Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders (Araneae: Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Liocranidae, Gnaphosidae, Prodidomidae and Trochanteriidae). Author Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa text 2001 Brill Leiden; Boston; Köln Leiden, Netherlands Forest Spiders of South East Asia With a revision of the sac and ground spiders- Family Liocranidae 400 505 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.814704 887f4c2c-1812-4aa5-b994-58388f6a45c5 814704 Teutamus jambiensis sp. n. ( figs 815-817 , map 40 ) Type locality. — W Sumatra , Kerinci Seblat National Park . Type material .— Holotype ♂ from the type locality, 800 m altitude, primary forest, from leaf litter, 21-30.vii.1988 , S. Djojosudharmo et. al.; paratypes : 8♂,11♀, same data. Other material. — None. Diagnosis. — Distinct from preceding species by the ventral scutum in the male as long as the dorsal one, with straight truncation, and the double, partly membraneous apical projection on the male palpal bulb with apically a partly membranous conductor adjacent to a thornlike projection. Further, the more rounded lobes on the carapace, the presence of only 2 spines on femur I, the abdominal collar having 4 transverse ridges, the shape of the tibial apophysis and the size and position of the spermathecae are distinctive. Description. — MALE. Total length 4.50 mm . Carapace length 2.05 mm , width 1.25 mm , height 0.70 mm , width head 0.65 mm at level of PER, width eye group 0.55 mm ; abdomen length 2.50 mm , width 1.00 mm. Leg length: leg I 8.90 mm (2.20-3.20-2.15-1.35); leg II 6.80 mm (1.75-2.50-1.50-1.05); leg III 5.50 mm (1.50-1.70-1.40-0.90); leg IV 8.00 mm (2.15-2.45-2.15-1.25), palp 0.75-0.20-0.25- 0.70 mm . Colour of carapace, mouthparts, sternum and legs as in T. fertilis , legs with orange femora only, other leg segments pale yellow. Abdomen similar to that in fertilis . Carapace surface as in politus . AME clearly larger than ALE, closer together than in fertilis . Femur I with 2pl, tibia I with 8pv, 8rv, tibia II 8 pv, 8rv, metatarsus I 5 pv, 5rv, metatarsus II 5 pv, 4rv. Dorsal scutum covering more than 3/4 of abdomen; ventral scutum as long as dorsal scutum, with straight truncation, collar with 4 transverse grooves. Male palp fig. 815 , tegulum apically with a partly membraneous conductor; a little lower down a small chitinous thorn-like apophysis. Figs 812-814. Teutamus fertilis sp. n. 812. Female spinnerets. 813. Female spinnerets, posterior-lateral. 814. Posterior. 815-817. Teutamus jambiensis sp. n. 815. Male, palp, ventral. 816. Epigyne. 817. Vulva, in clove oil, dorsal. FEMALE. Length 5.60 mm . Carapace length 2.25 mm , width 1.40 mm , height 0.75 mm , head width 0.80 mm , eye group width 0.65 mm , abdomen length 3.00 mm, width 1.80 mm . epigyne 0.30 mm wide, 0.25 mm long. Leg lengths: leg I 9.45 mm (2.40-3.60-2.10- 1.35), leg II 7.55 mm (1.90-2.85-1.70-1.10), leg III 6.30 mm (1.75-1.95-1.65-0.95), leg IV 8.50 mm (2.40-2.60-2.35-1.15), palp 0.60-0.20-0.40- 0.65 mm . Abdominal pattern more diluted than in male. Spine formula: tibiae with 8-10pv and 8-10rv, metatarsus I and II with 5pv, 4rv. Collar a little shorter than in male. Epigyne fig. 816 ; vulva fig. 817 , spermathecae widely separated, diagonal, small bursae attached to ducts. Distribution .— Only known from Kerinci in W Sumatra. Etymology .— From the name of the province Jambi, (in older atlasses spelled Djambi), type locality of this species.