Tipula (Vestiplex) levisoni sp. nov., a new cranefly (Diptera, Tipulidae) from the Western Himalayas Author Starkevich, Pavel 0000-0002-0746-0398 Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania pavel.starkevic@gmail.com Author Podėnas, Sigitas Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania Author Sivell, Duncan Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW 7 5 BD, United Kingdom text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-11 5115 1 131 145 journal article 20273 10.11646/zootaxa.5115.1.9 183d6d80-cdfb-4ec4-9500-17cb2e89f635 1175-5326 6346178 5FF52BDB-1928-4C4A-ACA2-47B5B869A611 List of Tipula ( Vestiplex ) species from the Western Himalayas Tipula ( Vestiplex ) avicularia Edwards, 1928 Tipula ( Vestiplex ) levisoni sp. nov. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) mitchelli Edwards, 1927 Tipula ( Vestiplex ) opilionimorpha aligera Savchenko, 1956 Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tanycera Alexander, 1961 Key to Tipula ( Vestiplex ) species from the Western Himalayas Males 1 Femora with yellow preapical ring. Abdominal segments 1–4 and base of segment 5 yellow, remainder black. Hypopygium with epandrium divided at midline by pale membrane. Appendages of hypandrium present … Tipula ( Vestiplex ) avicularia - Femora darkened at tip, without preapical yellow ring. Abdominal segments with hypopygium of similar colour or slightly darker ( Figs 1 , 21 , 38 ). Hypopygium with epandrium entire, not divided by membrane medially ( Figs 7 , 24 , 43 ). Appendages of hypandrium absent.................................................................................. 2 2 Antenna with flagellar segments nearly cylindrical. Epandrium forming sclerotised plate with middorsal furrow, anterior border not elevated........................................................ Tipula ( Vestiplex ) opilionimorpha aligera - Antenna with flagellar segments distinctly enlarged at base ( Fig. 2 ). Epandrium forming dark brown, polished, sclerotised saucer-shaped plate ( Figs 7 , 24 , 43 )....................................................................... 3 3. Thorax blackish, heavily dusted with grey pruinescence ( Fig. 22 ). Epandrium rectangular in outline ( Fig. 24 ). Inner gonostylus without middorsal tooth ( Fig. 27 ).................................................... Tipula ( Vestiplex ) mitchelli - Thorax brownish, thinly dusted with grey pruinescence ( Figs 2 , 39 ). Epandrium crescent-shaped ( Figs 7 , 43 ). Inner gonostylus with middorsal tooth ( Figs 10 , 46 )........................................................................ 4 4 Antenna reaching base of abdomen when bent backwards. Epandrium with large posterolateral tooth; posterior margin with deep median incision ( Figs 5, 7 ). Outer gonostylus flattened, leaf-shaped ( Fig. 9 )....... Tipula ( Vestiplex ) levisoni sp. nov. - Antenna almost reaching middle of the abdomen when bent backwards. Epandrium with distinctly small posterolateral tooth; posterior margin with shallow median emargination ( Figs 41, 43 ). Outer gonostylus nearly oval ( Fig. 45 ).............................................................................................. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tanycera Females (Note: Females of T. ( V. ) avicularia remain undescribed) 1 Wing well-developed, extending beyond middle of abdomen ( Fig. 3 )............................................ 3 - Wing reduced, brachypterous ( Fig. 23 ).................................................................... 2 2 Cercus distally slightly expanded with deep, wide serrations. Hypovalva comprising long filament, its length reaching 2/3 of cercus............................................................. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) opilionimorpha aligera - Cercus nearly slender, with gentle serrations ( Fig. 32 ). Hypovalva comprising short filament ( Fig. 34 ), its length reaching base of cercus....................................................................... Tipula ( Vestiplex ) mitchelli 3 Body length exceeds 30 mm ( 33.8–38.2 mm ). Cercus with small, indistinct serrations, tip broadly rounded ( Fig. 15 )............................................................................... Tipula ( Vestiplex ) levisoni sp. nov. - Body length less than 20 mm ( 13.5–15.9 mm ). Cercus with distinct serrations on distal end, tip narrowed ( Fig. 51 )...................................................................................... Tipula ( Vestiplex ) tanycera