Scape and pedicel short. [This is too imprecise to be weighted highly. Possibly only “short” relative to following flagellomeres] |
Scape short, only slightly longer than wide. Pedicel approx. 1.5x as long as broad. |
Scape and pedicel long, approx. 2x as long as wide. |
Antennomere 3 linear. |
Antennomere 3 very slightly widened apically. |
Antennomere 3 slightly widened apically. |
Antennomere 3 nearly as long again as 4. |
Antennomere 3 only slightly longer than 4. |
Antennomere 3 approx. 2x as long as 4. |
Antennomeres 5 and 6 nearly equal in length, slightly shorter than 4. |
Antennomeres 5 and 6 nearly equal in length, but together only ca. as long as 4. |
Antennomeres 5 and 6 nearly equal in length, slightly shorter than 4. |
Clypeus not emarginate. |
Clypeus with small but clear emargination. |
Clypeus deeply emarginate. |
Head slightly produced in front between the eyes. |
Head slightly produced in front (frontal ridge and antennal crests). |
Head slightly produced in front (whole frontal area, evenly) |
3 submarginal cells in forewing. |
4 submarginal cells in forewing. |
Often apparently 3 submarginal cells in forewing through regularly occurring obsolescence of Rs. |
Wings shortish. |
Wing length normal. |
Wing length normal. |
Yellowish white. |
Yellowish-white. |
Variable: Yellowish-white to pale brown. |
Head black. Antennae and labrum ochreous. |
Head black. Antennae, labrum and clypeus pale. |
Head black. Antennae and labrum pale. Clypeus at least partly pale. |
Thorax with 2 abbreviated fuscous streaks in front. |
Mesoscutum with 3 fuscous markings (one on each lobe). |
At most medial mesoscutal lobe with undivided central black area. |
Base of each abdominal tergum except last with broad fuscous fascia. |
Only terga 1 and 4–8 with fuscous markings. |
Highly variable, but specimens occur with this colour pattern. |