Notes on the species of the genus Hyadina from China (Diptera: Ephydridae) Author Zhou, Dan Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China Author Zhang, Junhua Institute of Animal and Plant Quarantine, Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Beijing 100029, China Author Yang, Ding Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China text Zootaxa 2010 2010-11-12 2675 47 56 journal article 1175-5326 Hyadina pulchella Miyagi , 1977 ( Figs. 1–4 , 9–13 ) Hyadina pulchella Miyagi , 1977: 77 [ Japan . Hokkaido : Sapporo ; HT , HUS]. Diagnosis. Wing ( Fig. 9 ) brownish yellow, with nine white irregular spots, R 4+5 wavy. Epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 3 , 10 ) approximately circular, dorsal arch narrow, widened on ventral 1/4, wider portion tapered, subapical with two moderate setae, ventral apex acute and with 1 strong seta (broken in Fig. 3 ); cercus in posterior view ( Fig. 3 , 10 ) broadly lunate, with slender process ventrally; aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 13 ) wide basally, curved and gradually tapered to pointed apex; phallpodeme in lateral view ( Fig. 13 ) triangular, extended portion wide, oriented toward hypandrium; gonite in lateral view ( Fig. 13 ) slender and long; hypandrium in ventral view ( Fig. 4 , 12 ) with truncate anterior margin, extended arms slender. Material studied. 1♁, China , Henan , Zhengzhou , Zhengzhou University new campus, 34°48'12''N , 113°40'43''E , 91 m , 24.VII.2009 , Junchao Wang leg.; 1♀ , China , Hunan , Yueyang , Dongting Lake , Caisanghu , 29°05'46''N , 112°46'29''E , 22 m , 19.X.2007 , Qifei Liu leg.; 1♀ , China , Hunan , Yueyang , East Dongting Lake , Dingzidi management station, 29°17'18''N , 113°02'29''E , 18 m , 21.X.2007 , Qifei Liu leg. Description. Male . Body length 1.50–1.59 mm, wing length 1.86–1.95 mm. Head shiny black. Frons shiny black, with sparse brownish yellow microtomentum; face and gene black with dense grayish yellow microtomentum; ocellar triangle with dense brownish yellow microtomentum. Fronto-orbital seta absent; 1 strong medial vertical seta, lateral vertical seta absent; 1 pair of weak ocellar setae; face and gena without conspicuous setae. Antennae black, first flagellomere black dorsally and yellow ventrally, with dense brownish yellow microtomentum; arista short-haired. Palpus black. Gena-to-eye ratio 0.24–0.26. Thorax shiny black. Mesonotum shiny black, with sparse brownish yellow microtomentum; scutellum concolorous with mesonotum, except for velvety black laterally; pleura shiny black, lower half of notopleura, lower margin of anepisternum and katepisternum with dense grayish yellow microtomentum, other areas with sparse brownish yellow microtomentum. Chaetotaxy of mesonotum degenerate, acrostichal and dorsocentral setae small; 1 strong prescutellar seta; anterior notopleural seta absent and posterior notopleural seta strong; postpronotal setae weak; anepisternum with 1 strong seta at posterior margin; katepisternum setae absent; 1 supraalar seta; scutellum with 1 pair of strong apical setae and 1 pair of weak lateral setae. Coxae brownish black at extreme bases, tarsomere 5 brown, other parts brownish yellow; legs of normal form, without conspicuous setae. Wing ( Fig. 9 ) brownish yellow, with nine white irregular spots; veins dark brown, R 4+5 wavy, costa extending to vein M; costal vein ratio 1.04–1.06, M vein ratio 0.40–0.43. Halter brownish black. FIGURES 1–4. Hyadina pulchella Miyagi, male. (1) Genitalia, ventral view; (2) Genitalia, lateral view; (3) Epandrium, cercus, posterior view; (4) Aedeagus, gonite, hypandrium and phallpodeme, ventral view. Scale bar of Fig, 1–4 = 0.15 mm. Abdomen brownish black, with sparse brownish yellow microtomentum. Male genitalia ( Fig. 1, 2 ): epandrium in posterior view ( Fig. 3 , 10 ) approximately circular, dorsal arch narrow, widened on ventral 1/4, wider portion tapered, subapical with two moderate setae, ventral apex acute and with 1 strong seta (broken in Fig. 3 ); cercus in posterior view ( Fig. 3 , 10 ) broadly lunate, with slender process ventrally; aedeagus in lateral view ( Fig. 13 ) wide basally, curved and gradually tapered to pointed apex; phallpodeme in lateral view ( Fig. 13 ) triangular, extended portion wide, oriented toward hypandrium; gonite in lateral view ( Fig. 13 ) slender and long; hypandrium in ventral view ( Fig. 4 , 12 ) with truncate anterior margin, extended arms slender. Distribution. Oriental: China ( Hunan ); Japan (Ryukyu Islands). Palaearctic: China ( Henan ); Japan ( Hokkaido , Honshu, Shikoku), Russia (Far East). Remarks. This species is distinctly different from H. quinquepunctata Zhang & Yang from the Oriental China by having a wing with nine white spots. In H. quinquepunctata Zhang & Yang , the wing has five white spots ( Zhang & Yang [2009] ).