Six new species of Agalliopsis from Southeastern Brazil (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Agalliinae) Author Gonçalves, Ana Clara Author Mejdalani, Gabriel Author Coelho, Luci B. N. text Zootaxa 2009 2014 1 18 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.185901 8732aae2-4b7b-4314-98a3-3b1e901c3db0 1175-5326 185901 Agalliopsis felixi Gonçalves, Mejdalani & Coelho , sp. nov. ( Figs 39–47 ) Lenght . Male holotype 3.4 mm; male paratype 3.3 mm. Description ( holotype ) . Head and thorax (color) . Ground color mostly brownish-yellow. Crown ( Figs 39, 40 ) with pair of ovoid, dark brown maculae, about equidistant from eyes and median line. Face ( Fig. 40 ) with pair of transverse brown stripes below ocelli. Frons ( Fig. 40 ) with pair of inconspicuous, elongate lateral brown maculae. Pronotum ( Fig. 39 ) with four irregular dark brown maculae, one pair on median area and another pair near lateral margins; median area with irregular macula, posteriorly brown and anteriorly pale brown. Mesoscutellum ( Fig. 39 ) with pair of maculae on laterobasal portions and macula on central region, brown. Forewings with veins partially covered by brown on basal half and by yellow on distal half. Lateral portions of mesothorax with large dark brown macula. Male genitalia . Pygofer ( Fig. 41 ), in lateral view, with basal apodeme rounded apically; posterior portion with rounded lobe separated from anterior portion by non-sclerotized line, with scattered setae ( Fig. 42 ); posteroventral margin with hook-shaped process ( Fig. 43 ). Subgenital plates ( Fig. 44 ), in ventral view, elongate, fused to valve (with faint suture between plates and valve), narrowing gradually towards obtuse apex; in lateral view ( Fig. 41 ), extending posteriorly slightly beyond pygofer apex, with longer setae dorsally. Styles ( Fig. 45 ), in lateral view, with oblique projection at dorsal portion for articulation with connective; outer fork small, rounded, subapical region with setae; inner fork more developed with small projection at subapical portion directed ventrally. Connective ( Fig. 45 ), in lateral view, linear, fused to aedeagus; T-shaped in dorsal view. Aedeagus ( Fig. 45 ), in lateral view, with basal region subquadrate, directed anteriorly, narrowing towards shaft; the latter directed ventrally and then dorsally, elongate and narrow, with pair of long subapical processes ( Fig. 46 ) directed anteriorly and pair of short apical processes ( Fig. 46 ) directed outward; gonopore apical ( Fig. 46 ). Anal tube ( Fig. 41 ) short; segment X with pair of processes, each one ( Fig. 47 ) with superior and inferior rami, superior ramus bifurcated distally. Female . Unknown. FIGURES 51–64 . Agalliopsis mutabilis sp. nov. (51–60) Male holotype: (51) crown, pronotum and mesonotum, dorsal view; (52) face; (53) genital capsule, lateral view; (54) posterior margin of pygofer showing distribution of setae, lateral view; (55) pygofer process, lateral view; (56) valve and subgenital plates, ventral view; (57) style, dorsal view; (58) aedeagus, lateral view; (59) apex of aedeagus, dorsal view; (60) anal tube process, lateral view. (61) Female paratype: abdomen, ventral view. (62–64) Male paratype: (62) crown, pronotum and mesonotum, dorsal view; (63) face; (64) aedeagus, connective and style, lateral view. FIGURES 65–74 . Second valvulae of the ovipositor; left column: general lateral view, right column: apical portion in a higher magnification. (65–66) Agalliopsis dutrai sp. nov. (67–68) A. chaelata sp. nov. (69–70) A. pentaspinata sp. nov. (71–72) Agalliopsis sp. (73–74) A. mutabilis sp. nov. DP: dorsal prominence, DHA: dorsal hyaline area, TO: tooth. Etymology . The new species is described in honor of Dr. Márcio Felix (Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro), who has contributed to our knowledge of the Neotropical Cicadellidae . Type material . Holotype : male, Brazil , “ Viçosa , MG [Minas Gerais State], Brasil \ Data 24/XI/1982 \ P. S. Fiuza F. [Ferreira]” ( DZRJ ). One male paratype with same data as holotype , except “ 20/X/1992 ” (UFV).