Tasmanian Phoridae (Diptera) and some additional Australasian species Author DISNEY, R. H. L. text Journal of Natural History 2003 2003-03-31 37 5 505 639 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00222930110096564 journal article 10.1080/00222930110096564 1464-5262 5273495 Megaselia impariseta Bridarolli, 1937 (figure 25) Megaselia impariseta Bridarolli, 1937: 68 . This species has previously been reported from New Zealand and mainland Australia ( ACT , NSW ). I now report it from Tasmania and Western Australia . It is somewhat more variable in size than has been previously thought . Bridarolli (1937) described the previously unknown male of the New Zealand species M. comparabilis Schmitz. I have remounted one of his reported series of four males . It is labelled ‘ Megaselia (Aphiochaeta) comparabilis Schmitz male, Nelson N. Z. 23.V.22 A. Tonnoir cotype’. It has proved to be a female of M. impariseta . Furthermore, it cannot be a cotype of M. comparabilis as the date, locality and collector are listed by Bridarolli and not among the listings for the type series of Schmitz. Material Thirty-five males, 10 females , Tasmania , Hobart, Battery Point, De Witt Street , garden, 23–31 December 1991 , 1–11 January 1992 ( R . H. L. Disney —25-4, 7, 34, 39). Male, Western Australia , 33°50∞S, 116°23∞E, 9–10 November 1996 (Cindy Brown, 25-12); female, 34°20∞S, 116°10∞E, 14–15 September 1996 (Cindy Brown, 25-10) . Natural history Gravid females had 8–20 nearly mature eggs, the larger specimens having the larger number.