A taxonomic review of Pachyodes Guen e, 1858, with descriptions of two new species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Geometrinae) Author HAN, HONGXIANG Author XUE, DAYONG text Zootaxa 2008 2008-04-30 1759 1 51 68 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.1759.1.3 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1759.1.3 1175­5334 5123886 Pachyodes jianfengensis sp. nov. Figs 16–17 Description. Head : Antenna bipectinate in basal two-thirds, filiform in terminal one-third in male, longest pectination about 1.5 times diameter of antennal shaft; unknown in female. Frons protruding; ventral twothirds black, dorsal one-third white, ventral margin yellowish brown. Labial palpus black brown mixed with reddish brown dorsally and laterally, yellowish ventrally, barely extending beyond frons. Vertex white. Thorax : Tegula white. Thorax white dorsally and yellow ventrally. One pair of small black patches present on dorsum. Hind leg yellow; hind tibia in male dilated, with hair-pencil; with two pairs of spurs. Forewing length 24 mm in . Wings whitish, suffused with grass-green, black, and reddish brown scales. Forewing: subbasal line indistinct mostly, curved, area inside grass-green; antemedial line curved, black; area between these two lines pale grey-green; area outside antemedial line to discal spot suffused with longitudinal striations, tapering towards inner margin, blackish mixed with reddish brown; postmedial line indistinct, but the postmedial line on venter discernible; submarginal line indistinct, only two reddish brown patches present between M 3 and CuA 1 , CuA 1 and CuA 2 visible; apex with a large black brown patch; discal spot elongate, barlike, suffused with little reddish brown, accompanying with whitish scales. Hindwing base ornamented with little black scales; only small area anterior to and inside discal spot reddish brown; postmedial line more distinct than that of forewing, only small black dots on veins visible, distally accompanying whitish scales in anterior half; distal to postmedial line, long reddish brown patch between CuA 1 and CuA 2 ; anal angle appearing as a grassgreen patch; discal spot elongate barlike, black, suffused with little reddish brown. Terminal line black, interrupted, much broader on hindwing. Fringe grass-green mixed with some reddish scales. Venter white; wing base yellow; discal spot black, rounded, from discal spot to yellow wing base grey-black, extending posteriorly to inner margin on forewing, and terminating in cell on hindwing. Forewing with postmedial line a narrow blackish band, interrupted on veins; terminal band incomplete, broken at middle, tapering posteriorly, patchy, joined with postmedial line. Hindwing with postmedial line broken mostly, tapering towards inner margin, only three to four patches present; submarginal band broader than postmedial line, also broken. Abdomen : One pair of small black patches present on segment 1. Abdomen with dorsum whitish; dorsal crests distinct on segment 2 to 4, developed on segment 4 (crests lacking in holotype probably because of poor condition of specimen). Male genitalia ( Figs 24, 31 ) with socii fused basally, separated, in close proximity ter- minally, tapering. Gnathos with median process pointed, spinulose. Valva strongly sclerotized, divided into costal lobe and sacculus, the former distinctly smaller than the latter. Costal lobe with apical margin, distal and ventral half serrated, apex truncated; comparatively less wrinkled; small medial, extending proximally process with anterior part almost smooth. Sacculus broad, apex rounded, relatively narrow; ventral margin wrinkled medially, spinose distally, spines only distinct medially, becoming minute apically. Transtilla with a large pair of slightly sclerotized expanded processes. Saccus protruding, very short, rounded apically. Coremata developed. Aedeagus short, broad, more sclerotized posteriorly, with large number of spinules; cornuti absent. Female genitalia unknown. Diagnosis . On the basis of wing pattern, this new species is similar to several congeners, including as haemataria , pratti , subtrita and ornataria . However, P. jianfengensis can be distinguished from these species by the following differences: from haemataria , jianfengensis lacks the long patch at the wing base below the cell on the venter of the forewing; from pratti , the postmedial line of jianfengensis on the forewing venter is not as complete as that of pratti , and the same line on the hindwing is not composed of several large patches as in pratti ; from subtrita , hindwing base of the wing of jianfengensis is not suffused with dense reddish brown scales as in subtrita , and on the dorsum of the forewing jianfengensis has a distinct postmedial line which is absent in subtrita ; from ornataria , the hindwing of jianfengensis lacks a closed patch on the anal angle and has only a reddish brown patch between CuA 1 and CuA 2 , while there is a closed patch on the anal angle in ornataria . The male genitalia of P. jianfengensis are distinguished by the costal lobe being markedly constricted basally and the apex distinctly truncated. Holotype , CHINA : Hainan : Jianfeng , 6.VII.1983 , coll. Gu Maobin ; Paratype , , Hainan : Jianfeng , 23.XI.1983 , coll. Liu Yuanfu. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality. Distribution. China ( Hainan ).