Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 3. Heresiarchini Author Riedel, Matthias text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2017 2017-07-28 49 1 895 917 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5356945 0253-116X 5356945 Coelichneumon ( Coelichneumon ) fulvipennoides nov.sp. H o l o t y p u s: Laos , Hua Phan Prov. , Ban Saleui, Phon-Pan-Mt., 20°13´30´´N 103°59´26´´E , 1350- 1900 m , 25.04.2012 , leg. C. Holzschuh & natives. P a r a t y p u s: Laos , Hua Phan Prov. , Ban Saleui, Phon-Pan-Mt., 20°13´30´´N 103°59´26´´E , 1350- 1900 m , 05.05.2010 , leg. C. Holzschuh & natives. D e s c r i p t i o n of : Body length 24-25 mm . Flagella strongly lanceolate, with 51- 52 flagellomeres, first flagellomeres (without anellus) length 1.8x width, sixth to seventh segments square, flagellomeres beyond the middle attenuated, widest ones 2.5-2.7x as wide as long. Temples moderately but almost linearly narrowed behind eyes ( fig. 2 ). Clypeus, face and outer orbits densely punctate. Frons with scattered punctures. Distance of lateral ocelli to eyes c.1x as long as their diameter. Malar spaces c.0.6x as long as the width of mandibular bases. Hypostomal carinae not elevated. Mesosoma with light brownish hairs. Mesoscutum with rather dense punctures and fine granulation, matte; mesopleura punctate. Scutellum moderately elevated, slightly wider than long, without lateral carinae, rather densely punctate. Propodeum rounded, area superomedia heart-shaped, about as long as wide, costulae obsolete. 1 st lateral areae of propodeum punctate and smoothened, propodeum otherwise rugulose-punctate ( fig. 10 ). Area petiolaris with lateral carinae. Hind coxae densely punctate, with dense whitish hairs and indistinct apical scopa. Hind femora with lesser dense punctures in ventral third, length 3.5x height. 3 rd tarsomeres of middle legs c.1.6x as long as wide. Areolets pentagonal, frontal distances of intercubiti about 3-4x their width, nervuli postfurcal. Metasoma strongly oxypygous. Lateral fields of postpetiole c.0.9x as wide as median field, with scattered puncture, median field with c.12 fine striae. Gastrocoeli strongly impressed, with longitudinal ridges. Thyridia almost transverse, 1.3x as wide as their interval. 2 nd tergite length 0.95x width ( fig. 16 ). Tergites 2-4 with fine dense punctures, 2 nd and 3 rd tergites centrally matte and rugose, but without distinct longitudinal striation. Tergites 5-7 with superficial punctures, more shining. Seen from dorsal, ovipositor sheaths c.0.5x as long as seventh tergite. Color: black. Ivory are stripes on flagellomeres 7-16, sometimes mandibular bases, sides of clypeus, genae, wide facial orbits that are almost confluent below the antenna, frontal orbits confluent with the vertical ones, lower outer orbits, collare and upper margins of pronotum, subtegular ridges, frontal marks on lower mesopleura, scutellum, fore and middle coxae and all trochanters and trochantelli (hind trochantellus brownish apically), sometimes small anterodorsal spots on hind coxae. Legs except coxae and trochanters reddish-yellow; fore and middle femora and fore tibiae blackish caudally. Hind femora with ventro-apical black spots, hind tibiae and tarsi completely yellowish. Wings moderately infuscate, pterostigmas blackish. 3 unknown. R e m a r k: In the group of Coelichneumon species with completely black metasoma, the new species resembles C. piceipennis (MORLEY) syn. fuscipennis CAMERON, but differs by its larger size, completely yellow scutellum, ventro-apical blackish spots of hind femora and completely black mesosternum. The closely related C. laoticus RIEDEL 2013 differs by distinct notauli, large scopa on hind coxae, extensive yellow coloration, and completely yellow-red hind femora.