A new genus of Trachelipodidae Strouhal, 1953 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from the eastern Mediterranean Author Cardoso, Giovanna Monticelli Author Taiti, Stefano Author Sfenthourakis, Spyros text Zootaxa 2015 4040 1 1 16 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4040.1.1 3b927167-5686-4666-861f-75b65e82fcdb 1175-5326 289973 51219593-CC2D-4077-B9FA-5E2F3255FC24 Levantoniscus makrisi n. sp. Figures 7 , 8 Material examined. Cyprus : 1 ♂ Holotype ( MZUF 9613), Stavros tis Psokas, Troodos Mt., 35º01’06.04’’N 32º37’08.59’’E , 800 m , 1.II.2012 , leg. S. Sfenthourakis. Description. Size: 3.5 x 1.9 mm . Colour in ethanol: whole body pale. Body with dorsal ornamentation ( Fig. 7 A, B) with same disposition as in previous species, but with longer and narrower lamellar tubercles. Dorsum with similar cuticular structure, setae and disposition of noduli laterales. Cephalon ( Fig. 7 C, D) with quadrangular frontal lateral lobes, obliquely directed outwards with widely rounded distal margin, triangular median lobe dorsally concave, not protruding frontwards compared with lateral lobes. Eyes reduced, visible only as dot of dark pigment. Epimera of pereonites quadrangular, with posterior margin straight. Telson ( Fig. 7 E) slightly broader than long, distal part with rounded corners and distinctly concave distal margin. Antennula ( Fig. 7 F) with second article shorter than first and third; distal articles with five superimposed aesthetascs. Antenna ( Fig. 7 G) short, almost reaching posterior margin of pereonite 2; flagellum as long as fifth segment of peduncle, first flagellar article 4 times shorter than second, second flagellar article with row of three aesthetascs. Buccal pieces and uropods as in L. bicostulatus . Pereopod 1 ( Fig. 8 A) carpus with some strong setae on sternal margin. Pereopod 7 ( Fig. 8 B) ischium, merus and carpus with straight sternal margin. Pleopod 1 ( Fig. 8 C, D) exopodite small, subrectangular, about twice as wide as long; endopodite with straight distal part and triangular apical part. Pleopod 2 ( Fig. 8 E, F) exopodite triangular distinctly shorter than endopodite. Pleopod 3 ( Fig. 8 G) and 4 ( Fig. 8 H) trapezoidal with concave distal margin; pleopod 5 ( Fig. 8 I) trapezoidal with distal margin oblique and straight. FIGURE 5. Levantoniscus bicostulatus n. sp. Paratype ♀: A, adult specimen, dorsal view; B, cephalon and pereonite 1, dorsal view; C, pereonites 6 and 7, pleon, telson and uropods, dorsal view; D, pereonites 2 and 3, details of the cuticular structure; E, tubercle on pereonite 7, medial surface. FIGURE 6. Levantoniscus bicostulatus n. sp. Paratype ♀: A, pleopod 1 exopodite; B, pleopod 2 exopodite, detail of respiratory surface; C, pleopod 4 exopodite, dorsal view; D, detail of respiratory surface on pleopod 4 exopodite. Etymology. The species is named after Christodoulos Makris, for his outstanding contribution to the study of Cyprus biodiversity. Remarks. The new species is morphologically very close to L. bicostulatus in the disposition of dorsal ornamentation. It differs from this species in having paler coloration of the whole body, longer dorsal tubercles with more rounded apex, reduced eyes, telson with more concave distal margin, relatively longer articles of antenna, and longer male pleopod 1 exopodite (compare Figs 8 C and 1D). It differs from L. wahrmani (see below) in the number, disposition and shape of the dorsal tubercles, the reduced eye, and the longer male pleopod 1 exopodite. This species has been found in the wet debris accumulated inside dead and decaying wood. Similarly to L. bicostulatus , it should be considered as an endogean species coming to the surface in localities with increased humidity. Since only one specimen has been found so far, it remains to be seen whether it also occurs near water or in other habitat types .