A revision of the spider genus Zaitunia (Araneae, Filistatidae) Author Sergei Zonstein Author Yuri M. Marusik text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-07-20 214 1 97 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2016.214 ee2ae0e8-2a06-4305-987e-e7e1fc97154a 269335 CA243C98-9461-441A-BBD9-ECBDEC103DD9 Zaitunia annulipes ( Kulczyński, 1908 ) Figs 8–9 , 43 B Filistata annulipes Kulczyński, 1908: 376 ( ). Zaitunia annulipes Brignoli 1982: 66 (transferred species to Zaitunia ). Diagnosis Zaitunia annulipes differs from the congroupers by males possessing a shorter embolus gently curved in the subapical part and by females having the receptacles with the median units considerably larger than the outer ones (in congroupers embolus is considerably longer and more sharply curved subapically, and the median and outer receptacles are subequal in size – cf. Figs 10 I, 11F–G, 12G-I, 13C–D). Type material Lectotype (designated here) CYPRUS : 1 ♀ , with labels [SYNTYPI, Cypr I.Z.P.A.N. Warsawa 40/ SLU (or 514)], in poor condition, with broken abdomen and part of legs, IZW , examined. Paralectotypes CYPRUS : 2 juvs, with same collecting data. Additional material examined CYPRUS : 1 ♀ , Limassol area, Germasogeia , 34°43' N , 33°05' E , 50–250 m , 16 Apr. 1997 , P.T. Lehtinen ( ZMUT ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 juv. , Paramali , 34°42' N , 32°48' E , 100–200 m , 16 Apr. 1997 , P.T. Lehtinen ( ZMUT ) ; 1 ♂ , Larnaka area, Vyzakia , west shore of Larnaka salt lake, 34º53' N , 33º36' E , c. 10 m , 11–16 Apr. 1997 , P.T. Lehtinen ( ZMUT ) ; 1 ♂ , same data ( TAU ) ; 2 ♀♀ , 1 juv. , same data, except 16 Apr. 1997 ( ZMUT ) ; 1 ♀ , same data ( TAU ) . Description Male (from Paramali) HABITUS. See Fig. 8 A–B, D. BODY LENGTH. 3.19. COLOUR. Carapace and legs mostly light brownish-yellow; cephalic part including eye tubercle and leg fasciae diffuse medium brown; clypeus and lateral margins of carapace more intensive brown to dark brown; labium, maxillae, sternum and leg coxae pale brownish-yellow; abdomen uniformly medium brown. Fig. 8. Somatic characters of Zaitunia annulipes ( Kulczyński, 1908 ) , ♂ from Paramali ( A–D ) and ♀ from Germasogenea ( E–G ). — A , E . Habitus, dorsal. B . Same, frontal. C . Prosoma, dorsal. D , G . Habitus, lateral. F . Same, ventral. Scale bars: A, D–G = 0.5 mm; B–C = 0.2 mm. CARAPACE ( Fig. 8 C). 1.28 long, 1.03 wide. EYES. AME 0.09, ALE 0.14, PLE 0.13, PME 0.09, AME–AME 0.03. PALP ( Figs 9 A–C, 43B). All segments except cymbium with dark pigmentation; femur longer than tibia. Tibia almost 2 times wider than femur. Cymbium longer than bulb; bulb conical, twice as long as diameter of tegulum. Tip of embolus twisted. LEG MEASUREMENTS. (♀)
Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
Palp 0.80 (0.61) 0.22 (0.35) 0.69 (0.46) 0.31 (0.57) 2.02 (1.73)
I 1.75 (1.50) 0.47 (0.47) 1.73 (1.31) 1.62 (1.07) 0.97 (0.87) 6.54 (5.22)
II 1.40 (1.07) 0.44 (0.43) 1.29 (0.81) 1.22 (0.67) 0.83 (0.58) 5.18 (3.56)
III 1.18 (0.89) 0.38 (0.41) 1.11 (0.67) 1.19 (0.60) 0.74 (0.55) 4.60 (3.12)
IV 1.74 (1.29) 0.42 (0.44) 1.56 (0.93) 1.56 (0.91) 0.97 (0.67) 6.25 (4.24)
Female (from Germasogenea) HABITUS. See Fig. 8 E–G. BODY LENGTH. 3.45. Fig. 9. Copulatory organs of Zaitunia annulipes ( Kulczyński, 1908 ) , ♂ from Paramali ( A–C ) and ♀ from Germasogenea ( D–F ). — A–C . Palp, prolateral, ventro-retrolateral and retrolateral. D . Endogyne, anterior. E–F . Same, dorsal. Scale bars: A–C = 0.2 mm; D–F = 0.1 mm. COLOUR. As in male. CARAPACE. 1.26 long, 1.10 wide. EYES. AME 0.08, ALE 0.15, PLE 0.11, PME 0.09, AME–AME 0.04. ENDOGYNE ( Fig. 9 D–F). With 2 pairs of receptacles. Both pairs with corrugated stems; pores located on heads. Median receptacles two times as long as lateral, separated by about 1.5 diameters.
Variation Body size in males 3.19–3.67, in females 3.05–3.95. Coloration without noticeable variation. Note Male of this species is described for the first time. Although this species was already transferred to Zaitunia by Brignoli (1982) , this nomenclatorial act was overlooked by Brignoli (1983) himself and by subsequent catalogs ( Platnick 1989 , 1993 , 2015; World Spider Catalog 2015 ). Ecology According to the label data, the species was found in the maquis (Mediterranean shrub) litter. Distribution Cyprus ( Fig. 46 ).