinnerets yellowish brown.
FEMALE: unknown.