Review Of The Anotylus Cimicoides Species Group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae) Author Makranczy, György text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2017 2017-06-19 63 2 143 262 journal article 10.17109/AZH. 2064-2474 12625425 671ADB82-5AA9-418A-BB5C-DB3B912D3BD2 Anotylus apicipennis ( Fauvel, 1895 ) ( Figs 15–21 , 71 ) Oxytelopsis apicipennis Fauvel, 1895: 200 ; CAmeRoN 1930: 204; HeRmAN 1970: 413; CoiffAit 1984: 150 ; HeRmAN 2001: 1413. Examined type material – Oxytelopsis apicipennis Fauvel Lectotype (f, here designated): “Lecto-; type [lilacmargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ [Mt.] Carin; AsciuiiGhecù [ 19°17.0’N , 96°42.5’E ]; 1400–1500 m .; L. Fea. III-IV.[18]88. \ apicipennis; Fvl. \ Coll. et det. A. Fauvel ; Oxytelopsis ; apicipennisFauv.; R . I.Sc. N.B. 17.479 \ Syntype \ Oxytelopsis ; api- cipennisFvl.; P.M. Hammond ; det. 1972; Lectotype \ f \ Anotylus ; apicipennis (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy , 2015” ( ISNB ). Other material NEPAL : Dhaulagiri Himal , S-slope, N Banduk vill., 1900–2300 m , 28°27’22”N 83°35’13”E to 28°28’07”N 83°35’10”E , 06. V .2009, leg. J. Schmidt (7, NKME ); Manaslu Mts ., S of Bara Pokhari , 2300 m , 08.IV.2003 , leg. J. Schmidt (1, NKME ); Manaslu Mts., S Bara Pokhari , ca . 28°15’N , 84°25’E , 2100 m , 29.IV.2005 , leg. J. Schmidt (3, NKME ); ManasluMts. , BaraPokhariLekhaboveBhachokGoanvillage , 28°14’28”N , 84°24’32”E , 1600–1800 m , 29.IV.2005 , leg. J. Schmidt (3, NKME ); NKathmandu, ShivapuriLekh , upper Bagmatirivervalley , 1700–1800 m , 24. V .2005, leg. J. Schmidt (2, NKME ); INDIA : WestBen- gal, Darjeelingdistr., Algarah, 1800 m , 9.X.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (6), tamisageen forêt (1, MHNG ); WestBengal, Darjeelingdistr., entreAlgarahetLabha, à 7 kmd‘Algarah, versant sud, 1900 m , 11.X.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (10), tamisage en forêt (5, MHNG , 1, HNHM ); Meghalaya , KhasiHills, au-dessusdeShillong, N-slope, 1850–1950 m , forêt primaireduShillongPeak, 25.X.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (27), tamisageenforêt (4, MHNG ); Meghalaya , KhasiHills, Mawsynram-Balat, 1000 m , 27.X.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (30b), tamisageenforêt (1, MHNG ); Meghalaya , KhasiHills , Weiloi [ 25°21’N , 91°36’E ], 1700 m , 27.X.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (31), tamisage en forêt (8, MHNG , 2, HNHM ); Meghalaya , KhasiHills , au-dessusdeShillong, 1850–1950 m , forêtprimairedu Shillong Peak , 30.X.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (35b), tamisage en forêt (5, MHNG ); Meghalaya , GaroHills , au-dessusdeTura, 700–900 m , forêtduTuraPeak, 1.XI.1978 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl (37b), tamisageenforêt (3, MHNG ); NE-, ArunachalPr. ( SouthTibet ), Etalinvicinity , 28°36‘56“N , 95°53‘21“E , 700 m , 15-25. V .2012, leg. L. Dembický , sifting + Winklerapp. extraction (2, ZFMK ); Assam , NorthCacharHillsdistr., Mt. Borail , Borail Peak , 25°06‘43“N , 93°03‘11“E , 1700 m , 19.X.2005 , leg. G. Cuccodoro & A. Marletta (8a), siftingbambooleaflitterinmountainrainforest (12, MHNG ) ; MYANMAR : ShanState , ca. 35 kmNAungban, MintaingbinForestCamp, primaryriverineforest, extendingca. 50-100 m fromMintaingbinriver, periphericareacultivated , 20°55.20’N , 96°33.60’E , ca. 1320 m , 11- 23. VI .2004, leg. H. Schillhammer , H. Shaverdo , & UMyintHlaing (146a), FIT (1, NHMW ); MandalayRegion , MogokTownship , SPanlinvill., Mt. TaungMae , westslope, 1710–1750 m , ca . 22°58’09”N , 96°27’13”E , 10-18. VI .2014, leg. A. Brunke & H. Schillhammer (MBS 201a), siftedfromwetleaflitter (11, NHMW ); MandalayRegion , ca. 7 kmNWMogok, aboveroadMogok- Bernardmyo , SPanlinvillage, westslopeofMt. TaungMae , ca . 22°58’05.8”N , 96°27’29”E , ca. 1870 m , 17-24. V .2016, leg. H. Schillhammer , A. Brunke , J. Jen- kinsShaw, A. Jensen (212b), slightlydisturbedprimaryforest, siftingofleaflitter ( 4 m , 1 f, 16, NHMW , 2 m , HNHM ) ; CHINA : Yunnan , EKunming, XiaobailongForestPark, 24°55’43”N , 103°05’22”E , 2110 m , 10.VIII.2014 , leg. V . Assing (3) secondarypineforest, pinelitterandlitterattrailmarginsifted (1, coll. Assing ); Yunnan , mountainsSJianshui, 23°25’20”N , 102°51’05”E , 1890 m , 22.VIII.2014 , leg. V . Assing (18), subtropicalbroad-leaved forest, litter sifted (6, coll. Assing ); Yunnan , W-, 60 km E Tongchong , 2300 m , 14-19. V .2006, [leg.] S. Murzin & I. Shokhin (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , GaoligongShan , nr. Xiaoheishan N. R ., 35 km SE Tengchong , 24°50’16”N , 98°45’43”E , 2110 m , 30. V / 4. VI .2007 , leg. D.W. Wrase (11), primarydecid. forest, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , Baoshan Pref. , GaoligongShan , nr. XiaoheishanN. R ., 35 kmSETengchong, 24°50’16”N , 98°45’43”E , 2110 m , 30. V .2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-11), deciduousforest, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , GaoligongShan , nr. XiaoheishanN. R ., 35 kmSETengchong, 24°50’16”N , 98°45’43”E , 2110 m , 4. VI .2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-11B), deciduous forest, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , mountainrange 14 kmETengchong , 25°00’28”N , 98°38’07”E , 1850 m , 1. VI .2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-16), secondarymixed forest, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , mountainrange 25 kmSTeng- chong , 24°48’28”N , 98°32’03”E , 1900 m , 2. VI .2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-17), devastated primarydeciduousforest, litter, fungisifted (2, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , mountainrange 22 kmSTengchong , 24°49’29”N , 98°29’27”E , 1750 m , 2. VI .2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-18), secondaryforest, litter, deadwood, sifted (2, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , DaliBaiAuton. Pref. , WuliangShan , 9 kmSWWeishan , 25°10’14”N , 100°14’22”E , 2450– 2500 m , 13. VI .2007, leg. M. Schülke ( CH 07-35), W slope, oaks and pines, sifted (2, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , DaliBaiAuton. Pref. , WuliangShan , 9 kmSWWeishan , 25°10’14”N , 100°14’22”E , 2450–2500 m , 13. VI .2007, leg. D.W. Wrase (35), Wslopesecondaryoak/pine forest, pasture, understones (1, coll. Schülke); Yunnan, BaoshanPref., GaoligongShan, W pass 35 km SE Tengchong , 24°50’18”N , 98°45’43”E , 2100 m , 25-28.VIII.2009 , leg. D.W. Wrase (06), devastatedprimarydecid. forest, littersifted (1, coll. Schülke); Yunnan, Ba- oshanPref., GaoligongShan, Wpass 35 kmSETengchong, 24°50’18”N , 98°45’43”E , 2100 m , 25.VIII.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-06), devastatedprimarydeciduousforest, litter, wood, mushrooms, sifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , GaoligongShan , 65 km NNE Tengchong , 25°35’20”N , 98°40’21”E , 1750 m , 31.VIII.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09- 10b), secondarymixedforest, stonedebris, litterandmoss, sifted (10, coll. Schülke ); Yun- nan, BaoshanPref. , mountainrange 25 kmSTengchong , 24°48’21”N , 98°32’05”E , 1900 m , 30.VIII.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-18), cleftwithdevastatedprimaryforest, litter & mushroomsifted (1, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , BaoshanPref. , Gao-ligongShan, 78kmNTeng- chong , 25°44’49”N , 98°33’29”E , 2000 m , 1.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-21), cleft with creekandforestremnant, litter & deadwoodsifted (2, coll. Schülke , 1, NMPC ); Yunnan , Lincang Pref., Bangma Shan , 33 km SSW Lincang , 23°35’41”N , 100°00’27”E , 2150 m , 11. IX.2009 , leg. D.W. Wrase (42), deciduousforestremnant, Nslope, litter/mosssifted (1, coll. Schülke); Yunnan, LincangPref., BangmaShan, 33kmSSWLincang, 23°35’41”N , 100°00’27”E , 2150 m , 11.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-42), deciduousforestremnant, N slope, litteranddeadwood, sifted (3, coll. Schülke ); Yunnan , LincangPref. , XueShan , 48 km N Lincang , 24°19’03”N , 100°07’13”E , 2070 m , 12.IX.2009 , leg. M. Schülke ( CH 09-45), forestremnant, Nslope , litter & mushroomssifted (17, coll. Schülke ) ; THAILAND : Chiang Mai prov. , Doi Suthep, versant sud, 1450 m , 4.XI.1985 , leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (5), tamisagededébrisvégétauxdansunravinassezhumide (15, MHNG ); ChiangMaiprov., DoiSuthep, versantnord, 1550 m , 4.XI.1985 , leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (8), tamisagede feuilles mortes dans un petit ravin avec ruisselet (2, MHNG ); Chiang Mai , Doi Suthep, versantnord, 1400 m , 5.XI.1985 , leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (11), ravintrèshumide, tamisagedefeuillesmortesprèsd‘unruisseau (3, MHNG ); ChiangMai, DoiInthanon, ravinen forêt, 1720 m , 7.XI.1985 , leg. D. Burckhardt & I. Löbl (15), tamisagededébrisvégétaux (3, MHNG ); ChiangMai, DoiInthanon, ravintrèshumide, 1650 m , 7.XI.1985 , leg. D. Burck- hardt & I. Löbl (16), tamisagededébrisvégétauxetdechampignonsprèsd‘unruisselet (54, MHNG ); prov. ChiangMai, DoiInthanon, 1780 m , 17.XII.1986 , leg. P. Schwendinger (1, MHNG ); N-, CW Chiang Mai , Doi Inthanon , 1800 m , 14. V .2006, leg. R . Grimm (4, SMNS ); DoiInthanon , Maeaum , 18°32’N , 98°31’E , 1560 m , 18.XII.2013 , leg. Ob (1), siftednearstream (1, coll. Assing); Doi Inthanon, Mae Aum, 18°31’N , 98°30’E , 1640 m , 11.I.2014 , leg. Ob (26), moistevergreenforest (1, coll. Assing); DoiInthanon, Gate 2, 18°32’N , 98°30’E , 1570 m , 14.I.2014 , leg. Ob (28), moist primary forest (1, coll. Assing); Doi Pha Hom Pok, Kiew Lom, 20°03’N , 99°09’E , 1935 m , 22.I.2014 , leg. Ob (55), leaf litter sifted (1, coll. Assing ); Mae Hong Sonprov. , BanMaeoMicrowave, 1250 m , 15.XII.1990 , leg. P. Schwendinger (1, MHNG ) . Figs 15–21. Anotylus apicipennis ( Fauvel, 1895 ) , male. 15 = median part of sternite VII, 16 = sternite VIII, 17 = tergite IX, 18 = tergite X, 19 = aedeagus, frontal view, 20 = median lobe, lateral view, 21 = paramere, lateral view. Scales: 0.175 mm for Fig. 18, 0.20 mm for Figs 15, 19–21, 0.22 mm for Fig. 17 , 0.29 mm for Fig. 16 Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n=10): HW = 0.93 (0.86–0.96); TW = 0.87 (0.81– 0.92); PW = 1.22 (1.14–1.27); EW = 1.36 (1.28–1.43); AW = 1.37 (1.28–1.43); HL = 0.71 (0.68– 0.73); EL = 0.185 (0.17–0.20); TL = 0.26 (0.24–0.27); PL = 0.82 (0.78–0.86); SC = 0.93 (0.87–0.99); FB = 2.58 (2.48–2.69); BL = 5.30 (4.92–5.46). Habitus as in Fig. 71 . Forebody moderately shin- ingdespitesculpture, abdomenveryfinelymicrosculptured, lesslustrous. Bodyreddish darkbrown (orevenblackish), exceptmouthpartsreddishmediumbrown. Headwiththin rimonanteriormargin, lattertruncateinmiddle, veryslightlyangledalsoatsupraanten- nalprominences, theseaselevatedobliqueridges, discimpressedonsmallareaneareyes. Epistomalsutureformingsubcircularimpression (almostunpuncturedinside), uppersur- facewithweaklydevelopedtactilesetae (intratemporalis, situatedpostero-mediallyofeach eye), eyessmall (unusuallysituatedposteriortomiddleofheadlength), slightlybulging fromsidelineofhead; indorsalviewtemples (1.4× lengthofeye) alatiform, laterallyround- edandposteriorlyconstrictedtoformdistinctneck, demarcatedbyoccipitalfurrow, the ridgecontinuesfrominnersideofeyetolateralpartofanteriorneck, thenalong (anteriad) theoccipitalfurrow; thepartoftemplelateradridgeconspicuouslysetose. Antennomere 1 club-shaped, finelysculptured, segment 2 oval, segment 3 club-shaped, segment 4 small andisodiametrical, segments 5–11 withbasaldishes, articles 6–10 isodiametrical (about aslongasbroad), segment 11 somewhatlighteratapex. Headandpronotumwithmostly lacunosesculpture. Pronotumwithlateralportionexplanateandslightlyup-turned, edge alatiformwithverysparseshortsetae; lateralborderevenlyarchedwithmarginalridgeand anumberofsmall, regularlydistributeddenticles, posteriormarginbeforecornersconcave butnotincised; discmediallywithtwoalmostparallellongitudinalridgesnearlyconfluent posteriorly, impressedalongsidethem, laterallyimpressednearsidemargin. Elytrawith membranousposteriormarginextendingfromsuturalcornerto 5/6 ofhindmargin. Ely- tralepipleuralridgeapparentasstrongersculpturelinesinlateralalatiformportions, disc somewhatimpressedincentre; shoulderswelldeveloped, surfacefoveolate, inbetween puncturestorulose. Legsshort, pro-andmesotibiawithseveralspinuloserows, metatibia withlongitudinalctenidiumofspinulesindistalhalf. Abdomenwithsidesmoderately arcuate, secondsegmentwithparatergitesbroadeningposteriorly (abdomenappearing constrictedatbase), thoseofsegmentsIII–VIIthin, mesalparatergitesbroad, posterioredge oftergiteVIIwiththinpalisadefringe, medianpartofsterniteVIIasinFig. 15 , sterniteVIII ( Fig. 16 ), tergitesIX ( Fig. 17 ), X ( Fig. 18 ) andaedeagusasinFigs 19–21 . Distribution – ThedistributionrangesfromtheHimalayatonorthern Thailand . Remarks – Thelargestspeciesofthespeciesgroup, alsonotableasone withdifferentshapeofaedeagusandstructureofterminaliafromtherestof thespecies.