A new species of Troglocharinus Reitter, 1908 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Leptodirini) from southern Catalonia, with a molecular phylogeny of the related species group Author Rizzo, V. Author Comas, J. text Zootaxa 2015 3946 1 104 112 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3946.1.4 d846b7cd-fdad-4608-b416-0abfe4444abc 1175-5326 239416 172B1204-0AFC-4593-ACD6-2FF94A8CF933 Troglocharinus pallisei Rizzo & Comas , sp. n. ( Figs 2–9 ) Type material. Holotype : COUNTRY : Spain : Province : Tarragona: ♂, labelled “Cv. de la Riba o / del Talc -La Riba- / (Alt Camp) II-2012 / R. Sendra leg.; X 34895.7 / Y 4575816.3 / Z 240 / ETRS 89” ( CCB ). Paratypes : COUNTRY : Spain : Province : Tarragona: all with same locality data as holotype : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ same date and collector as holotype ; 3 ♂ , 2 ♀, III-2012 , R. Sendra leg.; 4 ♂ , 13 ♀, 28-VII-2013 , J. Pallisé leg. (1 ♀, 1 ♂ used for DNA extraction, voucher numbers IBE-RA1190 and IBE-RA1191 respectively); 3 ♂ , 1 ♀ ( 1 ♂ damaged), 17-VII-71 J. Pallisé leg. ( MCNB Ref. Nos 74-3360 MZB , 74-3361 MZB , 74-3362 MZB and 74-3363 MZB respectively) ( CCB , IBE , MCNB ). Diagnosis. The new species can be separated from the geographically closest species of Troglocharinus by the presence of a brush of setae in the apex of the parameres of the adeagus (a penicillus, see Fresneda et al . 2007 ) (absent in T. orcinus ), the slightly sinuated sides or the pronotum (regularly curved in T. orcinus ), the shape of the process of the mesoventrite (differently conformed in T. espanoli Jeannel, 1930 ), and the presence of long and erect pubescence (finer and more adpressed in both T. orcinus and T. espanoli ). Description of the holotype . Total length (head excluded) 3.2 mm ; anophthalmous; body colour yellowish, with long and erect pubescence. Head surface finely punctured, with long and erect pubescence. Antennae long, longer than apex of elytra by ca. 1/5th of their length. Pronotum length 0.90 mm , trapezoidal, maximum width ( 1.06 mm ) in anterior part; anterior margin slightly concave, angles straight and slightly rounded; posterior margin regularly curved; anterior part of lateral margins curved, middle part straight and slightly sinuated before posterior angles; posterior angles obtuse. Surface of pronotum with well impressed punctures. Elytra oval, elongated, maximum width in anterior third to middle, narrowing posteriorly; apex round, with elytra slightly opened at apex; surface with strongly impressed striolae associated to equally impressed punctures; striolae effacing towards apex; elytral pubescence long, erected ( Fig. 2 ). Process of the mesoventrite well developed, with a variable posterior acute extension ( Fig. 3 ); visible abdominal sternites with glandular pores. Aedeagus as in Figs 4–7 , curved in lateral view, forming an obtuse angle; apex slightly bended ventrally; parameres with three apical thick setae, with a penicillus ( Fig. 6 ); internal sac (endophallus) typical of the genus Troglocharinus ( Fig. 7 ), with a sclerotized basal "Y-piece" with divergent arms, a complex medial part with feather-like structures and strongly sclerotized nodules at the base of the reinforcing bands of the internal sac ( Fresneda 1998 ; Fresneda et al . 2007 ). FIGURE 2 . Habitus of Troglocharinus pallisei sp. n. (holotype, male). Scale bar: 0.5 mm. FIGURE 3 . Troglocharinus pallisei sp. n. , process of the mesoventrite. Variability. Total length 2 ♂ 3.15–3.27 mm , 2 g 3.05–3.40 mm . Females with external morphology as in males except for non-dilated protarsi; spermatheca long and slender ( Fig. 8 ); basal and apical lobes forming a straight angle; accessory gland next to insertion of basal duct, visible abdominal sternites without glandular pores ( Fig. 9 ). Etymology. Dedicated to the speleologist Joan Pallisè, for his long and active explorations in this area. Distribution and habitat. Only known from the type locality. The new species can be considered a truly troglobiont both in morphology and habitat (in the sense of Sket 2008 ).