Description of two new species of Progonyleptoidellus (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae), with a cladistic analysis of the genus, an overview of relationships in the K 92 group, and taxonomic notes on Deltaspidium
Benedetti, Alípio R.
Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo
journal article
Progonyleptoidellus bocaina
sp. nov.
Figs. 2
Type material
São Paulo
São José do Barreiro. Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina
Mambucaba river
, Pinto-da-Rocha, Campaner & Vanin leg.,
MZSP 73602
); idem
1 ♂
MZSP 18939
); same loc.,
, F.
et al
. leg
1 ♀
MZSP 73776
São José do Barreiro
E. Bocaina
, H.S. de Freitas leg.,
1 ♀
MZSP 30155
The name, a noun in apposition, refers to the
locality, Parque Nacional Serra da Bocaina, a national park situated between the states of
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
, on a segment of the slopes of the Planalto Atlântico facing the sea, known as Serra do Mar.
Type locality.
São Paulo
São José do Barreiro: Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina.
Geographical distribution
Fig. 9
). Known only from the
Progonyleptoidellus bocaina
sp. nov.
P. fuscopictus
P. striatus
in having proapical apophysis of coxa IV strong, large and with curved apex, and
P. picinguaba
sp. nov.
in having free tergite III armed with long spine and absence of DBA on femur IV. It can be distinguished from
P. fuscopictus
P. striatus
by the absence of black bands on scutal areas of DS, absence of DBA on femur IV, and free tergite III armed with a long spine; from
P. picinguaba
sp. nov.
by coxa IV proapical apophysis with curved apex, and femur III with a retrodorsal and a proventral rows of conical tubercles.
Progonyleptoidellus bocaina
sp. nov.
P. fuscopictus
in coloration, apical apophysis of coxa IV and armature of femur IV. It can be distinguished from
P. fuscopictus
by the large DS; coxa IV most prominent in dorsal view, not totally hidden by DS; free tergite III with a larger spine.
. Male (
, MZSP 73602)
: CL 2.5; CW 3.4; DSL 5.6; DSW 6.3; FeP 3.5; FI 4.1; FII 9.8; FIII 7.4; FIV 8.9.
Figs. 2A
3A, F
): DS shape
gamma-pyriform with two median acuminate tubercles on the corners of its anterior margin, projected obliquely. Frontal hump low, slightly projected anteriorly, with two median acuminate tubercles upwards. Ocularium narrow, low, with two median and parallel acuminate tubercles directed upwards, and one pair of tiny tubercles on the posterior face. Carapace with a pair of rounded tubercles posterior to ocularium and with an oblique row of 3–4 tubercles on each side, in the posterior half. Scutal area I with scattered small tubercles on the posterior half, the paramedian ones slightly larger; scutal area II with scattered small tubercles, paramedian ones slightly larger; scutal area III with scattered small tubercles, and with a paramedian pair of large spines directed posteriorly. Lateral margins of DS with 5–6 small acuminate tubercles on posterior half, the median ones larger. Two ozopores each side. Posterior margin of DS slightly convex, with a row of small tubercles of similar size. Free tergites I–II each with scattered small tubercles (one median tubercle larger on FT II); free tergite III with a median long spine. Anal operculum unarmed, with some granules.
Fig. 3C
): Coxa I with a median row of enlarged setiferous tubercles; coxa II with two median rows of small rounded tubercles; coxae III–IV with scattered granules. Coxae II–IV connected by a row of tubercles. Stigmatic area: posterior margin convex, most of lateral parts touching coxa IV. Stigmata elliptical and slanted.
: Segment I smooth, bulla weakly marked; segment II with scattered granules, fixed finger with 4 teeth; movable finger with 2 teeth.
Progonyleptoidellus bocaina
sp. nov.
, male paratype (MZSP 18939): A, habitus, dorsal view; B, right trochantertibia IV, dorsal view; C, coxa, trochanter and basal part of femur IV, retrodorsal view. Scale bars: A: 3 mm, B: 4 mm, C: 2 mm.
Progonyleptoidellus bocaina
sp. nov.
, male holotype (MZSP 73602) and female paratype (MZSP 73776): A, male habitus, dorsal view; B, female habitus, dorsal view; C, male habitus, ventral view; D, female trochanter–femur IV, dorsal view; E, male trochanter–tibia IV, dorsal view; F, male habitus, left lateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.
Fig. 3F
): Coxa smooth and enlarged, reaching the cheliceral bulla. Trochanter with a dorsoapical small elevation, with one apical ventral setiferous tubercle. Femur and patella elongated, slender and smooth. Tibial setation: mesal IiIi; ectal IiIi. Tarsus with 2 ventral median rows of setae; tarsal setation: mesal IiI; ectal iIiI.
: Coxae I–II with one prodorsal and one retrodorsal small apophyses, the prodorsal ones larger; coxa III with a prolateral short apophysis fused at apex with the retrolateral apophysis of coxa II. Coxa IV (
Figs. 2B
) with scattered granules and tubercles; with a strong, large and obliquely directed proapical apophysis, with an acuminate apex, inclined to the axis of the apophysis, and with a small process on the basal half of apophysis (basal process); a retroapical small acuminate apophysis. Trochanters I–III unarmed, with some apical tubercles on retro and prolateral faces; trochanter IV (
Figs. 2B
) with some granules on dorsal face; prolaterally with a median dorsal large, conical and pointed tubercle and two apical small tubercles; retrolaterally with an apical large, conical and pointed tubercle and with some small tubercles on the apical half; ventral face with scattered tubercles. Femora I-II unarmed, with scattered granules; femur III with a retrodorsal and a proventral rows of conical tubercles, increasing in size apically; femur IV (
Figs. 2B
) long and slightly sinuous at both the base and the apex; dorsobasally with a row of spines, decreasing in size apically, and with an adjacent row (retrolateral one) of small tubercles; retrolaterally with a row of spines, the basal ones larger (the largest armature of the article), decreasing in size apically; ventrally with two rows of tubercles increasing in size apically, the apical ones spine-like. Patellae I–IV unarmed, with some scattered tubercles. Tibiae I–II unarmed; tibiae III–IV ventrally with two rows of apical tubercles, increasing in size apically. Metatarsi I–IV unarmed; astragalus swollen. Claws smooth. Tarsal process large. Tarsal counts: 7(3), 13–14(4), 9, 9–10.
(MZSP 18939,
Figs. 6A
): VP subrectangular, ventral face totally covered with microsetae
1, distal margin with a U- shaped cleft, curved in lateral view, with a rounded base. Lateral lobe sub-basal, subquadrangular, dorsally directed, with microsetae
3 on its distal part. Macrosetae (MS) A1–A3 well developed, lanceolate, forming a slanted row on lateral lobe; MS B1 short, conical, separated from MS A; MS C1–C3 long, well developed, basally straight and distally helicoidal; MS D1 short and conical, placed between MS C and MS A; MS E1–E2 short and conical, placed near MS C1–C3. Glans stylus subcylindrical with inclined apex, with subapical microspines. Glans ventral process with stem thicker than stylus, with flabelliform apex. Flabellum fan-like, with multi-serrated apex. Glans sac short, multi-folded, heel-shaped, projected as a dorsal process. Stylus stem arising from the ventralmost part of the glans sac, with a candelabrum-like insertion.
(in ethanol;
Fig. 3
): Light yellow with small black spots scattered on anterior, posterior and lateral margins of DS, scutal areas, free tergites I–II, pedipalps, chelicerae and legs I–III. Dark yellow on leg IV (coxa–tib-ia). Predominantly black on the carapace around and behind the ocularium, in the spines of the scutal area III and in dorsoapical apophyses of coxae IV. Dry-marks as a strip on ocularium (between the eyes), continuing anteriorly and posteriorly on the carapace; and weakly in scutal areas sulci.
: Measurements: CL 2.8; CW 3.8; DSL 6.4; DSW 6.9; FeP 3.6; FI 4.2; FII 10.5; FIII 7.6; FIV 9.2. Anterior margin of dorsal scutum with 3 medium-sized acuminate tubercles on the corners. Lateral margins with 8-9 small acuminate tubercles on posterior half. Free tergite I unarmed; free tergite II with large tubercle on the left half. Tarsal counts: 7(3), 13–14(4), 8–9, 10.
Female (n=1;
Figs. 3B, D
: CL 2.7; CW 3.8; DSL 5.8; DSW 6.8; FeP 3.8; FI 4.2; FII 11.2; FIII 7.4; FIV 9.6.
Spines on scutal area III larger and stronger than in males. Free tergites I–II unarmed; FT III with a huge median spine, slightly stronger than in males. Dry-marks on ocularium and posterior half of carapace (behind ocularium), and weakly in the middle part of scutal areas I–II.
: Coxa IV shorter than in male, hidden under the dorsal scutum, except its apex and apophysis; with a proapical large, strong and acuminate apophysis, straight and obliquely directed, much smaller than that of males. Trochanter IV inserted prolaterally as in male, but with apical tubercle smaller; retrolaterally with small tubercles. Femur IV with armature as in male, but spines are smaller. Tarsal counts: 7(3), 13(4), 9, 11.