A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Author Wild, Alexander L. text Zootaxa 2007 1622 1 55 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179222 9584df9a-a4a2-49bb-a256-cb99776f4dc8 1175-5326 179222 Solenopsis Westwood 1840 albidula Emery 1906 . Alto Paraná, Canindeyú, Central, Ñeembucú (ALWC, IFML, INBP, LACM). clytemnestra Emery 1896 a. Caaguazú, Canindeyú, Central, Concepción (ALWC, IFML, INBP, LACM). Literature records: “ Paraguay ” (s. loc.) (Emery 1896a). daguerrei (Santschi 1930) . Canindeyú (ALWC). franki Forel 1908 b. Cordillera (MCZC). Literature records: Cordillera (Forel 1909). iheringi Forel 1908 b. Canindeyú, Concepción, Misiones, Ñeembucú, Paraguarí (ALWC, INBP, MHNG). invicta Buren 1972 . Boquerón, Caaguazú, Canindeyú, Central, Guairá, Ñeembucú, Paraguarí, Pte. Hayes (ALWC, LACM). Literature records: Central (Santschi 1923c), “all of Paraguay ” (Trager 1991). loretana Santschi 1936 . Amambay, Caaguazú, Canindeyú, Central, San Pedro (ALWC, IFML, INBP, LACM, MZSP). macdonaghi Santschi 1916 . Alto Paraguay , Canindeyú, Central, Cordillera, Guairá, Paraguarí, San Pedro (ALWC, INBP, LACM, MCSN). Literature records: “ Paraguay ” (s. loc.) (Trager 1991). medioclara Santschi 1923 b. Canindeyú (ALWC, INBP, LACM). megergates Trager 1991 . Boquerón (ALWC). richteri Forel 1909 . Literature records: Ñeembucú (Fowler 1981). saevissima (F. Smith 1855) . Canindeyú, Central, Ñeembucú (ALWC, INBP, LACM). Literature records: Cordillera (Forel 1911b). scelesta Forel 1908 b. Concepción, Cordillera, Pte. Hayes (ALWC, MHNG). Literature records: Cordillera (Forel 1911b). schmalzi Forel 1901 a. Canindeyú (ALWC, INBP). steigeri Santschi 1916 . Pte. Hayes (ALWC). stricta Emery 1896 a. Canindeyú (ALWC, LACM). substituta Santschi 1925 d. Amambay (ALWC). subtilis Emery 1896 a. Central, “ Paraguay ” (s. loc.) (MCZC, MZSP, NHMW). Literature records: Central, “ Paraguay ” (s. loc.) (Emery 1896a, Santschi 1923b). tetracantha Emery 1906 . Canindeyú, Itapúa (ALWC). wasmannii Emery 1894 a. Caaguazú, Central, Misiones, Pte. Hayes, “Paraná R.” (Dept. unknown), “ Paraguay ” (s. loc.) (ALWC, BMNH, IFML, INBP, MCZC, MHNG, MZSP, NHMW). Literature records: Central, Concepción, Cordillera, Itapúa, Guairá, “ Paraguay ” (s. loc.) (Emery 1894a, Emery 1896b, Emery 1906, Forel 1911e [as “ transformis ”], Fowler 1981). sp. alw-01 . Canindeyú (ALWC, INBP, LACM). sp. alw-02. Boquerón, Central, Pte. Hayes (ALWC, IFML, INBP). sp. alw-03. Canindeyú (ALWC, IFML, INBP, LACM). sp. alw-05. Canindeyú (ALWC). sp. alw-06. Canindeyú (ALWC, INBP, LACM). sp. alw-07. Canindeyú (ALWC, IFML, INBP, LACM, MHNG). sp. alw-08. Pte. Hayes (ALWC, INBP). sp. alw-09. Boquerón, Caaguazú (ALWC, INBP). sp. alw-10. Canindeyú, Central (ALWC, INBP). sp. alw-11. Canindeyú, Central (ALWC, INBP). sp. alw-12. Canindeyú (ALWC). sp. alw-13. Caaguazú, Central, Paraguarí, Pte. Hayes (ALWC, INBP). sp. alw-14. San Pedro (ALWC). sp. alw-15. Canindeyú (ALWC). sp. alw-16. Central, Itapúa, Paraguarí (ALWC, MHNG). sp. alw-18. Ñeembucú (ALWC). sp. alw-19. Canindeyú (ALWC). sp. alw-20. Amambay (ALWC). sp. alw-21. Amambay (ALWC). sp. alw-22. Itapúa (ALWC). spp. ( saevissima -complex, indet.). Alto Paraguay , Alto Paraná, Amambay, Boquerón, Caaguazú, Canindeyú, Central, Concepción, Cordillera, Guairá, Pte. Hayes, San Pedro , “Rinconada” (Dept. unknown) (ALWC, INBP, LACM, MCSN, NHMB, NHMW).