Pliocene small mammals (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) from Muselievo (North Bulgaria) Author Popov, Vasil V. Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Boul. Tsar Osvoboditel 1, 1000 Sofia (Republic of Bulgaria) popov @ zoology. bas. bg text Geodiversitas 2004 26 3 403 491 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5377199 1638-9395 5377199 Pliopetaurista dehneli ( Sulimski, 1964 ) ( Fig. 24A ) Pliosciuropterus dehneli Sulimski, 1964: 172-179 , pl. IV; text-figs 5, 6, 7-2a-d; 8-2a-c. Pliopetaurista dehneli – Mein 1970: 39, figs 60-66. MATERIAL EXAMINED . — 1 p4 (Ms141); (L × W) = 2. 55 × 2. 70. DESCRIPTION The metastylid is well pronounced but it is relatively small, connected with the metaconid. The meta- and protoconids are separated by a narrow valley. The metaconid is prominent on the entolophid. There is an incipient hypolophid, which is connected with the entolophid and directed towards to the bottom of the talonid basin. There is shallow postflexid behind the hypoconid. The tooth is two rooted. The anterior root is round in cross-section, while the posterior one is flattened antero-posteriorly. TABLE 8. — Molar measurements (mm) (L x W) of fossil and extant Myomimus spp. from Bulgaria.
Myomimus complicidentatus n. sp. , M. roachi (Bate, 1937)
Muselievo recent, S Bulgaria
m1 1.57 × 1.30; 1.64 × 1.45 1.37 × 1.15; 1.27 × 1.17; 1.32 × 1.10; 1.50 × 1.27
m2 1.50 × 1.48; 1.39 × 1.43; 1.43 × 1.43; 1.38 × 1.38 1.40 × 1.37; 1.37 × 1.27; 1.40 × 1.32
M1 1.27 × 1.60 1.27 × 1.30; 1.30 × 1.40
M2 1.32 × 1.74; 1.32 × 1.61 (holotype) 1.32 × 1.55; 1.30 × 1.52; 1.32 × 1.47
M3 1.05 × 1.37 1.07 × 1.35; 1.05 × 1.32
REMARKS This premolar is shorter but wider than the respective tooth of Pliopetaurista pliocaenica (Depéret, 1897) (Mein 1970) . The occlusal pattern of the tooth entirely conforms to Pliopetaurista dehneli from Weze 2, Poland ( Sulimski 1964 : fig. 5). It differs however by its slightly larger size and in having only two roots. In this respect, it is similar with Pliopetaurista schaubi ( Sulimski, 1964 ) from Weze 1. However, the original material does not include p4, so it is difficult to make direct comparisons. On the other hand, some authors questioned the specific distinction between these forms (Mein 1970; Terzea 1980 ). Moreover, two rooted p4s were also found in P. dehneli ( Sulimski, 1964 ) . It is possible that P. shaubi is an extreme variant of P. dehneli ( Terzea 1980 ) . Such a large form, described as P. dehneli , is known from Ciuperceni, Romania ( Terzea 1980 ). Another closely related species, Pliopetaurista moldaviensis Baranova & Konkova, 1974 , is described from Moldavia and the Russian plain. According to Terzea (1980) , this form is also identical with P. dehneli . Family GLIRIDAE Thomas, 1897