Nine new Agrilus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Agrilini) from Palaearctic and Oriental regions Author Jendek, Eduard Author Nakládal, Oto text Zootaxa 2019 2019-02-25 4560 2 345 354 journal article 21236 10.11646/zootaxa.4560.2.7 f5eec350-3a46-4ed8-b9be-5cbe82d4133b 1175-5326 3993456 B6C595FA-6365-4854-B628-C3216F14A878 Agrilus baiocchii sp. nov. ( Figs. 2B, 2I ) Description of holotype . Length: 4.4 mm . BODY. Shape: subparallel, Profile: convex. HEAD. Microstructure: present. Vertex . Medial impression: present, Sculpture elements: punctures, Sculpture density: sparse, Sculpture intensity: superficial. Eyes . Size: subequal to half width of vertex (dorsal view), Lower margin: in line or below antennal socket, Median orbit: converging ventrally. Antennae . Serration: from antennomere 5, Antennomeres 7– 10: without petiole. PRONOTUM. Shape: visually elongate or square, Sides: slightly arcuate, Sides (modification): sinuate before posterior angles, Maximal width: at middle, Anterior margin: subequal to posterior. Anterior lobe . Development: moderate, Shape: arcuate, Width: broad, Position: at level with anterior angles. Posterior angles . Shape: rectangular, Apex: sharp. Disk . Impressions: medial and lateral, Medial impression: anteromedial and posteromedial. Prehumerus . Development: carinal, Shape: bisinuate, Extent: beyond 1/2 of pronotal length, Anterior end: adjoining to lateral pronotal carina, Posterior end: joined with posterior pronotal angle or margin, Arc: weak. Lateral carinae . Convergence: moderate, Junction: present, Narrowest point: at posterior 1/3 of marginal carina. ELYTRA. Color: bicolored supplementary to pubescence, Humeral carina: absent. Apices . Arrangement: separate, Shape: arcuate. Pubescence . Extent: proximal and distal, Proximal (shape): Enter one option: like upturned T, Distal (shape): preapical. STERNUM. Pubescence . Strip of erect pubescence: extending from prosternal lobe to abdominal intercoxal projection. Prosternal lobe . Size: large, Distal margin: arcuately emarginate, Emargination (depth): shallow, Emargination (width): narrow. Prosternal process . Shape: slightly dilated, Sides: straight, Angles: rectangular, Angles (tips): sharp, Disc: impressed. Metasternum . Metasternal projection: impressed. ABDOMEN. Basal ventrite . Modifications: absent. Pygidium . Apical margin: arcuate. Sternal groove . Shape on apex of last ventrite: arcuately sinuate, Sinuosity (depth): markedly deep. LEGS. Metatarsus . Length to metatibia: distinctly shorter. Metatarsomere 1 . Length to following tarsomeres: subequal or longer than 2–4. GENITALIA. Aedeagus . Symmetry: symmetric. Variability. Body length: 3.4–4.5 mm . The prosternal lobe varies from well-developed to vague, sides of pronotum from slightly to markedly arcuate, the elytral pubescence from sparse to dense, elytral apices from separately arcuate to subtruncate, and the prosternal lobe from arcuate to subtruncete. Sexual dimorphism. The male has lower part of frons with dense orange or whitish tomentose hairs and the ventral side with medial strip of erect pubescence from prosternal lobe to abdominal intercoxal projection. The female has frons often markedly protruding head outline, the ventral side is without erect strip of pubescence and the ovipositor is markedly elongate. Diagnosis. The species is similar to A. manchu Jendek, 2011 in the habitus and size, in the sparsely punctate vertex, in small eyes, and in bicolored elytra (in diffused light). It can be distinguished by the obviously prolonged pronotum and by the medial lobe of prehumerus with sinuate sides ( Fig 2I ). Type material. Type locality: Northwest Thailand, 25.iv.–5.v.1992 , Sappong [= Soppong] - Pai pass. Type specimens. Holotype , 2 ♂ PT, 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ): “NW Thai, 25.4.- 5.5.1992 , Sappong [= Soppong] Pai pass, P. Pacholátko leg.”. Other paratypes . INDIA . Meghalaya. “NE India, Meghalaya state, Khasi Hills reg., Mawphlang vill., GPS N25°26.7', E91°45.2' (WGS 84), 2-3.VI, 10.VI.1996 , alt.1700± 50 m , E. Jendek & O. Šauša leg.” 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ). Uttarakhand.India , Kumaon Himmalaya U.P., Distr. Almora, 1800 m , Ranikhet - Chaubattia , leg. C. Holzschuh , 28.5.1981 ” 3 PT ( EJCB ). NEPAL . Madhyamanchal.Nepal , S Kathmandu, Phulchoki , 1500-1600 m , 25.6.1980 , leg. C. Holzschuh1 ♂ PT ( EJCB ); “ Nepal , 18.v.1989 , Kathmandu valley , Balayu, C. Holzschuh leg.” 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ); “ Nepal , Kathmandu , Jamajok , 18-19.v.1993 , 1800m , Schimmel2 ♂ PT ( EJCB ); “Nepal Centr., Bagmati Zone , Kathmandu valley , Lalitpur Distr. , Godawari-Phulchoki , 2200-2700 m , , P. Čechovský leg.” 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ). PAKISTAN . North-West Frontier.Pakistan ( NWFP ), Bhurban env., 2060 m ., 33°56'54”N , 73°27'17”E , 26.x.2011 , Baiocchi leg. \ ex larva Quercus sp., 1 ♂ PT, 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ); “ Pakistan ( NWFP ), Gharial env., 2035 m ., 33°55'18”N , 73°26'18”E , 21-26.x.2011 , Baiocchi leg. \ ex larva Quercus sp., 1 ♂ PT ( EJCB ). THAILAND . Chiang Mai . Thailand , Chiang Mai prov., 19°19'N , 98°50'E , 1400 m , Sanpakia vill., 1-15.V.1998 , Vít Kubáň leg.” 1 ♂ PT, 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ). Mae Hong Son . “NW Thai 8-18.V.1992 , Mae Hong Son, Ban Huai Po, J. Horák leg.” 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ); “Thai, Mae Hong Son pr., 19°27'N , 98°20'E , 1500 m , Soppong 7-12.V., Vít Kubáň leg., 1996” 2 ♂ PT, 1 ♀ PT ( EJCB ). Distribution. INDIA : Meghalaya , Uttarakhand ; NEPAL : Madhyamanchal; PAKISTAN : North-West Frontier; THAILAND : Chiang Mai , Mae Hong Son . Host plant . Larval host: Quercus . Etymology. Patronymic; the species is named in honor of buprestidologist D. Baiocchi ( Italy ), one of collectors of the species.