M. allmani
Nutting, 1900
Mesial nematotheca adnate for most of its length to the abaxial wall of hydrotheca, distal tip
the hydrothecal aperture. Gonosome described by
Galea (2013)
. Distribution: tropical western Atlantic (
Calder 1997
M. clarkei
Nutting, 1900
Mesial nematotheca adnate for most of its length to the abaxial wall of hydrotheca, distal tip
the hydrothecal aperture. Gonosome described by
Ansín Agís
et al.
. Distribution: tropical western Atlantic, Cape Verde Islands (
Calder 2013
M. curta
Nutting, 1900
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca reaching
middle part
of the abaxial wall of hydrotheca. Gonosome unknown. Distribution: Bahamas (
Nutting 1900
M. furcata
Nutting, 1900
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca reaching
middle part
of the abaxial wall of hydrotheca. Gonosome unknown. Distribution: Bahamas (
Nutting 1900
M. grandis
(Clarke, 1879)
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca adnate for most of its length to the abaxial wall of hydrotheca, distal tip
reaching or surpassing
the hydrothecal aperture. Gonosome described by
Nutting (1900)
Distribution: tropical western Atlantic (
Calder 1997
M. hawaiensis
Nutting, 1905
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca
becoming free in middle
of hydrotheca, tip not reaching aperture; one median abaxial cusp and
2 pairs of 2 small, uneven lateral cusps
. Gonophore described by
Nutting (1905)
. Distribution: Hawai’i (
Nutting 1905
M. longiramosa
Fraser, 1945
Poorly known species, with mesial nematothecae
almost as long
as the abaxial side of the hydrotheca, becoming free
just below
the thecal aperture. Gonosome unknown. Distribution: Dorsey Canyon, Gulf of Mexico (
Fraser 1945
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca adnate for most of its length to the abaxial
M. mercatoris
wall of hydrotheca, tip
almost reaching
the rim; first cormidium with
lateral (
Leloup, 1937
nematothecae. Distribution: Florida, USA (
Leloup 1937
). Small hydroid. Hydrotheca
above the site where the mesial nematotheca becomes free; with
abaxial carina
ending distally in
rounded crest
; mesial nematotheca partly adnate to lower abaxial wall of hydrotheca; lateral nematothecae reaching the rim; margin
M. mulderi
(Bartlett, 1907)
with 1 median, abaxial cusp narrow and incurved, as well as 4 pairs of laterals: 1st
triangular, slightly
projecting outwards
, 2nd long, roughly
, strongly
incurved over
hydrothecal aperture, 3rd broad, rounded at apex and
projecting outwards
, 4th long,
, slightly
incurved over
hydrothecal aperture (
Mulder & Trebilcock 1916
). Gonosome described by
Watson (1973)
. Distribution: southern Australia (
Mulder & Trebilcock 1916
Watson 1973
M. racemifera
Allman, 1883
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca adnate for most of its length to the abaxial wall of hydrotheca, distal tip
the hydrothecal aperture. Gonosome described in the original account. Distribution: off Bahia, Brazil (
Allman 1883
M. ramosa
Fewkes, 1881
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca adnate for most of its length to the abaxial wall of hydrotheca, distal tip
the hydrothecal aperture. Distribution: tropical western Atlantic (
Calder 1997
M. robusta
Fewkes, 1881
Poorly known species, with mesial nematotheca adnate for
almost the whole length
of the abaxial wall of hydrotheca. Gonosome unknown. Distribution: Montserrat (
Fewkes 1881
). Poorly known species, with
rather deep
hydrothecae, with
nearly horizontal
aperture; rim with median, abaxial cusps and
3 pairs
of laterals; mesial nematotheca becoming
free in
M. similis
Nutting, 1905
of hydrotheca, laterals
distinctly overtopping
the hydrothecal rim; phylactocarps with normal cormidium proximally, followed by a few
internodes carrying abortive (closed) hydrothecae that retain only their
complement of nematothecae;
. Distribution: Hawai’i (
Nutting 1905