A new Helluodes Westwood species from Western Ghats with notes on habitat, distribution and phylogenetic relationships of genera Helluodes Westwood and Physocrotaphus Parry of the tribe Physocrotaphini Chaudoir (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae: Anthiinae) Author Sabu, Thomas K. Litter Entomology Research Unit, P. G. & Research Department of Zoology, St. Joseph's College, Devagiri, Calicut, Kerala, 673008, India Department of Entomology, College of Natural Resources & Environment, South China Agricultural University, Wushan, Guangzhou, 510640, China Corresponding author. E-mail: sabukthomas @ gmail. com sabukthomas@gmail.com Author Abhitha, Prabhakar Litter Entomology Research Unit, P. G. & Research Department of Zoology, St. Joseph's College, Devagiri, Calicut, Kerala, 673008, India Department of Entomology, College of Natural Resources & Environment, South China Agricultural University, Wushan, Guangzhou, 510640, China Corresponding author. E-mail: sabukthomas @ gmail. com Author Zhao, Danyang text Zootaxa 2008 2008-04-09 1745 1 30 46 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1745.1.3 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1745.1.3 1175­5334 5108342 Helluodes Westwood, 1847 Helluodes Westwood, 1847: 279 ; Chaudoir, 1862: 302 . Color. Black or brownish black. Head. Large, massive and protracted, narrower than prothorax, surface strongly wrinkled, moderately setose and punctate. Labrum subrectangular, as wide as long, emarginate or truncate between anterior angles. Clypeus subtruncate, with 6–12 setae; frontal foveae deeply depressed and distinct; anterior supraorbital seta situated at about middle of eye near inner margin, posterior supraorbital seta situated near posterior margin of eye. Genae convex, large and densely setose behind eye. Mandibles protracted, acute, medially smooth, apex symmetrically acuminate. Maxillae with elongate and massive lacinia, galeae curved; maxillary palpi with palpomere 2 longest, palpomere 4 shortest, inflexed medially and medial surface with distinct, deep puncture, apex rounded or truncate. Mentum wide, strongly emarginate, with bifid median tooth. Ligula slender, elongate and tapered towards apex, with a dorsal horn-like process ahead of tip, with 2–3 elongate apical setae. Paraglossae membranous, narrow and distinctly shorter than ligula. Palpomere 2 of labial palpi with dense and long setae medially. Antennae narrow, elongate, pilose from basal antennomere, with apical ring of setae; antennomeres 1-5 cylindrical; scape longest, elongate; antennomere 2 more than half the length of 3; antennomere 3 slightly longer than 4 th , antennomeres 4 and 5 shorter; antennomeres 5–11 flattened, with a glabrous impunctate stripe along middle of dorsal and ventral surfaces, laterally chagreened and setose. Pronotum. Large, cordiform, widest at anterior third, with distinctly explanated and reflexed lateral borders; apical margin with or without emargination; anterior angles rounded and extended anteriorly beyond arc of emargination; lateral margins reflexed with marginal setae at base and slightly before middle; disc weakly convex with distinct median line, median line extended neither to apex nor base; anterior and posterior transverse sulci faint; basal foveae deep and wide extended forward to anterior one-third as distinct lateral furrows; lateral margins distinctly or weakly sinuate in front of posterior angles; base narrower than apex, slightly sinuate in middle and distinctly oblique laterally; densely or sparsely punctate and pilose. FIGURES 6–14. Labrum, maxillary palpi and pronotum: 6–8 Helluodes devagiriensis n.sp. ; 9–11 Helluodes taprobanae ; 12–14 Helluodes westwoodi . Not scaled. Elytra. Convex posteriorly, widest medially, densely punctate and setose; margins faintly subserrate; apices obliquely truncate with wide or narrow membranous margins, sinuate near outer angles; striae entire; intervals variably punctate and convex. Hindwings. Well developed. Venter. Punctate-pubescent, except posterior area of prosternum glabrous. Legs. Short, front tibiae emarginate at apex, dorsal surface of tarsi pubescent or not; claws simple. Genitalia. Male aedeagus well sclerotised; median lobe with a dorsal opening, apex narrow, tapered and rounded; left paramere well developed, lower surface almost straight. Styli of female ovipositor glabrous. Sexual dimorphism . Male with abdominal sternite 2 with one and sternite 3 with two oval, median depressions and a cluster of long filamentous setae; female without such depressions or setae. Male protarsus with dense pads of adhesive squamose setae on ventral surface of three basal tarsomeres; female without such pads. Type species. Helluodes taprobanae Westwood of Sri Lanka . Geographic distribution. Species in this genus are distributed in Sri Lanka and southwest India .