An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Alberta, Canada Author Pohl, Greg Northern Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada, Edmonton ,, Canada Author Anweiler, Gary University of Alberta Strickland Entomology Museum ,, Canada Author Schmidt, Christian Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Canada Author Kondla, Norbert Calgary ,, Canada text ZooKeys 2010 2010-03-05 38 38 1 549 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.38.383 aa97d560-1969-4b79-93bb-2614b7835c0e 1313–2970 576629 63. Noctuidae As currently defined, the Noctuidae include only those groups with a trifid hindwing venation ( Lafontaine and Fibiger 2006 ), to the exclusion of the Erebidae , which were formerly included here. Most Noctuoidea species of economic concern fall in this group, such as the cutworms, armyworms and earworms. Th ere are about 8,000 named species of Noctuidae globally, reaching their greatest diversity in temperate regions, particluarly grasslands and steppe habitats. Approximately 2,500 noctuid species occur in North America; 643 are reported herein from AB. 63.1. Plusiinae A group of primarily medium-sized ( 30–50 mm wingspan) moths with many colorful and attractive species. Many have metallic marks on the forewings, and some are diurnal flower visitors. Th e subfamily is defined by the quadrifid hindwing venation and lashed eyes. Th e larvae of most species are semi-loopers with a reduced number of prolegs. Th ey feed on the foliage of a wide variety of plants, and several (e.g., Trichoplusia spp.) are important agricultural pests. There are approximately 400 species of Plusiinae in the world, centered in temperate habitats in the northern hemisphere. Approximately 80 species in about 24 genera occur in North America; 41 species are known from AB. Th e North American species have been revised by McDunnough (1944b) and more recently by Lafontaine and Poole (1991) .