A taxonomic revision of Bolbapium Boucomont, 1910 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae) Author Carvalho, Edrielly Carolinne Author Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z. text Journal of Natural History 2022 2022-08-18 56 13 - 16 769 828 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2022.2092429 journal article 127383 10.1080/00222933.2022.2092429 3cf6a07e-1580-4cfd-b8b6-74f51dbd72d7 1464-5262 7012096 Bolbapium quinquestriatum ( Boucomont, 1932 ) ( Figures 5 (d), 9(a), (b), (c), 14(a)) Bolboceras ( Bolbapium ) quinquestriatum Boucomont, 1932: 265 , 266, 268 (original description) Bolboceras quinquestriata : Blackwelder 1944: 220 (checklist) Bolbapium quinquestriatum : Martínez 1976: 542 , 547 (checklist) Diagnosis Frons without interocular tubercles between eyes. Clypeus with lateral carinae extending backwards; posterior border of the frons with transverse groove. Pronotum mesoanteriorly without evident structures and pronotum with serrated lateral margins ( Figure 5 (d)). Type material. It was possible to analyse one of the types during the curator’s stay at the BMNH in Cuiabá; photos of the specimen were taken during this period. The other types are deposited at the MNHN, which provided photos of the material. Therefore, we here designate a lectotype . Lectotype . ‘Para-/guay; MUSÉUM PARIS/ 1938/ COLL. A. BOUCOMONT; SYNTYPE [red rectangular label]; SYNTYPE / Bolbapium / quinquestriatum/ ( Boucomont 1932 )’ ( MNHN / EC10573). Paralectotypes . ‘Boucomont det. 1931/ Bolboceras / quinquestriatum ; Paraguay ./ Sapucay./ W. Foster./ 3.xi.1901 ./ 1905–188.; Bolboceras / quinsquestriatum/ Boucomont 1931/ des. E. Carvalho; PARALECTOTYPE . [yellow rectangular label]’ ( BMNH ). ‘Para-/guay; Bolboceras / 5 – itriatus/ N. ih.; Typus [red rectangular label]; B. quinquestriatus / Bouc.; MUSÉUM PARIS/ 1938/ COLL. A. BOUCOMONT; SYNTYPE [red rectangular label]; SYNTYPE / Bolbapium / quinquestriatum/ ( Boucomont 1932 )’ ( MNHN / EC10572 ) . Redescription Body size : Length: 8.11–9.47 mm . Width: 6.28–7.43 mm . Head : Clypeus opaque, with distinct punctuation; sides wider than the central part; clypeal carina with three tubercles, the lateral ones being slightly higher than the middle one; lateral carinae extending backwards ending at the edge of the canthus. Canthus wide compared to other species of the genus, with strong and evident punctuation. Frons flat and without projections, punctuation more concentrated in the anterior region, between the clypeal carinae; other parts with sparse points, distributed unevenly; posterior region of the frons with transverse groove. The last three antennomeres of the antenna, which form the antennal club, have a globular shape, compared to the other species ( Figure 2 (c)). Figure 8. Aedeagus. Bolbapium quadrispinosum ( Luederwaldt, 1931 ) (a) . dorsal view; (b) . ventral view; (c) . lateral view. Bolbapium limeirai Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (d) . dorsal view; (e) . ventral view; (f) . lateral view. Bolbapium furtadoi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (g) . dorsal view; (h) . ventral view; (i) . lateral view. Bolbapium sulcifrons Ide and Martínez, 1993 (j) . dorsal view; (k) . ventral view; (l) . lateral view. Figure 9. Aedeagus. Bolbapium quinquestriatum ( Boucomont, 1932 ) (a) . dorsal view; (b) . ventral view; (c) . lateral view. Bolbapium boillyi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (d) . dorsal view; (e) . ventral view; (f) . lateral view. Bolbapium paralucidulum Ide and Martínez, 1993 (g) . dorsal view; (h) . ventral view; (i) . lateral view. Bolbapium lucidulum ( Klug, 1843 ) (j) . dorsal view; (k) . ventral view; (l) . lateral view. Pronotum : Serrated side margin and with a row of ventral setae. Without evident structures. Ventral region of the thorax : Metaventrite convex in the central region and with a median groove that follows from the apex the base of the metaventrite, the base being wider than the apex; region where the median groove starts higher than the others, projected upwards; metaventrite surface with setae, except for a small region near the lower margin. Male terminalia : Elongated, parallel and symmetrical dorsal view ( Figure 9 (a)); in lateral view, longitudinal parameres to the phallobase ( Figure 9 (c)). Sexual dimorphism : This species does not feature sexual dimorphism. Figure 10. Aedeagus. Bolbapium modestum ( Castelnau, 1840 ) (a) . dorsal view; (b) . ventral view; (c) . lateral view. Bolbapium parcepunctatum ( Arrow, 1913 ) (d) . dorsal view; (e) . ventral view; (f) . lateral view. Bolbapium santanaorum Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (g) . dorsal view; (h) . ventral view; (i) . lateral view. Bolbapium borgmeieri Martínez, 1976 (j) . dorsal view; (k) . ventral view; (l) . lateral view. Figure 11. Aedeagus. Bolbapium matheusi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (a) . dorsal view; (b) . ventral view; (c) . lateral view. Bolbapium howdeni Martínez, 1976 (d) . dorsal view; (e) . ventral view; (f) . lateral view. Bolbapium sampaioorum Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (g) . dorsal view; (h) . ventral view; (i) . lateral view. Bolbapium caesum ( Klug, 1843 ) (j) . dorsal view; (k) . ventral view; (l) . lateral view. Designation of type material. Bolbapium quinquestriatum was described based on a series type; the author did not mention how many specimens were studied and did not designate the holotype . Currently the types are deposited at the MNHN and BMNH and have been examined, respectively, by photos and in person. We propose to designate the lectotype for the species to ensure the fixation of the specific name in the best available specimen, in terms of good condition and development of any diagnostic chacacters subject to allometry. Figure 12. Geographical distribution. (a) . Bolbapium baeri ( Boucomont, 1902 ) (white circle) and Bolbapium striatopunctatum ( Castelnau, 1840 ) (black squares); (b) . Bolbapium boillyi Carvalho and Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. (white circles) and Bolbapium quadrispinosum ( Luederwaldt, 1931 ) (black squares). Differential diagnosis. Bolbapium quinquestriatum is morphologically similar to B. lucidulum , B. matheusi sp. nov. , B. paralucidulum , B. quinquestriatum and B. sulcifrons in not presenting the forehead with tubercles and interocular carinae. However, it is easily differentiated by presenting a serrated pronotum edge. Geographical distribution. Paraguay ( Caazapa , Concepción and Guairá ,) . Non-type material. 5 specimens . PARAGUAY : Caazapa , Estancia la Lejana , 26°20 ʹ S , 55°59 ʹ W , 20 .xi .2008, U . Drechsel leg . (2 COPL ); Concepción , NP Serrania San Luis , [ 22°34 ʹ 0”S , 57°28 ʹ 0”W ], 21–23 .i .2001, Mrácek leg. (2 CEMT). Guairá , Villarrica , [ 25°46 ʹ 33”S , 56°26 ʹ 58”W ], xi .1928, F . Schada leg . (1 CEMT).