A revision of the species of Pronomaea E of the Western Palaearctic region, including Middle Asia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae: Pronomaeini) Author Assing, Volker text Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 2007 2007-12-21 57 2 367 396 https://www.contributions-to-entomology.org/article/view/1710 journal article 10.21248/contrib.entomol.57.2.367-396 0005-805X 5364164 Pronomaea corsicana sp. n. (Figs 17-25, Map 2 ) Type material: Holotype : " France - Korsika, Col de Vergio ( 30 km W Corte ), 1600 m , Gesiebe, 9.4.1990 , leg. Assing / Holotypus Pronomaea corsicana sp. n. det. V. Assing 2007 " (cAss) . Paratypes : 2 ♀ ♀ : same data as holotype (cAss) ; 6 exs. : "' Bastia , Corse , V.60 / Coll. J. Ochs in Col. M. Curti , MHNG 1991" ( MHNG , cAss) ; 5 exs. : " Bastia mer., 31.VI.55 / Coll. J. Ochs in Col. M. Curti , MHNG 1991" ( MHNG , cAss) ; 1 ex. : " Bastia mer., VII.54 / Coll. J. Ochs in Col. M. Curti , MHNG - 1991" ( MHNG ) ; 1 ♂ : "F: Corse , Haut-Asco , 2020 m , am 2. See , 27.7.1994 , leg. Zerche " ( DEI ) ; 2 ♂ ♂ : " Corsica , Haute Asco, m 1550, muschi ruscello, 29.VII.80, Sette" (cZan, cAss) ;); 1 ♀ : " Corsica , Haute Asco , m 1500, 28.VII.1976 , leg. Sette " (cZan) ; 1 ♀ : " Corsica , foresta di Tartagine, m 750, 27.VII.80, Sette" (cZan) ; 1 ♀ : " Corsica , Valle Restonica, m 1600, 4.VIII.80, Sette" (cZan); 1 ♀ : "Cors. Piraldo, Desert des Agriates, 12.VIII.79, Sette" (cZan); 1 ex. : " Corsica " ( FMNH ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : "Bocognano (20), 23.5.72, au vol, 16/17h, D27 [road number]" (cTro). Description: Habitus as in Fig. 17. Highly similar to P. picea ; distinguished only by the darker coloration and the morphology of the aedeagus. Coloration of body blackish; legs usually dark brown; antennae uniformly dark brown to blackish, basal antennomeres at most only slightly paler than remainder of antennae. External characters as in P. picea ; distinguished only by the morphology of the aedeagus. : median lobe of aedeagus 0.40-0.42 mm long similar to that of P. picea , but basal projection of ventral process acute or rounded apically, not truncate ( Figs 18-24 ). : spermatheca similar to that of P. piceapicea ( Fig. 25 ) Etymology: The name (adjective) is derived from Corsica , where the species is apparently endemic. Comparative notes: From other Pronomaea species , except P. picea , P. corsicanacorsicana is readily distinguished by the pronounced projection at the base of the ventral process of the aedeagus (lateral view). In contrast to P. picea , this projection is apically acute or rounded, not truncate. A comparison of males of P. picea and P. corsicanacorsicana from various localities suggests that this difference is constant (compare Fig. 17: Pronomaea corsicana sp. n. : habitus Figs 9-13 and 18-23 ). (photo by Marc Tronquet). Scale bar: 1.0 mm. Figs 18-25: Pronomaea corsicana sp. n. : median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view ( 18-23 ) of males from various Corsican localities; median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view ( 24 ); spermatheca ( 25 ). Scale bars: 0.1 mm. Distribution and bionomics: Pronomaea corsicanacorsicana is apparently endemic to Corsica ( Map 2 ). Previous records of P. rostrata from this island probably refer to this species, at least in part. The type specimens were collected at altitudes of up to 2020 m , some of them were sifted from the litter of subalpine shrubs or found in moss near streams, during the period from April through August. Two specimens were caught on the wing (car-net) in May.