Qorimayus, a new genus of relictual, high-altitude harvestmen from western Argentina (Arachnida, Opiliones, Gonyleptidae) reveals trans-Andean phylogenetic links
Acosta, Luis E.
journal article
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
Figs. 2
nov. sp.
Ringuelet, 1961: 158
Parabalta alticola
Ringuelet, 1962: 2
, figs. 1–5; 1978: 258;
Maury 1986: 21
1992: 2
EA3EF267- 8B7C-4F7E-BE4E-0A42B23B2A61
Pachyloides alticola
Acosta, 1996a: 10
2002: 79
Kury 2003: 181
Type series:
MACN 7529
(labelled as
MACN 7530
3 paratypes ♂
MACN 7531
) and
3 paratypes ♀
MACN 7532
): ‘
Mina El Oro
La Rioja
3080 m
, [
, examined.
additional vial with no accession number, stored in the same jar as the type series, contains
6 juveniles
, not designated by
Ringuelet (1962)
as types.
Sierra de Famatina
Mina El Oro
, canyon of
Río Oro
3080 m
29° 4’ 33.37”S
67° 44’ 9.61”W
New records:
La Rioja Province
de Famatina
, road to
Mina El Oro
Río Oro
L. Acosta
M. Acosta
G. Repossi
): site at
2550 m
29° 5’51.76”S
), shrubland, under stones (
7 ♂
28 ♀
4 juv.
site at
2450 m
29° 5’ 53.98” S
67° 41’ 51.92” W
), U.V. light collection (
20 ♂
10 ♀
same site, under stones (
1 ♂
1 juv.
Dorsal scutum length: males 5.11–6.58 (mean 6.06, n=32), females 5.66–6.40 (mean 6.06, n=43). Detailed measurements of
Table 6
Measurements (in mm) of the holotype ♂ (MACN 7529) and the allotype ♀ (MACN 7530) of
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
Holotype ♂ |
Allotype ♀ |
Total body length |
8.6 |
8.8 |
Scutum, length / maximal width |
6.1 / 5.6 |
5.9 / 5.2 |
Prosoma, length / width |
2.2 / 3.0 |
2.2 / 2.9 |
Leg I, total length |
13.5 |
12.1 |
trochanter I / femur I / patella I, length |
0.7 / 3.4 / 1.2 |
0.7 / 3.1 / 1.1 |
tibia I / metatarsus I / tarsus I, length |
2.5 / 3.4 / 2.3 |
2.3 / 3.0 / 1.9 |
Leg II, total length |
22.9 |
20.1 |
trochanter II / femur II / patella II, length |
0.8 / 5.7 / 1.7 |
0.8 / 5.3 / 1.5 |
tibia II / metatarsus II / tarsus II, length |
4.6 / 5.2 / 4.9 |
3.8 / 4.4 / 4.3 |
Leg III, total length |
19.5 |
16.9 |
trochanter III / femur III / patella III, length |
0.9 / 5.8 / 1.7 |
0.8 / 4.9 / 1.5 |
tibia III / metatarsus III / tarsus III, length |
3.5 / 5.4 / 2.2 |
3.1 / 4.6 / 2.0 |
Leg IV, total length |
27.4 |
22.2 |
trochanter IV / femur IV / patella IV, length |
2.2 / 7.0 / 2.8 |
1.2 / 6.0 / 2.1 |
tibia IV / metatarsus IV / tarsus IV, length |
5.5 / 7.5 / 2.4 |
4.3 / 6.3 / 2.3 |
Pedipalp, total length |
8.2 |
7.9 |
Pedipalp trochanter / femur / patella, length |
0.6 / 2.1 / 1.0 |
0.7 / 2.0 / 0.9 |
Pedipalp tibia / tarsus / claw, length |
1.4 / 1.6 / 1.5 |
1.4 / 1.5 / 1.4 |
Cheliceral hand, length / width |
2.2 / 0.7 |
2.0 / 0.7 |
Ocular mound, width / height |
1.1 / 0.3 |
1.1 / 0.2 |
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
, holotype ♂ (MACN). A: Dorsal view (scutum, free tergites, che- licerae, base of right pedipalp and legs I–III, and right leg IV, from coxa to tibia). B: Ventral view (coxae IV, stigmatic segment, free sternites, right trochanter, femur and patella I). C–D: Ocular mound, C: right lateral view with front hump, D: posterior view. Scale bars: 1 mm.
General color pale yellowish-straw; very faint pigment reticulation on prosoma (anterior and lateral borders, and both sides of the ocular mound), pedipalps (femur, tibia), legs I–III (femur, patella, tibia) and area V and free tergites; most scutum very pale, though in some specimens there are faint reticulate stripes on the scutal areas too. Leg IV of female of the general color. Leg IV of male darker (sclerotized appearance): coxa with same color as scutum except for the distal border and the prolateral apophysis, hazel-orangish; same color on trochanter, femur, patella and tibia, only distal end of femur and tibia slightly lighter; metatarsus and tarsus of the general color. Ventral surface of coxae quite uniform, slightly more hazel-orangish than the dorsum, with darker borders of coxa-trochanter articulation near stigmata. Color of smaller males tend to be more uniform than larger ones. Some females are exceptionally uniformly light hazel-orangish.
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
, holotype ♂ (MACN), A: right leg IV (coxa to tibia), prolateral view. B: Left tibia and patella IV, retrolateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. C–E: schematic representation (not at scale) of characters #30 (coxa III, length relative to coxa II) and #31 (relative length of apical Cx II projected onto Cx III width). Dashed vertical lines: projection of landmarks X and Y, as referred to in the characters list (Table 2), the portion of coxa III surpassing X is shaded. Arc (α): projection of the apical coxa II onto coxa III width. C:
Tricommatus brasiliensis
Roewer, 1912
Kury 2014
), #30=0, #31=2; D:
Eusarcus hastatus
Sørensen, 1884
, #30=0, #31=2; E:
Cynorta conspersa
Perty, 1833
et al.
), #30=2, #31=1.
Prosoma and scutum sparsely set with very tiny granules. Frontal hump granulous, as tall as ocular mound; the latter is very low, covered by a few scattered conic granules. Scutum quite flat on male, with faint but complete sulci delimiting areas; area I divided. On areas I–IV granules are sparse, unordered and inconspicuous (especially in males). Lateral areas of scutum with tiny dispersed granules. Area V with a row of small grains. Free tergites with a row of grains each, becoming taller and more conical from I to III. Dorsal anal plate unarmed, granules of similar size as free tergites in a transverse row, plus additional unordered grains and a row of small ones on the posterior border; ventral anal plate with rows of minute granules on anterior and posterior margins.
Chelicerae and pedipalps developed as usual in the subfamily. Pedipalp femur with a medial subapical spine; patella articulates to tibia dorsally (
Fig. 4A
); two distal retroventral setae on tibia [Ii] on raised sockets that emerge from a common tegumentary elevation. Pedipalp spination (
): tibia I[Ii] (lateral), Ii.Ii (medial); tarsus IiI... (lateral and medial). Legs I–III unarmed. Femur I–III and patella-tibia III faintly granulous, the latter with taller grains on ventrodistal position; on male, retroapical border of femur III has a blunt grain. Trochanter III has a small but distinctive retroapical ventral conic granule both in male and female. Tegument of coxa IV smooth near the apophysis (male), to sparsely granulous on the sides, faintly rugulous ventrally (male and female). Number of tarsomeres: 6:7–9:6:6 (
with 6:8:6:6); variability on tarsus II:
Table 7
Variability of the number of tarsomeres on leg II in the studied samples of
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
Number of tarsal segments |
7 |
8 |
9 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
observed frequency |
15 |
39 |
4 |
35 |
44 |
3 |
82 |
Leg IV (
): Coxa IV with strong, diagonal prolateral apophysis, slightly dilated subterminally (insinuating an incipient bifid condition), its apical end slightly sigmoid in dorsal view; small acute retrolateral apophysis.
Trochanter IV elongated, armed with distinctive apophyses; one prodorsal sub-basal apophysis, ear-like and sclerotized; a marked prodorsal thickening of the apical border, from which a large, blunt prodorsal apophysis emerges, oriented upwards; a strong, acute retroventral apical apophysis, pointing caudad; in addition, 2–3 small conical apophyses (or acute grains in some specimens) on the retrolateral side.
Femur IV sub-straight, only weakly curved to the median line, gradually and slightly thickening towards the apical end; it is covered by longitudinal rows of conspicuous granules and a few distinct apophyses; retrolateral side with a sub-basal, small acute apophysis, and a row of 3–5 acute apophyses on distal half, with increasing size, ending in a large subapical one; proventral row of 4–5 smaller apophyses on the distal one third, ending in a large apical one; retroventral row insinuated by taller grains on the basal and distal portions, it ends in a rudimentary retroventral apical apophysis.
Right pedipalps, lateral view; all drawings at the same scale. A:
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
, holotype ♂ (MACN). B:
Metabalta efformata
Roewer, 1929
, syntype ♂ (SMF). C:
Metabalta geniculata
Roewer, 1929
, syntype ♂ (SMF) D:
Nanophareus bosqenublado
et al.,
(AMNH). Scale bars: 1 mm.
Qorimayus alticola
Ringuelet, 1962
comb. nov.
, holotype ♂, distal end of penis. A: Dorsal view. B: Lateral view. C: Detail of stylus and ventral process of stylus (VPS). Macrosetae series are labelled as MS A, MS B, MS C, MS D and MS E, following the nomenclature of
Kury & Villarreal (2015)
. Scales: 0.1 mm.
Patella IV: dorsal side densely covered by rounded grains; on the ventral side grains are taller and acute, ending in two large apical apophyses: a proventral, bifid one (seldom as two separate, close apophyses), and a retroventral apophysis.
Tibia IV: dorsal surface with granulation similar to patella; proventral and retroventral rows of acute projections, with increased size (grains at the base, tall apophyses distally); the proventral row ends subterminally but the retroventral row still has an apical rudimentary apophysis, often bifid or duplicated (
Fig. 3B
Leg IV (
): Coxa with small acute prolateral apophysis and minute retrolateral apophysis (the latter sometimes hidden by tegumentary borders). Trochanter simple, with sparse granules; three small conic apophyses correspond to those of male: retroventral apical (the largest one), and two retrolateral. Femur, patella and tibia with rows of granules, with only a rudiment of the retrolateral sub-basal apophysis sometimes recognizable, otherwise unarmed.
Male genitalia
Fig. 5
). Distal end of trunk markedly swollen and curved (first dorsad, then ventrad), so that the distal end is ventrally shifted from the trunk axis. VP subrectangular, slightly wider at the base; distal border straight; macrosetae forming two groups on each lateral: 3 apical C macrosetae, short and strong, transverse, and 3–4 longer basal macrosetae A, diagonally pointing proximad; a small macroseta D aligned to the C group, and two rudimentary macrosetae E, ventrally of the latter; the basal group has also one smaller ventral macroseta B. Ventrolateral surface of VP covered by two independent spiny fields in its whole extension, reaching the distal end of trunk. Subdistal portion of glans has a dorsad projected border. Stylus emerges in a single stem, then diverges from VPS; stylus smoothly bent dorsoapically, it bears heavy backward-pointing spination on its ventral border; VPS curved, its flabellate tip (with irregularly scalloped margins) points dorsad, thus giving the apical end of the glans a forked appearance.
Distal end of penis, lateral views. A:
Metabalta efformata
Roewer, 1929
, syntype ♂ (SMF), B–C: Detail of stylus and ventral process of stylus (VPS); C is slightly rotated dorsolaterally to see the subapical spines on the VPS shaft. D:
Nanophareus bosqenublado
et al.,
(AMNH), E: Detail of stylus and VPS, F:
Nanophareus palpalis
Roewer, 1929
, ♂ lectotype (SMF 986/1). Scales: 0.1 mm.
Distribution and field observations.
Qorimayus alticola
was collected in a reduced area (two localities separated by less than
5 km
), on the eastern slope of Sierra de Famatina,
La Rioja province
Fig. 7
). The Famatina range originated in the Ordovician—
, it is older than the Andes—and behind the latter, is the second most elevated massif in South America (
Cei 1982
). Its most outstanding feature, the ‘Nevado del Famatina’, covered by a permanent snow cap, has the highest peak in the non-Andean interior of
(Cerro General Belgrano,
6097 m
a.s.l.). The Sierra de Famatina has a remarkable biogeographical interest, because of its semi-insularity (surrounded by xeric basins), and its recognition as a relevant area of endemism.
et al.
listed 27 endemic vascular plants in this range, of which 21 exist above
1500 m
a.s.l., the highest record at
4090 m
et al.
updated this number to 28 endemic entities (25 species, 3 varieties), out of 909 taxa (692 species, 34 subspecies, 137 varieties, and 5 forms) they counted in their checklist of Famatinan vascular plants.
, monotypic) is the only endemic plant genus in this area (
et al.
). Examples of endemic animals include two lizards,
Liolaemus famatinae
Cei, 1980
, and
Phymaturus mallimaccii
Cei, 1980
, captured between 3600 and
4200 m
a.s.l. (
Cei 1980
); a bothriurid scorpion,
Orobothriurus famatina
Acosta, in
Acosta & Ochoa, 2001
, with records at
2450–3060 m
a.s.l. (
Acosta & Ochoa 2001
), as well as several high-Andean bird subspecies (
Nores 1995
Records of
Qorimayus alticola
(blue dots) in Sierra de Famatina, La Rioja Province, western Argentina, together with known localities of the Chilean genera
(red dots) and
(yellow dots). Regional divisions in Chile: Coquimbo (COQ); Valparaíso (VAL); Región Metropolitana de Santiago (MET); Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins (OHI); Maule (MAU); Ñuble (ÑUB); Bío-Bío (BIO). Inset: position of the represented area in South America; La Rioja Province indicated in gray.
Habitat of
Qorimayus alticola
in the Río Oro canyon (La Rioja Province, Argentina). A: General view of the valley at ca. 2400 m a.s.l. B: Scrubland bordering the track to Mina El Oro, at one collecting site (2450 m a.s.l.).
The general landscape is dominated by aridity, thereby making the presence of a gonyleptid completely unexpected when ascending the slopes. Up to
2400–2500 m
, the lower parts of this mountain are covered by the xeric Monte shrubland (
Cei 1982
). It is followed by an herbaceous / arbustive transition belt at
2400–3500 m
a.s.l., above which the physiognomy changes into the high Andean vegetation, dominated by grasses and pulvinate plants. From
4500 m
a.s.l. onwards vegetation is scarce and is replaced by periglaciar rocky substrate (
Cei 1982
). These altitudinal limits and the general conditions may vary dramatically, depending on the topography and the orientation. For example, on the road to Mina La Mejicana aridity reaches up to
3170 m
a.s.l. (see
Acosta & Ochoa 2001
for a map), so that all collecting efforts for harvestmen yielded negative results there. A different situation was met on the 4WD track to the
locality (Mina El Oro), which borders the Río Oro (also known as Río Amarillo). From approximately
2400 m
a.s.l., the river canyon becomes narrower, and the vegetation (not more than grasses and shrubs, indeed) starts to look contrasting green (
Fig. 8
), slightly more humid than the xeric surroundings (
Acosta & Ochoa 2001
). I captured
Qorimayus alticola
2450 and
m a.s.l. under rocks, in grassland and scrubland on the slopes. This species showed a weak bluish fluorescence under U.V. light, a feature known for a few other gonyleptids, like
Pachyloidellus goliath
Acosta, 1993
(fluorescence is yellowish in the latter;
et al.
). U.V. sampling required much less effort than manual search, and enabled me to detect many specimens climbing at night on the vertical wall along the path cut on the hillside. A remarkable feature of those captures was the high proportion of ‘soft-bodied’ specimens, suggesting that in December (
, the end of spring) the final molt to reach adulthood happened shortly before. In manual search (specimens sheltered under rocks) 60% of the individuals were soft-bodied, and the male-female ratio was 1:4. With U.V. light (specimens active at surface) the proportion of soft-bodied individuals decreased to less than 7%, and the male-female ratio turned to 2:1. When captured,
Q. alticola
rapidly elicited its defensive secretions, resembling the quick response of the well studied
Pachyloidellus goliath
(as described in
et al.
); however, secretions themselves look different, consiting in
Q. alticola
of a dense white fluid with a curious smell recalling synthetic adhesives (no chemical analysis was available). No other gonyleptid was found in the area, but an undetermined
was caught at
2550 m
a.s.l., under stones.