Sangpradubina, an astonishing new mayfly genus from Thailand (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) Author Boonsoong, Boonsatien Author Sartori, Michel text Zootaxa 2016 4169 3 587 599 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4169.3.11 afa0887e-f70a-4605-83f5-950003e5f668 1175-5326 272404 982AADB9-A2A3-4E61-9B23-9C85BF044200 Sangpradubina thailandica sp. nov. Material examined : HOLOTYPE : male imago (reared from nymph), THAILAND , Ratchaburi province , Suan Phueng district , Kaeng Som Maeo , 13 ° 24’28.1’’ N , 99 ° 16’51.9’’ E , 200 m , 30.III.2013 , B. Boonsoong leg. ( ZMKU ) . ALLOTYPE : female imago (reared from nymph), same data as holotype ( ZMKU ) . PARATYPES : 8 nymphs, same data as holotype ( ZMKU ) ; 1 nymph on slide and 4 nymphs in ethanol, same data as holotype ( MZL ) 1 nymph on slide and 7 nymphs in ethanol, 16.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype ( ZMKU ) ; 2 nymphs, 29.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype (ZMKU); 7 nymphs, 16.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype (MZL); 2 male imagos (reared from nymphs), 2 female imagos (reared from nymphs), 16.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype (all in ZMKU); 1 male imago (reared from nymph), 29.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype (ZMKU); 1 male imago (reared from nymph), 16.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype (MZL); 1 female imago (reared from nymph), 16.XI.2014 , same locale as holotype (MZL). FIGURES 23–25 . Mature nymph of Sangpradubina thailandica gen. nov. et sp. nov. , (23) gill I; (24) gill IV; (25) gill VII. FIGURES 26–31. Male imago of Sangpradubina thailandica gen. nov. et sp. nov. , (26) forewing; (27) hindwing; (28) foreleg; (29) middle leg; (30) hindleg; (31) tarsal claw. FIGURES 32–35. Imago of Sangpradubina thailandica gen. nov. et sp. nov. , (32) photograph of male genitalia, ventral view, abbreviation: gp = gonopore; (33) male genitalia, ventral view; (34) male genitalia, lateral view; (35) female last sternites, ventral view. Additional material: 3 nymphs, THAILAND , Chanthaburi province , Kaeng Hang Maeo , 1308.56’ N, 10159.20’ E, 67 m , 7.ii.2013 , B. Boonsoong leg. ( ZMKU ). Description. Mature nymph ( Figs. 1–2 , 5–6 ). Body length between 4.7–6.9 mm (n=5). Antennae 2 times as long as maximum width of head ( Fig. 5 ). Mouthparts : Labrum oval with rectangular anterior emargination; width of labrum 1.3 times width of clypeus; 2 subparallel rows of dorsal setae near anterior margin, inner row composed of long setae, outer row composed of shorter setae ( Figs 7–8 ). Left mandible with three teeth on each incisor. Left and right mandibles as Figs 12–14 , with well-developed prostheca. Superlinguae of hypopharynx with blunt apexes and with dense row of setae on outer margin ( Fig. 9 ). Maxillae with ca. 11–13 pectinate setae in subapical row. Segment 1 of maxillary palp subequal in length to segment 3. Length of segment 2 more than ca 1.4 times the length segment 1; apex of segment 3 with numerous long and thin setae ( Figs 15–18 ). Labial palpi with segment 1 longer than segment 2; segment 3 subequal to segment 2 ( Fig. 10 ), with 5 large setae on dorsal surface and many long setae in dense bunch at apex. Thorax : Legs with stout femora; femora of forelegs rather broad with dark brown marking as in Fig. 5 , consisting of a longitudinal white stripe and dark bands around middle and apex. Coloration patterns of middle and hind legs similar to forelegs. Forelegs ( Fig. 19 ): Femora with 2 rows of long setae on each outer margin. Tibiae with inner margins densely covered with short setae. Claws stout, curved and narrowed apically ( Fig 22 ). Middle legs ( Fig. 20 ) similar to forelegs, except inner margins of tibiae with scattered short setae. Hind legs ( Fig. 21 ) similar to forelegs, except with row of short setae on outer margin of each femur. Abdomen : terga with distinctive color pattern; terga 4–9 each with median longitudinal pale line and two lateral spots; tergum 10 with two distinct spots ( Fig. 5 ). Gills 1 single, and lanceolate; gills 2–7 similar, composed of a leaf-like dorsal lamella distally fimbriate, with slender processes, ventral lamella rectangular and larger than dorsal lamella, asymmetrical rounded process at base, projected posterodistally from base of gills. Gill 4 with ca. 10 and 12 processes on dorsal and ventral lamella, respectively; gill 7 with 4 and 9 processes, respectively. Caudal filaments (8.0 mm) with whorls of fine hair-like setae. FIGURES 36–41. SEM pictures of eggs extracted from a female imago of Sangpradubina thailandica gen. nov. et sp. nov. , (36) general outline; (37–40) detail of pole; abbreviation: KCT = Knob-coiled Thread; (41) detail of the chorionic structure. Male imago . Body length 5.9– 5.5 mm , fore wing 4.6–5.1 mm , hind wing 0.9–1.0 mm. Lower portion of eyes length ca 0.6 of upper portion, upper portion of eyes yellowish-brown. Scape dark-brown, pedicel brown, ocelli white with dark bases. Vertex of head and notum dark brown. Forefemur ( Fig. 28 ) brown, shaded with dark brown medially and apically; tibiae pale, brown at bases; tarsi whitish-brown; ratios of segments in forelegs (femur, tibia, tarsus I, II, III, IV, V), 0.65: 1.00 ( 1.35 mm ): 0.07: 0.30: 0.25: 0.13: 0.11. Middle and hind legs paler, with same markings as foreleg. Middle legs ( Fig. 29 ): ratios of segments, 1.11: 1.00 ( 1.03 mm ): 0.05: 0.04: 0.04: 0.04: 0.10. Hind legs ( Fig. 30 ): ratios of segments, 1.02: 1.00 ( 1.20 mm ): 0.05: 0.04: 0.03: 0.05: 0.10. Forewing transparent, veins of C, Sc and R yellowish-brown; vein MA forked ca. 0.6 distance from base to margin ( Fig. 26 ). Abdomen dark brown, terga 2–9 with median longitudinal white stripe and two pale spots arising from anterior margins; all terga with brown posterior margins; tergum 10 entirely brown; terga 1–9 laterally with distinct pale spots; all sterna predominantly light, except terga 1–2 and terga 9–10 darker. Genitalia ( Figs. 32–34 ): forceps length 0.51 mm (ratios of segments I, II, III, 1.00 ( 0.37 mm ): 0.21: 0.16), slightly curved; first segment of forceps long and curved, slightly dilated at base, third broader than second segment. Caudal filaments 6 mm . Female imago . Body length 4.1 mm , fore wing 3.8 mm , hind wing 0.6 mm . Body color darker than male. Vertex of head dark brown; eyes separated on meson of head by length ca 1.6 times as great as maximum width of eye ( 0.86 mm ); ocelli white with dark base. Pronotum with dark brown pattern. Meso- and metanotum yellowishbrown. Legs brown, markings as in male imago; ratios of segments in forelegs (femur, tibia, tarsus I, II, III, IV, V), 1.04: 1.00 ( 0.92 mm ): 0.05: 0.04: 0.03: 0.03: 0.08; ratios of segments in middle legs, 1.02: 1.00 ( 0.80 mm ): 0.07: 0.06: 0.05: 0.04: 0.12; ratios of segments in hind legs, 1.05: 1.00 ( 0.76 mm ): 0.05: 0.05: 0.03: 0.02: 0.10. Tarsal claws similar to male. Wings similar to male. Abdominal terga and lateral patterns similar to male. All sterna with dark-brown coloration. Subgenital plate (sternum 7) entire. Apex of sternum 9 distally rounded with small notch ( Fig. 35 ). Caudal filaments missing. Etymology. The species is named after the country of collection. Biological notes. The type locality of the new genus is a headwater stream with shallow-pool habitats on the bank ( Figs. 3–4 ). Larvae were collected from pebble substrates in silty sediments, usually together with larvae of Choroterpes (Euthraulus) trifurcata .