An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Alberta, Canada Author Pohl, Greg Northern Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada, Edmonton ,, Canada Author Anweiler, Gary University of Alberta Strickland Entomology Museum ,, Canada Author Schmidt, Christian Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Canada Author Kondla, Norbert Calgary ,, Canada text ZooKeys 2010 2010-03-05 38 38 1 549 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.38.383 aa97d560-1969-4b79-93bb-2614b7835c0e 1313–2970 576629 44. Carposinidae – fruitworm moths Small to medium-sized ( 10–38 mm wingspan) moths with moderately broad lanceolate wings. Superficially, these moths resemble tortricids or small crambids. Most species are gray, and the males of most species have irregular patches of raised scales. The status of the group is uncertain; they are likely subordinate within the Copromorphi- dae. No easily observed features distinguish them from other groups of moths. The larvae are endophytic within fruits and galls. Approximately 270 species of Carposinidae are known worldwide. Eleven species are known from North America, one of these occurs in AB. Th e group was treated by Davis (1968) . 844 * S h Carposina sasakii Matsumura, 1900 Jun – B g T: Davis (1968) L: Bowman (1951) C: UASM 845 R Bondia comonana (Kearfott, 1907) May – Jun M B g T: Davis (1968) L: Bowman (1951) , Davis (1968) C: CNC, NFRC, UASM 846 R Bondia crescentella (Walsingham, 1882) L Apr – May – B g T: Davis (1968) L: Bowman (1951) , Pohl et al. (2004b) C: NFRC, UASM Pyraloidea 45. Pyralidae – pyralid moths A diverse family of moths that can be separated from all other moths except the Crambidae by the presence of tympanal chambers on the base of the abdomen, in the space between the thorax and abdomen. They can be separated from the Crambidae by having the tympanal organs almost completely closed and by the lack of a large flap over the tympana. Larvae have diverse feeding habits. The Pyralidae is a large group that reaches its highest diversity in the temperate and tropical regions. Th e family is incompletely known taxonomically, with much of the work scattered among older publications. Approximately 6100 species are known worldwide; 674 have been reported in North America, of which 87 are reported herein from AB. 45.1. Galleriinae Small to medium-sized ( 15–35 mm wingspan) moths with stout bodies and moderately broad wings, often resembling Noctuidae . No easily observed characters distinguish them from other pyralid moths. Larvae feed on dried protein and carbohydrates; several species are pests in stored products and bees’ nests. Approximately 260 species of Galleriinae are known worldwide; 30 species are known in North America, one of which occurs in indoor settings in AB. The subfamily Galleriinae is poorly known taxonomically, and no revisionary work has been done on the North American fauna in over 50 years. However, the pest species are covered in numerous applied publications.