The genus Heteragrion (Odonata: Zygoptera) in Northwestern Colombia, with the description of Heteragrion tatama sp. nov. Author Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés Author Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-14 4347 3 553 571 journal article 31540 10.11646/zootaxa.4347.3.8 79be0aab-25c7-4277-8a5d-714b5bca404d 1175-5326 1048659 505DF945-616E-42C0-B5A4-519D4E3A1212 Heteragrion calendulum Williamson, 1919 Heteragrion atrolineatum Donnelly, 1992 . (Holotype ♂, Allotype ♀ in USNM). Syn. nov . Material Examined. COLOMBIA : 1♂ Holotype , Department of Antioquia , Municipality of Puerto Berrio , La Cristalina Township , 17 February 1917 , J.H. and E.B. Williamson . 1♂ and 1♀ : Department Risaralda , Municipality of Pueblo Rico , Santa Cecilia Township , Alto Amurrupá Reserve , Ranas de Cristal stream, 5.32033°N 76.17357°W 620m a.s.l. , 15 February 2017 , J. Sandoval and C. Bota leg . 6♂♂ and 2 ♀♀ : PANAMA , Darién , Perresénico River , Estación Rancho Frío , 8.01982°N 77.73257°W 80m a.s.l. , 17 November 2014 , D. Delgado , A. Ramírez and R. Novelo leg. FIGURE 4. Dorsum of prothorax: a, H. aequatoriale female, PNN Tatamá. H. calendulum Santa Cecilia, b, male; c, female. d, H. m. atroterminatum female, Santa Cecilia. H. tatama PNN Tatamá, e, female; f, male. Female prothoracic intersternite: g, H. aequatoriale , PNN Tatamá; H. calendulum : h, Santa Cecilia; i, Rancho Frío (Panama); j, H. erythrogastrum, La Cristalina ; k, H. m. atroterminatum , Santa Cecilia; H. m. mitratum : l, La Cristalina; m, La Fría (Venezuela); n-o, H. peregrinum , female Paratype La Cristalina; p, H. tatama , PNN Tatamá. Pictures l-o by Dr. Garrison. FIGURE 5. Female S9-S10 lateral view: a, H. aequatoriale , PNN Tatamá; b, H. calendulum , Santa Cecilia; c, H. m. atroterminatum , Santa Cecilia; d, H. tatama , PNN Tatamá. H. aequatoriale live pair in PNN Tatamá: e, copula; f, oviposition. Remarks. This species was described based on a single male collected at La Cristalina stream (Puerto Berrio- Antioquia ) on February 17 of 1917, by Jesse Williamson and Edward B. Williamson, who were impressed by its beauty and rarity and tried, unsuccessfully, to catch some more specimens ( Williamson 1919 ). Exactly one century after this first collection, a second collection was made on February 15 of 2017 at the Ranas de Cristal stream (Santa Cecilia-Risaralda) by Juliana Sandoval and Cornelio Bota-Sierra who, as the Williamsons tried in vain to get more specimens, luckily caught a pair in tandem. The male specimen matched Williamson’s description exactly ( Figs 3i , k ; 4b; 6a, i–j). Examination of female genital valves showed several rows of denticles ( Fig. 9d ) which places it in Lencioni´s group A. Williamson (1919) classified this species within the group B based on the small elongated finger-like paraprocts of male ( Fig. 6j ), which make this species an intermediate between groups A and B. Further analysis will be needed to determine the monophyly of these groups and where to place H. calendulum . Specimens deposited in IEXA, collected in Panama and formerly identified as H. atrolineatum using Donnelly´s (1992) taxonomic key and diagnosis, were reexamined and compared to Williamson´s description of H. calendulum , as well as to the Colombian specimens. Also, Dr. Garrison compared the paratypes of H. atrolineatum in his collection to our pictures and description of the new Colombian specimens. After a thorough examination of these specimens, we conclude that H. atrolineatum is a junior synonym of H. calendulum ( Figs 3i –k ; 4 b–c, h–i; 5b; 6a–b, i–j; 8d). Donnelly (1992) followed Williamson’s (1919) criteria grouping H. atrolineatum with H. chrysops , H. alienum and H. tricellulare because of their pale coloration on dorsum of abdominal segments. Donnelly (1992) recognized a variation in color pattern with the Panamanian males having slightly darker color than Costa Rican males. Mark O´Brien, collection manager of the University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, photographed the holotype of H. calendulum and Dr. Garrison photographed a Costa Rican paratype of H. atrolineatum , based on this evidence we concluded that the only difference between these specimens is the darker coloration pattern on the holotype of H. calendulum , which probably led Donnelly to confuse them using Williamson´s key. Therefore, we consider that H. atrolineatum is a junior subjective synonym of H. calendulum . Bota-Sierra et al. (2016) erroneously recorded a second locality for H. calendulum in Amalfí-Antioquia. They were led astray by the similar coloration pattern of the face of H. aequatoriale with that of H. calendulum ( Fig. 3g , i ). After the rediscovery of H. calendulum and the comparison with diverse populations of H. aequatoriale , it becomes clear that the Amalfí population is a morph of H. aequatoriale , with a variation in face coloration close to H. calendulum .