A precarious future for distinctive peripheral populations of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) Author Jackson, Donavan J Author Cook, Joseph A text Journal of Mammalogy 2020 2019-12-28 101 1 36 51 http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyz196 journal article 10.1093/jmammal/gyz196 0022-2372 7832477 Microtus Phylogeny Inferred from Cytochrome b The evolutionary relationships for 64 species of Microtus were reconstructed based on Cytb sequences ( n = 118), producing the most comprehensive phylogeny for the genus to date. We included two recently proposed species ( M. gromovi Bannikova et al. 2010 ; M. atticus Rovatsos and Giagia-Athanasopoulou 2012), two species of questionable status ( M. rossiaemeridionalis and M. obscurus Musser and Carleton 2005), and the first mitochondrial sequences for M. breweri . Because the GenBank accessions were derived from multiple studies, sequences ranged from 489 to 1,140 bp in length. Relationships across the phylogeny are largely congruent with previous studies (Conroy and Cook 2000; Jaarola et al. 2004 ; Martinkova et al. 2012 ); however, M. breweri is shown to be nested within M. pennsylvanicus ( Fig. 3 ). Genetic distances (K2P shown below with p -distance included in Supplementary Data SD4) between 13 sister species pairs recovered on this phylogeny averaged 5% (range 1.5–9.7%). Lowest divergence values were between the controversial species M. rossiaemeridionalisM. levis (0.2%), followed by M. abbreviatusM. miurus (1.5%), and M. bavaricusM. liechtensteini (1.6%), while highest sister species divergence was between M. daghestanicusM. subterraneus (9.7%).