Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanteriidae). Author Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa text 2001 Brill Leiden; Boston; Köln Leiden, Netherlands Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders- Family Liocranidae 400 505 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.814704 887f4c2c-1812-4aa5-b994-58388f6a45c5 814704 Genus Teutamus Thorell (plate 7) Teutamus Thorell, 1890: 281 . Type species Teutamus politus Thorell, 1890 , ♀, Malaysia, Penang. Described species. — The type species T. politus Thorell , ♀, Penang; T.fertilis sp. n . , ♂♀, N Sumatra, this volume; T. jambiensis sp. n . , ♂♀, W Sumatra, this volume, T. rhino sp. n. , ♂♀, W Java, this volume; T. rothorum sp. n . , ♂♀, W Java, this volume; T. andrewdavisi sp. n . , ♂♀, N Borneo, this volume; T. vittatus sp. n . , ♂♀, N Borneo, this volume. The new species are described in geographic order. Unidentified specimens ( map 40 ): Loc. 1: prope fertilis I, Malaysia, Perak, Padang Gerus, 1 ♂, S of Ipoh, P. Schwendinger ( MHNG ); 2 ♂, 1 , Chenderiang, primary evergreen forest, P. Schwendinger ( MHNG ); Perak, Taiping, 2 ♂ 1 ♀, Maxwell Hill (= Bukit Larut), montane rain forest, P. Schwendinger ( MHNG ); Thailand, Satun province, 3 ♂, 4 ♀. Thale Ban National Park, 6°, 42' N, 100°,10'E, lowland rain forest, < 400 m , 20.x. 1991 , M. Andersen, O. Martin, N. Scharff ( ZMK ). Loc. 2: prope fertilis II, Malaysia, Templer’s Park, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Beron ( NMNHS ), 1 ♂, 19.iii. 1985 P.R. and C.L. Deeleman. Loc. 3: prope jambiensis Sumatra, Mt. Singalang 500 m , ♂ . Loc. 4: N Borneo, W Sarawak. Semengoh Arboretum, 1 ♂, 6.i. 1984 , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 23.iii.1985 , P.R. and C.L. Deeleman: male palpal tegulum longer than wide rather than as long as wide as in fertilis , conductor orientated medially and with narrow base; epigynal openings well in front of spermathecae and juxtaposed, ducts curving to the centre then elbowing anteriorwards. Loc. 5: prope T. andrewdavisi , SE Kalimantan, 1 ♀, Aranio district, primary forest of Gunung Pisang, 200-250 m , M. Kuntner ( SIW ). Loc. 6: prope vittatus, N Borneo, W Sabah, Tuaran, 2 ♀. in leaf litter in Hevea plantation, , P.R. and C.L. Deeleman. Loc. 7: prope vittatus, N Borneo, W Sabah, Poring Hot Springs, 600 m , 1 ♂, 3 ♀. leaf litter near stream, 10+ 12.iv. 1998 , C.L. Deeleman; 1 ♂ 2 jv, 10.v. l987 and 1♀, 8.V.1987 , D. Burckhardt and I. Löbl ( MHNG ). Old material studied. — Female holotype , labelled Pinang ( MCSNG ). Diagnosis. — A somatically homogeneous genus, one of the easiest to recognize. It consists of vaguely ant-mimicking, reddish shiny and almost totally hairless spiders (only some trichobothria are present) with pronounced features in the body shape. The carapace ( figs 802-803 ) is elongate oval with undulating margins and four pairs of lateral lobes. The lateral margins converge gradually towards the narrow posterior border. The dorsal and ventral scutum in males are fused without suture, the abdomen is truncate in males ( figs 796-797 ). The posterior median spinnerets in the female are elongate, much compressed laterally and with parallel rows of cylindrical gland spigots as in figs 812-814 . The male palp has a simple swollen tegulum, the filiform coiled embolus is tucked away on the dorsal, in normal position invisible side of the bulb (see fig. 829, andrewdavisi ), the tip is aligned with a conical conductor. The vulva consists of a paired or a single anterior opening, from which short insemination ducts lead to large round or bean-shaped spermathecae with sclerotized walls. The bursae are small or lacking. Map 39: ● Jacaena distinctaJ. mihun Map 40: ● Teutamus politusT. fertilis T. jambiensisT. rhino T. rothorum T. andrewdavisi T. vittatus Ө Unidentified specimen 1-7. Description .— Medium-sized, lustrous, orange-coloured ant-like spider with elongate pedicel. Carapace with lateral lobes. Male abdomen truncate posteriorly. Both eye rows procurved, not much narower than head, AME larger than other eyes, eyes equally spaced. Clypeus equal to 1 d AME, rebordered, chilum triangular, separate ( fig. 804 ). Chelicerae small, anterior surface flat and spineless, with 3 promarginal and 2 small widely spaced retromarginal teeth. Sternum smooth and shiny with some pits, a round bulge adjacent to each coxa. Posteriorly produced between coxae IV and fused with pedicel, the latter ventrally keeled. Carapace and sternum connected by chitinous strips. Retrocoxal window absent. Legs I>IV>II>III. Legs thin, in particular metatarsi and tarsi, the latter widening towards tip; claw tufts lacking. First pair of femora with 1 or more prolateral distal spines, other femora spineless, anterior tibiae and metatarsi ventrally flattened, with a double row of very long strong tuberculate spines; posterior tibiae and metatarsi spineless; tarsal trichobothria as in fig. 811 , tarsal claws with 3 teeth, claws of leg IV strongly arched. Pedicel fused with sternum. Abdomen in males widening towards the tip, the tip abruptly truncate, in females and some males abdomen oval. Ventral epigastric scutum produced anteriorly into a ribbed collar, males with dorsal and ventral scuta fused into chitinous sheath over 3/4 - 5/6 of abdomen ( fig. 807 ), females ventrally with epigastric ventral scutum, which surrounds the entire anterior part of the abdomen; dorsal and postgenital scutum absent in females. In males of T. politus and T. fertilis , ventral postgenital scutum receding diagonally fig. 796, 797 . In females, PM spinnerets strongly compressed laterally, packed with rows of spigots ( figs 812-814 ), PLS with very small distal segment, provided with few similar spigots. Male palpal tibia with two blunt apophyses with clawlike tip. Tegulum simple, swollen, with wide dark sperm duct, the latter leading most often towards a filiform coiled embolus on dorsal, in normal position invisible side of bulb (see fig. 829); embolus in a clockwise coil in left palp on apical and distal-dorsal surface of tegulum, tip of embolus aligning apical claw-like or conical conductor, sometimes there is a second projection on the tegulum. Vulva with a pair of large spermathecae posteriorly and short ducts, lateral to the spermathecae a pair of chitinized cones on the interior side of the tegument (’’apodemes”); openings anterior, unpaired and asymmetric in T. politus . Opening often plugged with a black substance. Bursae very small. Autospasy: legs break off rarely; if so, then at the coxa-trochanter joint. Distribution. — Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, W Java. Habitat. — Spider of dark humid rainforests, primary and undisturbed secondary. Collected by sifting leaf litter; often seen wandering about by daytime on the forest floor. The species were found to have small ranges: most species were found in one locality only. Exceptionally, T. politus , which is the northernmost species known at present was also found at a distance of 350 km from the type locality in southern Thailand. At any place there was never more than one species.