A review of neococcid scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccomorpha) based on the morphology of the adult males
Hodgson, Chris
journal article
Apiomorpha rosaeformis
Fig. 22
Brachyscelis rosaeformis
Froggatt 1895, 204
, Manning River, Wingham, on large
status unknown.
Apiomorpha rosiformis
Cockerell 1896c, 328
. Change of combination and misspelling of species epithet.
Apiomorpha rosaeformis
Fernald 1903, 44
. Change of combination.
Apiomorpha fusiformis
Froggatt 1930, 470
. Type data:
, on unknown
, female.
Museum, Fortitude Valley,
. Junior synonym (
Gullan 1984
, 82).
Material examined
New South Wales
, c.
5 km
N of Brooklyn on Old Pacific Hwy, L.G. Cook,
, LGC02234 (
): 2/2 ad
(fair to good, but one with small bubbles covering some parts).
Mounted material
: of moderate size, total length 2.17–2.48 μm, width across mesothorax 380–440 μm, with a slightly attenuated abdomen; antennae long, more than half total body length; body with very few setae, fleshy setae (fs) absent from body but long and stout on antennae and with a few short fs on each tibia and tarsus. Pores probably absent apart from in glandular pouches. Capitate setae on antennae absent. Wings normal, without alar setae or pores. Hamulohalteres absent.
: width across genae 240–245 μm; head length 250–260 μm. Median crest represented only by a shallow median ridge of light sclerotisation with no reticulations. Postoccipital ridge (por) well developed, broadening laterally with short anterior and long posterior arms; with 5 or 6 pairs of hs dorsal head setae (dhs). Mid-cranial ridge: dorsal ridge (dmcr) well developed, extending posteriorly to level with dorsal simple eyes; ventral ridge (vmcr) represented by a pair of distinct lateral arms (lmcr), and then extending posteriorly to ocular sclerite ventrally; with 1 pair of hs ventral mid-cranial ridge setae (vmcrs) on either side anterior to occipital sclerite. Genae (g) not reticulated, with 2 pairs hs genal setae (gs). Eyes: with two pairs of round simple eyes, subequal in size, each 45–50 μm wide. Ocelli (o) apparently absent. Ocular sclerite (ocs) with feint concentric striations or ridges between and around both eyes but absent elsewhere. Preocular ridge (procr) extending about half way to mid-cranial ridge dorsally. Postocular ridge (pocr) strongly developed ventrally and extending dorsally almost to postoccipital ridge. Dorsal ocular setae absent. Ventral head setae (vhs): 2–?8 hs on each side anterior to vse. Preoral ridge (pror) possibly absent. Cranial apophysis (ca) long, probably trifurcate but distorted on both specimens, length about 80 μm.
: 10-segmented and filiform; length
1.30–1.55 mm
long (ratio of total body length to antennal length 1:0.61). Scape (scp): 53–78 μm long, 30–65 μm wide, with 1 or 2 hs ventrally and 1 mediolaterally. Pedicel (pdc) 60–83 μm long, 50–80 μm wide; without concentric ridges; with 7 or 8 fs + 3–5 hs + 1 campaniform pore; fs similar to those on flagellar segments. Segments III–IX all more or less parallel-sided, each 28–35 μm wide; fs unusually strong, each 50–60 μm long; hs rather variable in size and thickness, each 18–45 μm long; lengths of segments (μm): III 145–165; IV 150–175; V 150–175: VI 195–210, VII 185–215, VIII 150–175, IX 140–155; approximate number of setae and sensilla per segment: III 9–11 fs + 1 or 2 hs; IV & V 11–15 fs + 2–6 hs; VI 19 fs + 11 hs; VII 17 fs + 7 hs; VIII 13 fs, 6 hs +1 antennal bristle (ab); IX 9 fs, 8 hs + 1 ab. Segment X 95 μm long, with 6 fs, 4 hs + 2 or 3 large and 1 shorter ab; capitate setae entirely absent.
: pronotal ridge (prnr) well developed and probably fusing medially on dorsum; lateral pronotal sclerites (prn) distinct; without lateral pronotal setae. Medial pronotal and post-tergital setae apparently absent. Presence of post-tergites uncertain. Sternum (stn
) not sclerotised and with only very faint radial striations; median ridge absent; transverse ridge lightly sclerotised, without apophyses; prosternal setae (stn
s) absent. Proepisternum + cervical sclerite (pepcv) showing nothing distinctive. Anteprosternal setae absent but with 1 pair of hs antemesospiracular seta (asp
: prescutum (prsc): shape uncertain, 155–195 μm wide; sclerotised, with very slight indications of nodulations on one specimen; prescutal ridges (pscr) well developed; prescutal suture (pscs) poorly developed; without prescutal setae. Prealare (pra) and triangular plate (tp) well developed. Scutum (sct): median area sclerotised, about 80 μm long, without scutal setae; anterolateral margins lightly striated; prealar ridge (prar) weak. Scutellum (scl) rounded anteriorly, width 150–165 μm, length about 80 μm; with a strong inverted U-shaped scutellar ridge (sclr); not tubular but with a large foramen; scutellar setae (scls): 1 pair hs near anterior margin; posterior notal wing process (pnp) quite short, diagonal and heavily sclerotised. Basisternum (stn
) 310–370 μm wide, 230–250 μm long; median ridge absent; bounded anteriorly by a weak marginal ridge (mr) and posteriorly by strong precoxal ridges (pcr
); without basisternal setae (stn
s); lateropleurite (lpl) rather narrow, usually with a short extension along anterior border from marginal ridge; furca (f) well developed, with rather long divergent arms extending almost to anterior marginal ridge. Mesopostnotum (pn
) well developed; postnotal apophysis (pna) well developed. Area bounded anteriorly by scutellum and laterally and posteriorly by mesopostnotum. Mesepisternum (eps
) not reticulated; subepisternal ridge (ser) strongly sclerotised, arising from mesoprecoxal ridge (pcr
). Postalare (pa) well developed; without postalare setae and not reticulated anteriorly. Mesothoracic spiracle (sp
): width of peritreme 35–38 μm. Postmesospiracular setae (pm
s) absent. Tegula (teg) present; with 5 or 6 pairs of tegular setae (tegs).
: metapostnotum quite broad; with 0–2 pairs of hs metatergal setae (mts) medially and 2 more dorsospiraculsr setae (dss) laterally on each side. Dorsal part of metapleural ridge present, but without a suspensorial sclerite; ventral part of metapleural ridge (plr
) short; precoxal ridge (pcr
) well developed; mesepisternum (eps
) absent; with 2 pairs of postmetaspiracular setae (eps
s). Metepimeron (epm
) sclerotised, without setae. Antemetaspiracular setae absent. Metathoracic spiracle (sp
): width of peritreme 33–37 μm. Metasternum (stn
) membranous, metasternal apophyses (stn
a) not detected; with 0 or 1 pair of anterior (amss) and 1 or 2 pairs of posterior metasternal setae (pmss).
: distorted; hyaline but probably rather narrow,
1.70–1.88 mm
long, perhaps about 500 μm wide (ratio of length to width 1:0.28; ratio of total body length to wing length 1:0.77); alar lobe present but small; alar setae and alar sensoria absent. Hamulohalteres absent.
: metathoracic legs longest. Coxae (cx): I 130–165; II 130–160; III 130–150 μm long; with 10–15 hs on each coxa III; long apical seta bristle-like on all legs, each 75 μm long. Trochanter (tr) + femur (fm): I 275–325; II 285–330; III 290–345 μm long; trochanter III with 3–5 hs; campaniform pores oval and in a triangle; long trochanter seta 40–50 μm long; femur III with 15–17 hs. Tibia (ti): I 270–320; II 270–320; III 285–335 μm, tibia III with many hs + about 4 short fleshy setae, each 10–16 μm long; with 2 apical spurs (tibs), length 25–28 μm. Tarsi (ta): I 125–130; II 135–140; III 135–155 μm long (ratio of length of tibia III to that of tarsus III 1:0.47); tarsi 2 segmented; tarsus III with several hs + 6–9 fs; tarsal spurs not spur-like, each 25 μm long; tarsal campaniform pore (cp) present; tarsal digitules (tdt) longer than length of claw, with rather small apical knobs. Claws (c) of a characteristic shape, quite long and narrow, slightly longer than width of tarsi, almost straight with a minute denticle; length: III: 33–37 μm; claw digitules (cdt) distinctly longer than claw, with minute apical knobs.
: quite long; tergites (at) apparently absent; sternites (as) present on all segments; pleurites all membranous. Caudal extensions (ce) of segment VII absent. Setae all hs, segment I–VII each with 4–6 dorsal abdominal setae (ads) and generally 3 dorsal pleural setae (dpls); also each segment generally with with 4 ventral abdominal setae (avs), and 1 or 2 ventral pleural setae (vpls).
Segment VIII: tergite (at) unsclerotised but sternite sclerotised. Caudal extension present, small, positioned about 1/2–2/3rds along side of segment, each with 3 or 4 long pleural setae, longest 50–60 μm long. Glandular pouches (gp) cone-shaped; each with 2 glandular pouch setae (gps), each 95–132 μm long with non-flagellate apices.
Apiomorpha rosaeformis
. Macropterous male. (
group). Where D=fleshy seta and E == hair-like seta.
Genital segments
: penial sheath (ps) divided into a bulbous segment IX and a longer, sharply pointed style. Length of segment IX 80–85 μm, width 80–105 μm; anal opening near posterior margin of segment IX, width 28–33 μm; with 8 hs setae on each margin + ventral surface. Style 165–185 μm long, 50–58 μm wide at base; with a pair of long hs about 1/2 way along length, each 40–45 μm long; other setae absent; apex with a few small sensilla.Aedeagus (aed) quite long, broad anteriorly (26–28 μm wide), tapering to a narrow apex; length 190–200 μm. Basal rod (bra) more or less absent.
A. rosaeformis
belongs to Group II that lack well-developed caudal extentions on abdominal segment VIII, although there are suggestions of small bumps on each side of this segment. It differs from other other two species in this group (
A. pharetrata
A. spinifer
) in having: (i) no prescutal setae; (ii) long, rather narrow claws.