Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanteriidae). Author Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa text 2001 Brill Leiden; Boston; Köln Leiden, Netherlands Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders- Family Liocranidae 400 505 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.814704 887f4c2c-1812-4aa5-b994-58388f6a45c5 814704 Teutamus fertilis sp. n. ( figs 802-814 , map 40 ) Type locality. N Sumatra , Gunung Leuser Nat. Park at Ketambe . Type material.Holotype ♂ from the type locality, 2-4.iii. 1986 ; paratypes : 2 ♂, 7. vii. 1985, 4 ♂, 3 9 , 2. viii. 1985, 7 ♂, 3 ♀, 2-4. iii.1986, 4 ♂, 7 9, 3-5. iv. 1986, 1 ♂, 2 ♀, 4. v. 1986, 5 ♀, 1986 , all S. Djojosudharmo . Other material. Bohorok rehabilitation centre near Bukit Lawang, primary rainforest , 1 ♂ from moist leaf litter, 9.viii. 1982 , PR. and C.L. Deeleman , 1 ♂, id ., 14.ii.1983 , PR. Deeleman and S. Djojosudharmo ; 1 ♀, near river Bohorok 13. vi.1983, 1 ♀, 31.xii. 1983 , P.R. and C.L. Deeleman , 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 10-12. iii. 1983, 1 ♂, 5 ♀, 23-26. iv. 1983, 1 ♀, 28.V.1983 , 1 ♀, 31.V.1983 , S. Djojosudharmo et. al . Diagnosis. — Distinct from other species in the abdominal pattern and the epigyne. The abdomen has a black ring around spinnerets which is separated from a dorsal black area by a white line; the abdomen is white on the underside. In males the abdominal scutum ventrally is receding diagonally, leaving bare a triangular area posterior to the genital fold, in the male palp the straight conductor ends in a claw. The spermathecae are large, cylindrical, connivent, they take up all space in the vulva. Description. — MALE. Total length 5.00 mm. Carapace length 2.40 mm , width 1.60 mm , height 0.80 mm , width head 0.90 mm ; abdomen length 2.60 mm , width 1.28 mm . Leg length: leg I 10.05 mm (2.50-3.50-2.40-1.65); leg II 7.75 mm (2.00-2.70-1.90-1.15); leg III 6.35 mm (1.65-2.10-1.60-1.00); leg IV 9.60 mm (2.60-3.00-2.60-1.40), palp 0.60-0.28- 0.40- 0.88 mm . Colour of carapace, mouthparts, sternum and legs as in politus . Abdomen differs from that species by the continous black ring surrounding spinnerets and the lack of a large diagonal white band distally; distal half of dorsum blackened, with scarce stripes, no light patches in the anterior half; venter white except for the black pre-anal area. Carapace surface as in T. politus . AME clearly larger than ALE, closer together than in that species. Dorsal scutum covering more than 3/4 of abdomen. Collar of ventral scutum with 6 transverse grooves, posteriorly excised diagonally leaving bare a large triangular area from genital fold to spinnerets. Spination: femur I 3 pl, tibia I 10 pv, 10rv, tibia II 10 pv, 9rv, metatarsus I 5 pv, 6rv, metatarsus II 5 pv, 4rv. Male palp figs 808, 810 , conductor straight, with clawlike tip, distal tibial apophysis small, proximal apophysis as in fig. 809 . FEMALE. Length 5.60 mm . Carapace length 2.60 mm , width 1.60 mm , height 0.88 mm , head width 0.90 mm , abdomen length 3.20 mm , width 1.52 mm , epigyne 0.60 mm wide, 0.90 mm long. Leg lengths: leg I 10.75 mm (2.60-3.95-2.60-1.60), leg II 7.95 mm (2.05- 3.00-1.70-1.20), leg III 6.85 mm (1.70-2.20-1.80-1.15), leg IV 10.20 m (2.60-3.20-2.80- 1.60), palp 0.80-0.30-0.45- 0.65 mm . Abdominal pattern more diluted than in male, usually white, posteriorly intergrading to grey; dorsal pre-anal spot white. Collar a little shorter than in male. Spine formula as in the male, but tibia II with 10pv, 9rv, metatarsus I with 6- 7pv, metatarsus II with 5pv, 5rv. Spinnerets figs 812-814 . Epigyne ( fig. 806 ) with very large juxtaposed spermathecae, stretched from collar to epigastric fold; openings close to anterior end of spermathecae, well separate, ducts curved inward. Vulva fig. 805 . Figs 807-811. Teutamus fertilis n. sp . , male. 807. Habitus, lateral. 808. Palp, retrolateral. 809. Pal ­ pal tibia, lower apophysis, retrolateral. 810. Palp, ventral. 811. Leg III, m etatarsus and tarsus, pro ­ lateral. Distribution .— Only known from Gunung Leuser park in N Sumatra. Etymology. — From Latin fertilis , fertile, referring to the large spermathecae of the female. Note .— Some forms from the Malay Peninsula are similar to this species and share the diagonally truncate scutum in males and large spermathecae; they differ only in details. In T. prope fertilis I” from Chenderiang, Maxwell Hill and Padang Gerus, N Malaysia, the male palpal conductor is triangular and less acuminate, the vulval ducts shorter, leaving a wide gap in front of the large spermathecae. A male from Templer’s Park near Kuala Lumpur (” Teutamus prope fertilis II ”) seems only to differ by the presence of a small additional apophysis (tegular apophysis) next to the conductor.