The orb-weaving spider genus Chrysometa in Uruguay: distribution and description of a new species (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) Author Simó, Miguel Author Álvarez, Luis Author Laborda, Álvaro text Zootaxa 2016 4067 5 589 593 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4067.5.7 db626217-18a0-4999-9499-e1844ca3a23d 1175-5326 261745 70A9C541-12E3-4A21-91AD-8FC0F0CF53FE Chrysometa boraceia Levi, 1986 Material examined. Uruguay : Departamento Treinta y Tres, Quebrada de los Cuervos ( 32°55'S , 54°27'W ), 01.XI.2012 , A. Laborda coll. FCE-Ar 5971 ( 2 males and 6 females ); same data, 15–16.XII.2013 , FCE-Ar 5975 ( 3 males and 2 females ). Natural history. C. boraceia was reported in Atlantic forest from southeastern Brazil ( Levi 1986 ) and in the Amazonian rainforest from northern Brazil ( Nogueira et al. 2011 ), inhabiting from low to median elevations ( 1600 m ). In Paraguay the species were reported in shady habitats of humid forests from hilly areas at the east of the country ( Kochalka 1991 ). In Uruguay , as it was observed for C. pena , specimens of C. boraceia were found in ravines where webs are built near the ground next to watercourses. In this habitat both species where found in sympatry in Quebrada de los Cuervos. Distribution. Known from Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay ( Fig. 4 ).