Taxonomy of Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes): A. magnus and three new species from the Dinaric Karst (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Trichoniscidae) Author Bedek, Jana Author Gottstein, Sanja Author Taiti, Stefano text Zootaxa 2019 2019-08-20 4657 3 483 502 journal article 25982 10.11646/zootaxa.4657.3.4 de11fbae-19ca-40d0-99a2-eec9855c094c 1175-5326 3371966 8EC08FE6-17B3-428E-8E98-DC1AB3FC81B3 Alpioniscus ( Illyrionethes ) drazinai n. sp. ( Figs 9–11 , 15 ) 80CE14BE-EE9C-4DD2-8978-3CFB267B4B0B Alpioniscus ( Illyrionethes ) sp. 4.— Bedek et al. 2019 : figs 3, 5. Material examined. Croatia , Dalmatia , Dugi otok Island : Holotype male, Luka , Kamiškarta , Strašna peć (cave CCC HR00563 ), 44.0048°N , 15.0386°E , 29 July 2011 , leg. J. Bedek ( CBSSC IT4298 ). FIGURE 7. Alpioniscus ( Illyrionethes ) lossinii n. sp. Paratype male CBSSC IT2379 from Medvjeđa špilja. A, pereopod 1 with enlargment of dactylus; B, pereopod 7 rostral view with enlargement of merus; C, pereopod 7 merus caudal view with enlargment of hook. Scale bars: A, B = 1 mm; C, = 0.1 mm. FIGURE 8. Alpioniscus ( Illyrionethes ) lossinii n. sp. Paratype male CBSSC IT2379 from Medvjeđa špilja. A, genital papilla and pleopod 1; B, pleopod 2 with enlargement of endopod tip; C, pleopod 3 exopod; D, pleopod 4 exopod; E, pleopod 5 exopod. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Paratypes . 1 male , 14 females , sama data as holotype, ( CBSSC IT2390 ) ; 1 male , same locality and date, leg. J. Bedek , T. Dražina ( CBSSC IT2391 ) ; 1 male , 2 females , same locality, 11 October 2003 , leg. J. Bedek ( MZUF 9845 ) ; 1 male , 3 females , same locality and date, leg. B. Jalžić ( CBSSC IT279 ) ; 4 females , 2 females juv., same locality, 30 September 2006 , leg. H. Bilandžija ( CBSSC IT4229 ) ; 1 male , Sali , Ćirova jama (cave), 43.9250°N , 15.1674°E , 9 May 2017 , leg. K. Cindrić ( CBSSC IT4207 ) ; 3 males , 5 females , 3 juvs, Sali , Jamnjak , Jama na Jamnjaku (cave), 43.9396°N , 15.1461°E , 5 May 2002 , leg. A. Katalinić , T. Dražina , M. Lukić , J. Bedek , A. Sudar , H. Bilandžija , L. Katušić ( CBSSC IT4234 ) ; 2 males , 2 females , 1 juv. , same locality, 25 September 2017 , leg. K. Cindrić ( CBSSC IT4204 ) ; 2 males , 3 females , Sali , Čušćica , Jama u Čuščici (cave), 43.8990°N , 15.2121°E , 2 May 2002 , leg. A. Katalinić , T. Dražina , M. Lukić , J. Bedek , A. Sudar , H. Bilandžija , L. Katušić ( CBSSC IT4232 ) ; 1 male , 2 females , 1 juv. , same locality, 9 May 2017 , leg. L. Kauf ( CBSSC IT4200 ) ; 1 male , 1 male juv., 2 females , 1 juv. , same data ( CBSSC IT4201 ) ; 1 male , same locality and date, leg. K. Cindrić ( MZUF 9893 ) ; 2 males , 5 females , 1 juv. , Žman , Slotnjak , Podslotnjak (cave), 43.9577°N , 15.1175°E , 29 September 2017 , leg. T. Dražina ( CBSSC IT4195 ) ; 1 male , 1 male juv., 3 females , same locality and date, leg. K. Cindrić ( CBSSC IT4196 ) ; 2 males , 2 females , same locality, 11 May 2017 , leg. T. Dražina ( CBSSC IT4197 ) ; 1 female , same data ( CBSSC IT4198 ) ; 1 male juv., 3 females , 2 juvs, same locality and date, leg. P. Novina ( CBSSC IT4199 ). Other material. Croatia , Dalmatia, Kornati archipelago, Piškera Island: 2 males , 1 male juv., 5 females , Blitvica (cave), 43.7652°N , 15.3526°E , 2 October 2017 , leg. A. Kirin ( CBSSC IT4141 ) ; 2 males , 1 female juv., same locality and date, leg. V. Sudar ( CBSSC IT4144 ) ; 2 males , 3 females , same locality, 21 April 2018 , leg. T. Rožman ( CBSSC IT4249 ) ; 1 female , Petra Stijene (cave), 43.7662°N , 15.3485°E , 2 October 2017 , leg. L. Ružanović ( CBSSC IT4124 ) ; 4 males , 4 females , same locality, 21 April 2018 , leg. T. Čuković , H. Cvitanović ( CBSSC IT4236 ) ; 1 female , same locality and date, leg. T. Čuković ( CBSSC IT4237 ) ; 1 male , 1 female , same locality and date, leg. H. Cvitanović ( CBSSC IT4240 ) ; 1 male , 4 females , same locality, 19 April 2018 , leg. H. Cvitanović ( CBSSC IT4241 ) ; 1 male , 1 female , same locality and date, leg. T. Rožman ( CBSSC IT4243 ) . FIGURE 9. Alpioniscus ( Illyrionethes ) drazinai n. sp. A, paratype female CBSSC IT2390 from Strašna peć. B–F, paratype male CBSSC IT2390 from Strašna peć. A, specimen in dorsal view; B, dorsal scale-seta; C, cephalon, dorsal; D, pleonites 4, 5, telson and uropods; E, antennula; F, antenna with enlargment of flagellum. Scale bars: A, C, D, F = 1 mm; B = 0.01 mm; E = 0.1 mm. FIGURE 10. Alpioniscus ( Illyrionethes ) drazinai n. sp. Paratype male CBSSC IT2390 from Strašna peć. A, pereopod 1 with enlargment of dactylus; B, pereopod 7 rostral view with enlargements of merus and hook. Scale bar: 1 mm. Description. Maximum length: male, 5.2 mm ; female, 6.4 mm . Colourless body , pereon with almost parallel sides, pleon narrower than pereon ( Fig. 9A ). Back smooth to slightly granulated, with ridges near posterior margins of cephalon and pereonites 1–6 ( Fig. 9A ), and some triangular scale-setae ( Fig. 9B ). Some gland pores on lateral margins of pleonites 4 and 5, telson and uropodal protopods ( Fig. 9D ). Cephalon ( Fig. 9C ) with suprantennal line bent down in middle; antennal lobes quadrangular, dorsally concave. Eyes absent. Posterior margin of pereonites 1, 2 convex, of pereonite 3 straight, and of pereonites 4–7 progressively more concave ( Fig. 9A ). Pleonites 3–5 with small posterior points visible in dorsal view ( Fig. 9D ). Distal part of telson with concave sides and rounded apex ( Fig. 9D ). Antennula ( Fig. 9E ) of three articles, distal article flattened with five to eight aesthetascs. Antenna ( Fig. 9F ) with peduncle granulated; flagellum of eight to 10 articles with one row of aesthetascs on three to five different articles, always on second and third. Buccal pieces as in A. magnus . Pereopods similar in shape, ungual seta simple, dactylar seta bifid and setose ( Fig. 10A ). Uropod ( Fig. 9D ) with protopod slightly grooved on outer margin; endopod distinctly shorter than exopod, proximally inserted. Male : Pereopod 1 ( Fig. 10A ) carpus bearing five to seven setae. Pereopod 1 and 2 with propodus and carpus bearing numerous short scales on rostral surface. Pereopods 4–6 merus with small lobe proximally on sternal margin. Pereopod 7 ( Fig. 10B ) ischium with straight sternal margin; merus with slightly concave sternal margin and large hook-shaped lobe bearing scales and one seta; carpus with straight sternal and tergal margins. Genital papilla ( Fig. 11A ) with rounded apical part. Pleopod 1 ( Fig. 11A ) exopod with thickset subquadrangular distal part, apex broadly rounded, sinuous outer margin, slightly convex inner margin; endopod triangular, narrow, armed with long apical plumose seta. Pleopod 2 ( Fig. 11B ) exopod triangular with slightly concave outer margin and apical seta; endopod of two articles, distinctly longer than exopod, distal article with posterior part narrower with strong seta subapically bifid. Pleopod 3–5 exopods as in A. lossinii . Etymology. The new species is named after Dr. Tvrtko Dražina, team coordinator of the Dugi otok biospele- ological research. Remarks. Alpioniscus drazinai n. sp. differs from all the other species lacking a tergal hump on the male pereopod 7 carpus by the subquadrangular distal part of the male pleopod 1 exopod and the large and protruding hook on the male pereopod 7 merus.