A revision of the spider genus Zaitunia (Araneae, Filistatidae) Author Sergei Zonstein Author Yuri M. Marusik text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-07-20 214 1 97 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2016.214 ee2ae0e8-2a06-4305-987e-e7e1fc97154a 269335 CA243C98-9461-441A-BBD9-ECBDEC103DD9 Zaitunia minuta sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:EE0EBF91-FD5E-4C35-A86B-4C63CA53E0BE Figs 39–40 Diagnosis Females of Z. minuta sp. nov. , with their very short and small receptacles, resemble females of Z. zonsteini , but differ by having a relatively larger eye group (cf. the eye measurements in both measured representatives of these species are almost identical, although the former species is considerably smaller than the latter), as well as by the longer and narrower calamistral setae (cf. Figs 39 H and 41E, H), relatively smaller cribellum (cf. Figs 39 G, 41F) and somewhat different lateral receptacles, which have triangular heads (vs rounded in Z. zonsteini , cf. Figs 40 , 41 I –M). Etymology The specific epithet is derived from the Latin minutus (“little, small, minute”). Material examined Holotype UZBEKISTAN : , Namangan Province , Pap District , southeastern foothills of Kurama Mts , about 5.5 km NW of Khanabad , 40º54.1' N , 70º45.7' E , 850 m , 16 May 2002 , A.V. Gromov ( ZMMU ). Paratype UZBEKISTAN : 1 ♀ , same area, Rizaksai River valley , 14 km NW of Khanabad , 1274 m , 13 Jun. 2003 , L. Prendini & A.V. Gromov ( AMNH ). Fig. 40. Endogyne of Zaitunia minuta sp. nov. , holotype, ♀. A . Anterior. B . Ventral. C– D . Dorsal. Description Female (holotype) HABITUS. See Fig. 39 A-C. BODY LENGTH. 3.23. COLOUR. Body and legs pale sandy-brown, carapace with slightly darker median spot and noticeably darker narrow margins; eye tubercle blackish-brown; abdomen uniformly colored, without dorsal pattern. CARAPACE ( Fig. 39 E). 1.27 long, 0.82 wide. EYES ( Fig. 39 D, F). AME 0.06, ALE 0.11, PLE 0.09, PME 0.08, AME–AME 0.05. ENDOGYNE ( Fig. 39 ). Both pairs of receptacles subequal in length and width; median receptacles with head slightly wider than stem, heads separated by about 2.5 diameters; lateral receptacles with triangular heads; only heads covered by pores. LEG MEASUREMENTS.
Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
Palp 0.52 0.27 0.38 0.45 1.62
I 1.33 0.42 1.25 1.07 0.77 4.84
II 0.97 0.35 0.83 0.75 0.57 3.47
III 0.87 0.30 0.63 0.70 0.43 2.93
IV 1.23 0.37 0.95 0.93 0.48 3.96
Male Unknown.
Distribution Known only from the type locality ( Fig. 49 ) which appears to be entirely separate from the area occupied by the closest congener, Z. zonsteini , by biotopes inhabited by Z. maracandica , Z. ferghanensis sp. nov. , Z. wunderlichi sp. nov. and Z. logunovi sp. nov. (see Figs 48 and 49 ).