Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Author Makranczy, György text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2017 2017-06-19 63 2 143 262 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12625425 671ADB82-5AA9-418A-BB5C-DB3B912D3BD2 Anotylus franzi ( Coiffait, 1982 ) ( Figs 86 , 104–110 ) Oxytelopsis franzi Coiffait, 1982: 162 ; CoiffAit 1984: 150 ; HeRmAN 2001: 1413. Examined type material – Oxytelopsis franzi Coiffait Neotype (m, here designated): “ NEPAL : (prov. Bagmati ); below Thare Pati ; 3300 m , 10. V .[19]81; [leg. I.] Löbl & [A.] Smetana; [on the backside:] 18b [tamisage de mousses, de fougères et de feuilles mortes d’érables sur une pente raide près d’un ruisseau] \ Neotypus ; Oxytelopsis ; franzi Coiffait ; des. Makranczy, 2015 \ Anotylus ; franzi (Coiffait) ; det. Makranczy , 2015” ( NHMW ). Figs 82–83. Habitus of Anotylus species. 82 = A. hartmanni sp. n. , 83 = A. schillhammeri sp. n. Other material NEPAL : prov. Bagmati , Burlang Bhanjyang , 2600 m , 5.IV.1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (7b), tamisage de mousses et de feuilles mortes près d’une source (2, MHNG , 1, ISNB ); prov. Bagmati , au-dessus de Gul Bhanjyang , 2600 m , 6.IV.1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (9), vieille chênaie sur le versant nord, pente raide, tamisage de feuilles mortes, mousses et bois pourri, au pied des arbres (13, MHNG ) ; prov. Bagmati , Malemchi , 2900 m , 14. V .1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (23), tamisage de branches pourries, feuilles mortes, herbe et mousses au pied d‘une muraille près du village (1, MHNG ) ; prov. Bagma- ti, Malemchi , 2800 m , 14. V .1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (24), tamisage de branches pour- ries, feuilles mortes, herbe et mousses au pied d‘une muraille près du village (9, MHNG , 1, CNCI , 1, NIBR , 1, ZMHB , 1, HNHM ); prov. Bagmati , Malemchi , 2900 m , 18. V .1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (30), mousses sur les tsuga, tamisage; tamisage de bois pourri dans un chêne creux (9, MHNG ) ; prov. Bagmati , Tarke Ghyang [ 28°00.0‘N , 85°33.5‘E ], 2650 m , 19.IV.1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (32a), tamisage de feuilles mortes et de mousses dans un ravin près d‘un ruisseau (4, MHNG , 1, NKME, 1, SDEI ); prov. Bagmati , above Sher- mathang, 2900 m , 26.IV.1981 , leg. I. Löbl & A. Smetana (47c), tamisage de feuilles mortes et fougères entre les roches dans une forêt de chênes-rhododendrons (4, MHNG , 1, BMNH , 1, MNHP , 1, ZMUC , 1, FMNH , 1, NMPC , 1, SMNS , 1, AMNH , 1 m , 1, HNHM ) . Figs 84–85. Habitus of Anotylus species. 84 = A. schuelkei sp. n. , 85 = A. bengalensis (Biswas et Sengupta, 1980) Figs 86–87. Habitus of Anotylus species. 86 = A. franzi ( Coiffait, 1982 ) , 87 = A. jaljulensis ( Coiffait, 1984 ) Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.60 (0.58–0.61); TW = 0.58 (0.56–0.60); PW = 0.79 (0.75–0.84); EW = 0.81 (0.78–0.84); AW = 0.86 (0.82–0.91); HL = 0.63 (0.46–0.49); EL = 0.105 (0.10–0.11); TL = 0.19 (0.18–0.20); PL = 0.52 (0.50–0.54); SC = 0.38 (0.36–0.39); FB = 1.42 (1.38–1.45); BL = 2.90 (2.75–3.06). Habitus as in Fig. 86 . Forebody moderatelyshiningdespitesculpture, abdomenwithcoriaceousmicrosculpture, moderately finelyandshallowlypunctured, lesslustrous. Bodyreddishmediumtodarkbrownexcept anteriormarginofhead, lateralmarginofpronotum, antennomeres 1–4 andmouthparts mediumbrown, apexoflastantennomereoccasionallyalsolighter. Headwithanterior margintruncateinmiddle, obliquetosupraantennaltubercles (asmoderatelyelevated obliqueridges) wheregentlyangledagain, possessingslightrim (obsoleteatfront), disc slightlyimpressedneareyes. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (almostun- puncturedinside), uppersurfacewithouttactilesetae, eyessmallandextremelybulging (likehalfsphere); indorsalviewtemples (1.8× lengthofeye) alatiform, laterallyslightly broadeningandangled, posteriorlyconstrictedtoformdistinctneck, however, dorsalside notseparatedbyoccipitalfurrow, ratherbydorsumofneckbearingmicrosculpturein- steadofpunctation. Antennomere 1 flattenedclub-shapedandsmooth, segment 2 basally broadovoid, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 smallandisodiametrical, segments 5–11 withbasaldishes, articles 6–10 slightlytransverse (about 1.3× broaderthanlong). Head andpronotumwithmostlylacunosesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanate andslightlyup-turned, edgewithafewshortsetae, lateralborderalmostevenlyarched, withoutposteriorcorners, withanumberofsmall, irregularlydistributedtubercles; disc mediallyratherconvex, withtwofaint, parallellongitudinalridges, laterallyimpressed aroundmiddleofsides. Elytrawithverythinmembranousposteriormarginextending fromsuturalcornertolateral 3/4 ofhindmargin. Elytralepipleuralridgepresentwithupturnedlateralalatiformportions, discdepressed; shouldersmoderatelydeveloped, surface foveolate, inbetweenpuncturestorulose. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveralspi- nuloserows, metatibiawithlongitudinalctenidiumofspinulesindistalhalfindistalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesweaklyarcuate, secondsegmentwithparatergitesstronglybroaden- ingposteriorly (abdomenappearingconstrictedatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergitesbroad. PosterioredgeoftergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, median part of sternite VII as in Fig. 104 , sternite VIII ( Fig. 105 ), tergites IX ( Fig. 106 ), X ( Fig. 107 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 108–110 . Figs 88–89. Habitus of Anotylus species. 88 = A. jambi sp. n. , 89 = A. ijen sp. n. Figs 90–91. Habitus of Anotylus species. 90 = A. lucidulus (Cameron, 1936) , 91 = A. riedeli sp. n. Distribution – Onlyknownfromarathernarrowareaaroundtheoriginal typelocalityincentralNepal. Figs 92–93. Habitus of Anotylus species. 92 = A. andrewesi (Cameron, 1930) , 93 = A. topali sp. n. Remarks – Theoriginalmaterialof Oxytelopsisfranzi ismissing. Neither theholotypefrom “ Népal (central), zw.[ischen] Mulk[h]arkaundTarePati [TharePati, 28°00’16”N , 85°29’40”E ]” inH. Franz’ scollection ( NHMW ), nor thesupposedlyfemaleparatypeinthecollectionofH. Coiffait ( MNHP ) are foundinthedepositoriesindicatedinthedescription. Thelistoftheauthor’ s typespecimens ( CoiffAit 1986 ) doesnoteveninclude Oxytelopsisfranzi . Thereforeaneotypemustbedesignatedtoclarifythetaxonomicstatusofthe taxon – luckily, asuitablespecimenexistsfromalmostexactlytheoriginal typelocalityandthereforethereisnodoubtaboutthecorrectinterpretation of the name.