New record of Hergovitsia Bucsek from Cambodia (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini), with description of a new species Author Bayarsaikhan, Ulziijargal Author Bucsek, Karol Author Bae, Yang-Seop text Zootaxa 2018 2018-12-14 4531 4 589 595 journal article 27765 10.11646/zootaxa.4531.4.9 1538b033-b51e-4e1f-833d-5fec242a80e1 1175-5326 2614955 88207CD6-9504-4C47-8F14-29BC8DB06DCD Hergovitsia longivirga Bayarsaikhan & Bae , sp. n. ( Figs. 1a, 1b , 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 ) Type materials. Holotype : 1 ♂ , Cambodia , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′40.0″, E102˚52′13.0″, Alt. 644m ), 23.XII.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , U Bayarsaikhan , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim and DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗10024C. Paratypes ( 3 ♂ , 4 ♀ ,) Cambodia : 1 ♂ , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′47.8″, E102˚54′23.8″, Alt. 854m ), 22.XII.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , U Bayarsaikhan , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim and DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1715C ; 4 ♀ , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′40.0″, E102˚52′13.0″, Alt. 644m ), 23.XII.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , U Bayarsaikhan , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim and DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1713C, 10020C, 10021C, 10022C ; 2 ♂ , Samkos , Koh Kong Prov. (N12˚12′48.1″, E102˚54′12.7″, Alt. 841m ), 24.XII.2014 ( YS Bae , YD Ju , MJ Qi , U Bayarsaikhan , BS Park , SM Na , JW Kim and DJ Lee ), Gen. Slide No. INU˗1714C, 10023C . FIGURES 5–8. Holotypes of the other described species in Hergovitsia Bucsek. 5. H. magnifica , male. 6. H. splendida , male. 7. H. strbae , male. 8. H. brunnea , male. Diagnosis. The new species is similar to Hergovitsia magnifica Bucsek, 2012 ( Bucsek 2012 : 33, pl. 6: 73, 73a, 73b, gen. Mal042; in the present paper: figs. 2a, 2b, 9, 10), but it can be distinguished from the latter by the forewing of male ground color pale gray, with a large, rectangular, darker light brownish discal dot in medial of costal margin, and tinged with brown in dorsal area; forewing of female ground color pale brown˗gray, with pale costal band in medial to apex; dark discoidal spot of both sexes small; abdomen gray˗white in both sexes ( Figs. 1a, 1b ); in male genitalia, valva slender, long, almost eight times longer than uncus ( Fig. 3a ); saccular process irregularly rectangular, upper angle of apex with waved, finger˗shaped 3 projections, and lower angle of apex roundly angled with a weakly sclerotized, triangular spur; saccus very short, broadly U˗shaped ( Fig. 3c ); in female genitalia, corpus bursae with one rounded signum in weakly sclerotized proximal half ( Fig. 4 ). In H. magnifica Bucsek , forewing of both sexes ground color creamy white, with one (in female) or two (in male) brown markings, and one or two deep yellow stain in under distinct dark discoidal dot; and a large, rectangular, light whitish discal dot in medial of costal margin; abdomen yellow in both sexes ( Bucsek 2012 : pl. 6: 73, 73a, 73b; in the present paper: figs. 2a, 2b); in male genitalia, valva blunt, short, almost same length with uncus; saccular process rectangular, upper angle of apex with a waved, slender, finger˗shaped projection and lower angle of apex with a triangular stout projection; saccus two times longer than that of the new species, broadly U˗shaped ( Bucsek 2012: gen. fig. Mal042; in the present paper: fig. 5 ); in female genitalia, corpus bursae without one rounded signum ( Bucsek 2012: gen. fig. Mal042; in the present paper: fig. 6 ). FIGURES 9–15. Genitalia of the other described species in Hergovitsia Bucsek. 9. H. magnifica , male. 10. ditto , female. 11. H. strbae , male. 12. ditto , female. 13. H. brunnea , male. 14. ditto , female. 15. H. splendida , male. Description. Adult ( Figs. 1a, 1b ). Length of forewing 5–6 mm in male and female. Male ( Fig. 1a ): head white. Patagium, thorax and tegula white, mixed with brown scales. Forewing ground color pale gray, with one small dark discoidal spot; medial pale brown band diffused from discoidal area; apical area pale gray, with one dark brown spot in apex; dorsal area tinged with pale brown; cilia pale, mixed with pale brown scales. Hindwing sordid white, with deep recess from apex to vein Cu1; terminal area tinged with pale brown; cilia sordid white, mixed with pale brown scales. Abdomen white, with pale yellow anal tuft. Female ( Fig. 1b ): Head, patagium, thorax and tegula sordid white, mixed with brown scales. Forewing ground color pale brown˗gray, with one small dark discoidal spot and indistinct brown markings; pale costal band from medial to apex, with one dark spot in apex; pale gray terminal band distinct; cilia pale, mixed with pale brown scales. Hindwing brown, tinged with gray in basal area; cilia pale. Abdomen gray˗white. Male genitalia ( Figs. 3a, 3b, 3c ). Uncus slender, weakly waved, with a small apical spine. Tegumen triangular. Valva slender, almost eight times longer than uncus, heavily covered with hairs fully ( Fig. 3a ); saccular process irregularly rectangular, strongly sclerotized in edge, upper angle of apex with waved, 2 short and one long (2 times longer than short two), finger˗shaped projections, and lower angle of apex roundly angled with a weakly sclerotized, triangular spur ventrally; costal margin of saccular process bifurcated apically ( Fig. 3c ). Saccus broadly U˗shaped ( Fig. 3c ). Aedeagus stout, weakly sclerotized in apical half and vesica with one row of diverse sized spines, one strongly sclerotized irregular process, and two large spine˗shaped cornuti ( Fig. 3b ). Female genitalia ( Fig. 4 ). Papillae anales weakly covered with setae. Ductus bursae straight, tube˗shaped, covered with short spines in weakly sclerotized area in 2/3 from ostium, and plate of long spines in membranous area near cervix of bursae. Corpus bursae ovoid, membranous, with one rounded signum in weakly sclerotized proximal half of bursae. Distribution. Cambodia ( Koh Kong province ). Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin, longus (long) and virga (broom), refers to the long and heavily covered with hairs of valva.