Condylobasal length | +764 | +820 |
Rostrum length | +434 | +491.9 |
Neurocranium length | 330 (e) | +325.8 |
Width of rostrum along anterior cross section | 72 | – |
Width of rostrum 250 mm anterior to antorbital notch | 91 | 180 (e) |
Height of maxilla 250 mm anterior to antorbital notch | e32 | 40 (e) |
Width of rostrum at base | 290 (e) | +388 |
Maximum width of ventral exposure of vomer on rostrum | 28 | 44.1 |
Transverse width of right bony naris | 18 | – |
Transverse width of left bony naris | 39 (e) | – |
Maximum posterior width of supracranial basin | 235 (e) | 278.8 |
Minimum distance between temporal fossae across occipital shield | 202 (e) | 225.3 |
Mediolateral width of left temporal fossa | +120 | – |
Bizygomatic width | +470 | 522.9 |
Distance between ventromedial margins of paroccipital processes | 253 | 350 (e) |
Width of occipital condyles | +128 | 137.2 |
Number of preserved maxillary alveoli on left side | 18/336 mm = 5.4/100 mm | 6/143 mm (e) = 4.2/100 mm |
Number of preserved maxillary alveoli on right side | 18/347 mm = 5.2/100 mm | 7/190 mm (e) = 3.7/100 mm |
Range of transverse diameters for maxillary alveoli | 13-18 | – |
Range of lengths for interalveolar septa | 2.5-11 | 7-11 |
Length of upper alveolar groove | +347 | +287.2 |