The Mysidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Mysida) in fresh and oligohaline waters of the Mediterranean. Taxonomy, biogeography, and bioinvasion Author Wittmann, Karl J. Author Ariani, Antonio P. Author Daneliya, Mikhail text Zootaxa 2016 4142 1 1 70 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4142.1.1 089dcc08-ba9c-4563-a6dc-d08cf2d83365 1175-5326 261102 FA423164-276C-44B0-A417-8E97AC3DF0AA Subgenus Longidentia Daneliya, 2004 Occiparamysis Daneliya, 2004 , syn. nov. Revised diagnosis. Anterior margin of carapace convex, smoothly rounded. Antennal scale with clearly produced distal part ( Fig. 8 B, H). Median segment of mandibular palp with normal, smooth or at most slightly barbed setae ( Fig. 9 A). Thoracic endopods 3–8 with 3-segmented propodus ( Figs 9 G, H, 10A, D, F, H). Penis with row of short, barbed setae in subterminal position on caudolateral blade ( Fig. 9 H). Telson roughly as long as last abdominal segment, with strong, subrectangular cleft ( Fig. 10 U). Cleft laminae without lateral wing-like expansions ( Fig. 10 V). Type species. Mesomysis Kröyeri Czerniavsky, 1882b : 46 , as defined in Daneliya (2004) . Remarks. The characters of P. adriatica sp. nov. take an intermediate position between the subgenera Longidentia and Occiparamysis , thus diminishing their diagnostic significance. In particular, being rather similar to P. agigensis Băcescu, 1940 (see details below), P. adriatica still lacks the most important distinguishing character of Occiparamysis —long and strong setae on penis outer lobe—rather having short, thin setae like in the species of Longidentia . Thus, upon synonymising Occiparamysis with Longidentia , we also propose the new, revised combination Paramysis ( Longidentia ) agigensis Băcescu, 1940 . The redefined subgenus Longidentia is most similar to the subgenus Pseudoparamysis Băcescu, 1940 , from which it differs by the 3-segmented propodus of thoracic endopods 3–8 (reduced, 1- or 2-segmented propodus of endopods 7–8 in species of Pseudoparamysis ).