A revision of the spider genus Zaitunia (Araneae, Filistatidae) Author Sergei Zonstein Author Yuri M. Marusik text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-07-20 214 1 97 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2016.214 ee2ae0e8-2a06-4305-987e-e7e1fc97154a 269335 CA243C98-9461-441A-BBD9-ECBDEC103DD9 Key to the species groups of Zaitunia Males (Males in the Zaitunia persica -group are unknown.) 1. Cymbium longer than bulb, embolus short, without base, spermophore occupies whole bulb ( Figs 7 A– B,20A,C)……………………………………………………………………………………………2 – Cymbium shorter than bulb or subequal in length, embolus with long base, spermophore in base of embolus straight ( Figs 9 A–C, 10I , 13C–D, 24A–D, 27C, E, 28G–I, 30H–J, 32D–G, 35A–D, 37A–C) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 2. Dark coloured, carapace often without pattern, cymbium without retrolateral brush of modified setae, tegulum cylindrical with very wide spermophore occupying whole bulb ( Figs 7 A–D, 43A) ………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… schmitzi -group – Pale coloured, cymbium with retrolateral brush of modified setae, tegulum rounded, terminal coil of spermophore 2 times thinner than basal coil ( Figs 20 A–C, 43E) …………………… logunovi -group 3. Pale coloured; base of embolus with more or less developed ventral keel, either embolus completely screw-shaped or tip of embolus hooked or curved gradually ( Figs 24 A–D, 27C, E, 28G–I, 30H–J, 32D–G, 35A–D,37A–C,43F,44) ……………………………………………………………………4 – Dark coloured; base of embolus without ventral keel, only tip of embolus screw-shaped ( Figs 9 A–C, 10I , 13C–D, 43B–D) ……………………………………………………………… annulipes -group 4. Embolus curved or hooked apically ( Figs 28 G–I, 30H–J, 32D–G, 35A–D, 37A–C, 44B–F) ………5 – Embolus screw-shaped ( Figs 24 A–D, 27C, E, 43F, 44A) ………………………… spinimana -group Fig. 4. Spinneret morphology of Zaitunia martynovae ( Andreeva & Tyshchenko, 1969 ) , adult ♀ from Gandzhina. A–B . Spinnerets and tracheal spiracle. C . Right posterior lateral spinneret. D . Cribellum. E . Left anterior lateral spinneret. F . Left posterior median and lateral spinnerets. G . Right posterior lateral spinneret, frontal. H . Right anterior lateral spinneret. I . Posterior median spinnerets. Abbreviations: see Material and methods. Scale bars: A–B = 100 μm; C–I = 10 μm. 5. Embolus with raised keel, hooked apically ( Figs 28 G–I, 30H–J, 32D–G, 44C–D) ………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… beshkentica- group – Embolus with vestigial keel, curved apically ( Figs 35 A–D, 37A–C, 44E–F) … maracandica -group Females (Females of the spinimana , beshkentica and maracandica species groups can be confidently distinguished from each other only by the shape of the receptacles, but this feature is not a group-specific character). 1. Intensely brown-coloured spiders; abdomen uniformly brown; legs always with darker though diffuse fasciae ( Figs 5 A–B, 6A, 8E–G, 10A–E, 11A–E, 12A–B, D–E) ……………………………………2 – Pale yellowish-coloured spiders; abdomen pale yellow or yellowish-grey, with or without darker dorsal pattern; legs often uniformly pale without darker fasciae ( Figs 14 A–D, 15A–B, 16C, 17A–B, 18A, 19A–D, 22A–G, 26A, 27F, 29A–H, 30A–B, 31A, 34A, C–D, 35K, 36A–C, 38A–D, 39A–C, 41A–C) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………3 2. Legs I–IV with broader and less contrasting fasciae ( Figs 5 A–B, 6A); receptacles as in Figs 5 C–D, 7E–K ……………………………………………………………………………… schmitzi -group – Legs I–IV with narrower and more contrasting fasciae ( Figs 8 E–G, 10A–E, 11A–E, 12A–B, D–E); receptacles as in Figs 9 D–F, 11F–G, 12G–I ……………………………………… annulipes -group 3. Four distinct receptacle heads ( Figs 21 , 25 , 26 B–C, E, 27H–I, 29I –K, 30C–E, 32H–I, 35E–J, 36D–E, 38E–I, 40, 41I –M) …………………………………………………………………………………4 – Two receptacle heads, entire or subdivided ( Figs 14 G–K, 15E–G, 16A–B, D–F, 17D, F–H, 18D–E) ……………………………………………………………………………………… persica -group 4. Median receptacles tubular, not diverging laterally and always considerably longer than lateral pair ( Fig. 21 ) …………………………………………………………………………… logunovi- group – Median receptacles often rounded, of same size or even shorter than lateral pair ( Figs 26 B–C, E, 27H–I, 30C–E, 33A–B, D, 35E–J, 38E–I, 40, 41I –M); if longer, they diverge laterally as in Figs 25 , 29 I–K, 36D–E ………………………………………………………………………………………5 5. Receptacles as in Figs 25 , 26 B–C, E, 27H–I …………………………………… spinimana - group – Receptacles different ( Figs 29 I–K, 30C–E, 32H–I, 34E–J, 35D–E, 37E–I, 39, 41I –M) ………………6 6. Receptacles as in Figs 29 I–K, 30C–E, 33A–D ………………………………… beshkentica - group – Receptacles different ( Figs 35 E–J, 36D–E, 38E–I, 40, 41I –M) ……………… maracandica - group