The genus Tuponia Reuter, 1875 of China (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae: Exaeretini) with descriptions of three new species Author Li, Xiao-Ming Author Liu, Guo-Qing text Zootaxa 2016 4114 2 101 122 journal article 39025 10.11646/zootaxa.4114.2.1 37970996-440c-48a3-a5c5-2e604a9cfcdc 1175-5326 271588 69011B46-1B29-4D8A-90D9-678356EA5FCB Tuponia gracilipedis sp. nov. ( Figs. 9–10 , 45–48 ) Diagnosis. Recognized by the small size; general coloration greenish yellow; dorsum with dark simple setae and sericeous setae. General coloration, shape and size similar to T. chinensis , T. hippophaes and T. prasina , distinguished from them by the structure of endosoma. The apex of endosoma is sclerotic in T. chinensis and T. prasina , and a apical spine is long and straight in hippophaes , but in T. gracilipedis , the apex of endosoma is membranous. Description. Male ( Fig. 9 ): Total length 2.01–2.03, ovoid. Coloration: General coloration greenish yellow; eyes dark yellow; antennae dirty yellow with golden short hairs, segment I with 2 vertical black bristles in middle; labium pale, segment IV heavily infuscate; anterior margin of pronotum pale; exposed part of mesoscutum orange; membrane weakly fumose, veins yellowish; legs pale, femora without dark spots, tibiae not darkened at articulation with femora, meta-tibia with several rows of black spinules, tibial spines black without dark bases tarsal segment III and claws darkened. Surface and structure: Dorsum weakly smooth, dull to very weakly shining, and with dark simple setae and sericeous setae; head declining, frons weakly tumid; interocular distance wider than width of eye; ventral margin of antennal fossa at level of ventral margin of eye; length of antennal segment II slightly longer than width of head, and shorter than width of pronotum; labium just extending past posterior margin of meta-coxa; posterior and lateral margin of pronotum straight, calli flat; hemelytron weakly deflexed at the cuneal incisure; length of tarsal segment II longer than segment III, claws slender, weakly curving, pulvillus absent, parempodia setiform; metathoracic scent-gland evaporative area as in Fig. 21 ; abdomen relatively broad basally and tapering toward apex with golden pubescence. Male genitalia ( Figs. 45–48 ): Pygophore small relative to total size of abdomen, conical; body of endosoma relatively flimsy, more or less S-shaped, apex membranous, secondary gonopore invisible; left paramere boatshaped; right paramere lanceolate; phallotheca bending and attenuate apically. Female ( Fig. 10 ): Total length 2.02–2.05. Slightly bigger than male, body more strongly ovoid than in male, general coloration similar to male. Host Plants. Unknown. Distribution. China (Xinjiang). Etymology. Named for its body shape, from the Latin “ gracilipedis ”, meaning gracile. Type specimens. Holotype : male, CHINA : Kashi ( 39°28'N , 75°56'E ), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 17.VIII.2002 , Yun-Ling KE. Paratypes : 5 males , 4 females , same data as holotype ; 5 males , 4 females , Kashi ( 39°28'N , 75°56'E ), 17.VIII.2002 , Yun LÜ.