New records of biting midges of the genus Culicoides Latreille from the southeastern United States (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Author Vigil Author Wlodkowski, John C. Author Joshua Author Vargas Author Shaw, David Author Christopher Author William L. Grogan, Jr. Author Corn, Joseph L. text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-10-17 2014 394 1 14 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5179761 1942-1354 5179761 4A262124-FBE8-4091-BDD8-A895A58CDB75 Culicoides ( Amossovia ) beckae Wirth and Blanton Culicoides beckae Wirth and Blanton, 1967: 213 ( Florida ) ; Gazeau and Messersmith 1970: 35 ( Maryland record); Wirth et al. 1985: 20 (in Nearctic Wing Atlas). Culicoides ( Drymodesmyia ) beckae : Battle and Turner 1971: 26 ( Virginia records) Culicoides ( Oecacta ) beckae : Blanton and Wirth 1979: 63 ( Florida records; distribution); Wilkening et al. 1985: 522 ( Florida records). Culicoides ( Amossovia ) beckae : Borkent and Grogan 2009: 12 (in Nearctic catalog; distribution). Discussion. Culicoides beckae is an uncommon species that closely resembles females of C. villosipennis Root and Hoffman and C. ousairani Khalaf , and males of C. arboricola Root and Hoffman. Culicoides beckae can be differentiated from these species by the female dark halteres and pale-banded hind femora, and more slender male parameres ( Wirth and Blanton 1967 ). This species utilizes tree-holes for larval development like most other species in the subgenus Amossovia Glukhova ( Lamberson et al. 1992 ) , and like other species in this subgenus, it is ornithophilic ( Garvin and Greiner 2003 ). This species inhabits the Coastal Plain from New York south to northern Florida and Alabama ( Blanton and Wirth 1979 ; Borkent and Grogan 2009 ). We provide the first records of C. beckae from Mississippi and Louisiana . New State Records. LOUISIANA , Tensas Parish , Winnsboro , Big Lake Wildlife Management Area , 14 September 2012 , 2 females . Caldwell Parish , Columbia , Boeuf Wildlife Management Area , 15 September 2012 , 2 females . MISSISSIPPI , Adams Co. , Garden City, Sandy Creek Wildlife Management Area , 25 September 2008 , 1 female ; same data except 12 July 2010 , 1 female . Franklin Co. , Meadville, Caston Creek Wildlife Management Area , 10 August 2012 , 1 female .