The Genus Togoperla Klapálek (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Author Stark, Bill P. Author Sivec, Ignac text Illiesia 2008 4 20 208 225 journal article d0f0400d-eb9b-4114-9a4e-a7f7f680e3a3 1854-0392 4754843 Togoperla perpicta Klapálek ( Figs. 28‐36 ) Togoperla perpicta Klapálek, 1921 . Lectotype (BMNH), Hong Kong , China , desig. Kimmins , 1970 Togoperla bifoveolata Klapálek, 1921 . Syntype (ZMB, lost), Montes Mauson, Vietnam , syn. Sivec et al., 1988 Togoperla pichoni Navas, 1933 . Holotype (MNHN, badly damaged), Hangchow [Hangzhou], Zhejiang Province , China , syn. Sivec et al., 1988 Paragnetina elongata Wu & Claassen, 1934 . Holotype (Yenching University, lost), Foochow [Fuzhou], Fujian Province , China , syn. Sivec et al., 1988 Figs. 28‐36. Togoperla perpicta (after Sivec et al. 1988 ). 28. Female terminalia, 29. Vagina, dorsal, 30. Vagina, lateral, 31. Male hemitergum, lateral, 32. Male hemitergum, dorsal, 33. Hemitergal basal callus, 34. Head and pronotum, 35. Male terminalia, 36. Aedeagus, dorsolateral aspect. Material examined. China : Hong Kong , February‐ May , 1 ♂ ( BMNH , T. perpicta lectotype ). Fujian, Fuzhou (Foochow), 1935‐1936, M.S. Yang , 1 ♂ ( BMNH ). Same site, 9 May 1936 , M.S. Yang , 1 ♂ ( BMNH ). Fujian , Fuzhou , San Chiang , 1927, C.H. Pope , 1 ♂ . Fujian Province , Tachulan , 4500’, foot of Kuatun Mountain , 21‐26 April 1948 , J. Fu , 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ ( USNM ). Same site, 21‐25 May 1948 , J. Fu , 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ( USNM ). Same site, 16‐19 June 1948 , J. Fu , 1 ♂ ( USNM ). Zhejiang (Chekiang), Hangzhou (Hangtcheou), 1925, A. Pichon 1 ♀ ( MNHN , T. pichoni holotype ) . Adult habitus. General color brown. Head with dark pigment over ocellar region, occiput and forward of M‐ line; pale around eyes and on lateral margins ( Fig. 34 ). Pronotum brown, wings brown except costal field. Legs banded, proximal and distal parts of femora and tibiae brown, mesal area yellow. Male. Forewing length 18‐21 mm . T 5 produced into a truncate to emarginate lobe; T 6‐ T 9 typical with membrane bearing patches of long setae; T 5 lobe with apical cluster of sensilla basiconica ( Fig. 35 ). Dorsal aspect of hemiterga moderately long and only slightly narrowed from basal curve to tip; length from basal callus to hemitergal tip about 2.3‐2.8 times as long as basal callus; lateral aspect of hemiterga gradually narrowed from basal curve to midlength but scarcely narrowed beyond midlength to rounded tip ( Figs. 31‐33 ). Membranous aedeagal sac coarsely armed with a broad basal spine band, interrupted on median dorsal surface; sac beyond spine band bearing a pair of dorsal unarmed or sparsely armed lobes and terminating with a long cylindrical lobe armed with fine long setal spines in apical half ( Fig. 36 ); tube membranous and bearing a pair of spiny dorsolateral lobes near sac base. Female. Forewing length 24‐27 mm . Subgenital plate parabolic with a truncate apex ( Fig. 28 ). Dorsal membrane of plate with a sclerotized mesal band extending about halfway from margin to base. Vagina expanded slightly at midlength ( Fig. 29 ); accessory glands about two thirds vaginal length. Egg. Length about 0.53 mm , width about 0.39 mm . Collar absent, outline oval with broadly rounded poles. Micropylar canals strongly slanted; micropylar row set near equator. Chorion smooth. Distribution. Known from mainland China , Hong Kong and Vietnam . Remarks. Sivec et al. (1988) illustrated this species and established the synonymy given above. Because types for the synonyms are either lost or badly damaged we have relied on illustrations by Klapálek (1923) and Wu & Claassen (1934) for T. bifoveolata and T. elongata , respectively. The T. pichoni type female in Paris is in very poor condition but the subgenital plate, vagina and leg pattern are consistent with those of T. perpicta .