Commented catalogue of Cassidinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, with remarks on the collection of Jaro Mráz in the National Museum in Prague Author Sekerka, Lukáš text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2020 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2020-12-26 60 2 667 707 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2020.048 1804-6487 5178055 FD33083B-91A0-4C89-B45D-A31561955027 Calliaspis cinnabarina Boheman, 1850 Published record. Amparo (Sංආõൾඌ +| Mඈඇඇඣ 2011). Distribution. Brazil ( Bahia ,? Rio de Janeiro ,? São Paulo ), French Guiana , Peru , and Suriname . Remarks. Sංආõൾඌ +| Mඈඇඇඣ (2011) recorded this species from Rio de Janeiro (P.N. Itatiaia) and São Paulo for the first time. They also provided a colour photograph of one specimen in dorsal view, but it is not known which population they used. The voucher specimens from São Paulo were deposited in MNRJ and destroyed by the fire in 2018. Unfortunately, the photograph is of a rather low resolution and does not allow recognition of the species with certainty. Calliaspis cinnabarina was described from ‘Cayenna, Brasilia’ and is certainly distributed over the Guiana shield and the adjacent Amazon. However, another species, C. umbonata , was described from southern Brazil ( Santa Catarina ), differing from C. cinnabarina in conspicuous postscutellar tubercle with concave posterior slope in la- teral view while C. cinnabarina has only slightly irregular elytra in the postscutellar point. Therefore, the specimens recorded by Sංආõൾඌ +| Mඈඇඇඣ (2011) could belong to either of the two species. Judging from the photograph the beetle looks more similar to C. umbonata as it has uniformly yellow and longer antennae (usually at least with darkened tips in C. cinnabarina ) and the reflection in the postscutellar area gives the impression of a higher tubercle but it is merely my feeling rather than reasonable discrimination. Thus, I leave both records within the distribution of C. cinnabarina but particularly that from São Paulo must be verified by additional material as C. umbonata is here recorded as new to São Paulo . Calliaspis cinnabarina has been recently recorded also from Bahia (Aඅൻൾඋඍඈඇං 2017) based on specimens I compared with the type material that agreed fairly well.